clown: you are a moron. i'm not going to continue to argue with you, because i don't actually care about anything you've got to say. you're too stupid to be important to me, and you don't treat your associates well so i don't even have a reason to care about the way you(incorrectly)think. the only reason i'm here is because mmmmk told me to come here. so this is it. i'm going to respond on the behalf of someone else, because i don't even have enough interest to care about this unless someone else is asking me to. say whatever you want if you feel like you've got to have the last word. i'm not even going to defend myself against it, or even read it probably, so make sure it's something really offensive and insulting, so you can look cool in front of whoever bothers to read your personal journal(which is probably also filled with uneducated inconsistencies...).
Then leave the bandwidth wasting comments out,'s just that simple man...if "mmmmk" asked you to do it...write a letter...don't waste time making frivolous comments, go see Karen.
lol, i haven't asked anyone for anything. you think ryan would get involved in my own personal affairs if he didn't have some sort of involvement himself? you forget that it was he that clown originally insulted. i believe i am perfectly capable of holding my own.
i believe the exact wording in his comment was "i responded because you asked me to take a look." and i believe my wording was "P.S. you should check out Clown's Livejournal page, he's got a few things to say to you." has it really just gotten this petty? is that what this has degraded to? what happened to the somewhat intelligent discourse we were having?
as upset as i am with you, at least you can admit that you've done me wrong, for your own reasons. i guess part of what got me though was the fact that you never really told me why, or really bothered to explain anything to me, instead all you left was a hazy, melodramatic message on Myspace saying "hope everything goes great for you. bye." at least Addy IMed me and talked to me about it. so, now you know how i feel, i somewhat know how you feel, or felt, and we have come to the decision that our differences are irreconcilable. sad when friends become enemies, no?
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