Stupid People.

Apr 26, 2007 18:40

Exact quote from the person who called me a moron

"hahahah, no. although i don't have any particular respect for wicca, i don't have any antipathy for it either.

rather, wicca is the new kid on the block. people and institutions are still unsure of it's validity and it's lasting power. i mean, look at mormanism: it's been around for a lot longer than wicca has, and a lot of people today STILL don't take it seriously. the government doesn't want someone walking through the arlington cemetery to stop at years 2007 through 2014 and say "why are there a bunch of those pentagram thingies here, but nowhere else?", and the tour guide would have to shake her head and say "well... that's known as the 'great wicca line'. wicca was a relgion that was popular in the eighties, ninties, and late two-thousands, but never really progressed past that point". think about it: new faiths come and go like every year. organizations can't exactly rush to accept and institutionalize them all before they've shown that they're going to last at least a half a century. i'd be irritated if the post office closed on some obscure religious holiday for a faith that's only been around four months, and which will cease to be around in eight months.

basically, i can understand why the government was hesitant to acknowledge wicca in such a public and permanent way. it's still in it's adolescence, and until recently it didn't look like it was even going to necessarily last that long. wicca was a fad, like pokemon cards and the atkins diet. but even christianity started out as a creepy fad cult. wicca is just now starting to prove itself as a valid faith, and a valid tool for self-progression."

Wow i didn't know people could be this ignorant and stupid. Wicca is a religion dating back past the start of christianity, but we're a fad? hmm maybe someone should do their research before putting down a lot of people and their beliefs.

You sir are ignorant. Do your research that's my only advice. if you wanna debate this i'll debate it, but not until you know your facts and you drop your "i know everything" ego.

You are the biggest joke i've ever seen. Thinking you know everything about people and who they are when you can't even say "hello" to a random stranger. This world owes you nothing so don't act like it does. As for your racist comments i've seen you make, you just make yourself look like a fool. I've brushed them off as "oh that just how he is" but no more. You've obviously shown how uneducated and ignorant you are to the world around you.
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