where has the semester gone?

May 17, 2008 00:13

so seriously....where has the semester gone? after 3 months of stressing, making deadlines, studying, writing papers, and DRAMA among both friends and family alike the semester is over! Don't get me wrong there were plenty of good times, like club trips, bonfire parties on West Rock, concerts, blunt rides, etc.....but it is very bittersweet that is over. It is also very weird that next yr. is my final year of school and I will venture into the realm of grad school and the real world, for the first time I will actually be away from my family (depending on the school I get into to, I will most likely be relocating to New York City) and the person that I can depend on will be Zac cuz we will both be there together trying to live our lives.....

another thing that I've been thinking alot about lately is children....idk mybe it was Mother's Day or the fact that I've been seeing babies everywhere I go...but me and Zac (and it turns out alot of my friends and their boyfriends) have been talking about how many kids we want to have and wht gender (right now I want 3....2 girls and a boy, Zac wants 2.....one boy and one girl)....I guess its normal for a girl to think this way at some stage in her life.....

well now my summer has begun.....one month till my sister's wedding (Larry is moving into our house on Monday...I can't believe it!).....so basically I plan to sit back, try to get an internship and build my piano business, and do a ton of gigs with my band to get money :)

btw i promise to update more... ;)
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