Mar 20, 2008 00:03

So the stress of Midterms is over and Spring Break officially began for me last Thursday when me, Morgan, Zac, Jason, Brittany, Steph, Aubrey, and Darcy went out to Club Cosi and danced the night away :) On Friday after an insanely hilarious Arranging class in which only 6 of us showed up, I went home and went out to the movies w/ my sis, Mac, mommy, and my sister's fiance, Larry and we saw Horton Hears A Who..which was HILARIOUS!!!! Saturday I just chilled around the house and relaxed ALOT and worked on my Music resume and some compositions....

On Sunday morning we drove Larry to the airport and on the way back we stopped @ SUNY Purchase so my dad could check out the campus and afterwards we had lunch in Wesport...after a much needed nap I went down to Zac's house to begin our "real" vaca looking @ schools in NYC....We woke up early on Monday morning (aka 7AM), which was extremely difficult seeing that we watched the premiere of John Adams on HBO the night bfore...but we were able to make it to the train station by 730 and by 9 AM we had reached NYC and we're on our way to Union Square and Parson's School of Design....we got lost for 5 minutes because Zac didnt read the directions on my itinerary (we ended up on East 12th St. instead of West 12th St.) but we made it in time for the Information Session @ Parson's with minutes to spare! The Info Session was such a bore cuz it was intended for 1st yr. freshmen not Transfer Students like Zac, but 3 other potential Transfer Students were there so any questions that Zac had about transferring were answered!

After the Info Session we walked for a few blocks to Washington Square in Greenwich Village to check out NYU for both of us. On the way we stopped @ Urban Outfitters and passed a million awesome shops and restaurants including Pinkberry (the Frozen Yogurt place on the Hills, Cosi, and Crumbs Bakery) and I absolutely fell in love with the area and how close it was to Parson's and SoHo! Unfortunately we couldnt get a tour and most of the buildings were closed, but we got to walk around the campus and see where the dorms were and the library and Washington Square Park, which was beautiful!

After the Village we stopped @ Crumbs Bakery and got yummy (and I mean the yummiest) cupcakes EVERRRR!!!!! I got a Strawberry Buttercream and Zac got Caramel Apple...absolutely delicious....then we took the Subway up to Grand Central to meet my cousin @ A&E (where she works)....on the way to her office we got caught in the craziness that was the St. Patrick's Day Parade...so it took us forever to get through all the crowds, marching bands, police, and drunk peoples...but it was a HILARIOUS sight to see!!!! We finally made it to the office and got the keys to my cousin's apt. since we we're spending the nite @ her place in Brooklyn....then we took a subway to Zac's dad's company on 57th and chilled and ate lunch for awhile!!! The people @ the office love me and they are gonna help me find an internship for the summer in Composition and Sound Design which would be AMAZING!!!! After our stop in Cathode Ray we went window shopping: 1st to Club Monaco, then H&M, the Saks Shoe Store, Lacoste, Nintendo World, and the shops underground @ Rockefeller Center!!!!!

Somewhere around 6PM we ended up on a subway headed to Brooklyn and around 7 we finally got to my cousin's place which was a 7th floor studio apt. in Park Slope with an awesome view of Manhattan!!!!!! Zac also got a little scared cuz it was his first time in Brooklyn lol :D An hour later my cousin called me....completely wasted.....telling us to come back to Manhattan to come to this bar and listen to this Reggae band...and we said we would go @ some point...that some point didnt happen until around 10 when we got bck into Manhattan, had dinnah @ Johnny Rockets, dessert @ Pinkberry (DELICIOUS), and we we're trekking from the Village to SoHo where she was around 11! Keep in mind she was wasted so she gave us the wrong directions and we spent 15 minutes walking A FAR DISTANCE from the Village to SoHo looking for this specific bar on this specific street, but we bumped into her on the street and went into this pub for late nite dinnah! Around midnight we ended up bck @ her apt. and we all crashed!

Tuesday morning we woke up around 9ish and got ready and after two subway rides we ended up in Morningside Heights around 1130! We walked around the beautiful Columbia campus, checked out the Music building, and got lunch @ Tom's Restaurant (aka the diner where the characters on Seinfeld ate at every episode!!!!)! Around 1 we walked a few blocks to Manhattan School of Music and signed in for the tour and we went back out and sat in Riverside Park! Then we went back to the school for the tour! I ABSOLUTELY love the place, it has 3 concert halls in it, everyone was sooo friendly, the atmosphere was sooo inviting, and I sold by the huge presence of Jazz and Electronic Music Composition available! We also took a tour of the high-rise dorm which is connected to the main building so you don't have to walk outside at all!!!!! After the tour we took a subway to Columbus Circle and window-shopped @ the Time Warner Building and had dinnah at Whole Foods which is pretty much the basement of the Time Warner Building!!!! After dinnah we walked back to Cathode Ray and chilled for abit w/ Zac's cousin who also works @ his dad's company! After relaxing for abit we stopped @ Jamba Juice so I could get a Power Smoothie, and we took a subway bck to Grand Central and hopped on the Metro-North back to Westport! As soon as I stepped off the train my ankle started to kill and I couldnt even walk and when I took off my shoes I noticed that it was swollen.....and by the time I got home around 10 Zac had to walk me up to my own bedroom!!!!!

Pretty much Spring Break has been awesome apart from me twisting my ankle and hurting my heel and all the muscles and tendons in my feet and calf due to all the walking, but spending those two days in the city taught me alot about city life...I know that I can make it....considering that I know more about the subway and timing transfers so I can hop trains than I ever knew bfore, I know my way around NYC better than I knew before, I know more about Greenwich Village, the Upper West Side, Brooklyn, even SoHo more than I knew bfore...and I know how to make $100 last me two days, you can still eat, but you have to eat wisely, drink more water, eat more granola bars, and not spend any money on clothes in order to save money for Metro-North and Subway fare! In short I feel prepared to move to the city in a yr. cuz face it...I'm going to grad school there! Also me and Zac have decided that we we'll prob just get dorm rooms, cuz @ MSM he can sleepover for 3-7 consecutive days and there is no guest policy @ Parson's...so I can keep a ton of clothes there and sleep there on weekends....plus we'll only be a subway ride away!
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