
Feb 10, 2008 23:07

Via Neil Gaiman's blog via a friend's LJ, I found:

Steampunk Modified Computer Keyboards
These are delicious, but they pale in comparison to the Steampunk Laptop. (Although, wouldn't that key get in the way of typing?)

This lead to a long link-following binge, and then a mining of my own Favorites list to assemble a link-roundup of Steampunk delights:
  • Voyages Extraordinaires, a blog about Victorian/Edwardian-style Science Fiction. This grew out of an older website that originally caught my eye for saying nice things about Doctor Who (which the blog continues to do).

  • Brass Goggles - Another blog of all things steampunk, featuring pictures of wonderful steampunk artwork and strange devices.

  • The Art of Alex CF - Click on "Artwork" for all the delicious oddities.

  • The Steampunk Workshop - Check out his steampunk keyboard and flat-screen monitor. I really covet that monitor.

  • And then there's good old Steampunk Fashipn, which I've been following off-and-on for a few months, now.
    The theme of CostumeCon26's Friday Night Social is "Victorian Underwear Party," and since I have no Victorian underwear, I had been planning (assuming I am able to go to the con) to just wear the remake of Romana on Ribos* - as a "transtemporal and transdimensional guest" - or just whatever else I've already got.** Now, however, I'm kind of inspired to go for the underwear and make it steampunk somehow. Hmmm...

    *Assuming I get around to making it.
    **My primary reasons for not wanting to make Victorian underwear are: 1) the idea of making a corset scares me, 2) I don't wanna make a corset, and 3) did I mention the thing about the corset?

  • costuming, steampunk, cc26, costumecon, links

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