August - what journalists in the U.K. refer to as 'silly month' because with parliament in recess there is little truly newsworthy, and so you get news about someone's cat video going viral on YouTube, health scare stories and, of course, THE FIRST PICTURE OF THE ROYAL BABY!!! ZOMG!!!
So here's a quick update on The Innocents. )
Comments 6
Mostly because I've got to find myself time to get thru it all without driving people insane by my having the gall to sit around long enough to read a fucking book. I'll update on that later. I've recently come into George R. R. Martin, as well, so this is probably going to become a binge, tell the wife, she will want to binge, and then all out war on who gets the Kindle for Martin.
Should I tell her there's a copy on the external?
You should have told me you were going for an ebook file! I've got most of a CSS layout for such a purpose! Also, I was entirely unaware that this Scrivener program existed. wtf?
Promise, I'll get to "The Innocents" one of these days. Still trying to get my head reorganized hahaha.
You can try Scrivener for free. I'm still on my trial - the good thing is that you only use up the days when you actually use the programme - so, 30 days can be spaced out in weeks and months, if you haven't got time to keep playing with it.
And I do hope you will carry on reading TI at some point, I remember you seemed to like the first couple of chapters, and at least of one thing I'm sure - it got better since then ;)
Stay crazy!
I totally get the geek-need to tinker with toys. Me and GIMP (because I'm a poor twit) are tight, and I've got a few splicing programs for videos and music that I just...adore. I loooove scripting but it can be a pain in the butt to make sure it's all kosher so...heh.
Oooooo, 30 days spaced out. I'd pick like, one day a week to just go hogwild for about twelve hours on that shit lol.
And you're damn right I'll get on TI. I need to see where all it's going ^_^ Poor Zachary was still an ill boy whenever I got behind.
Anyway, you're more of a CSS genius than I am, FO SHO! A clever bunny, you are. Crazy but clever. A dangerous cocktail!
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