Here, look at this bloody, deformed dog

May 15, 2012 17:23

Does anyone else notice the trend these days of posting pictures of maimed, tortured, bloody, injured animals on Facebook? Supposedly these posts are to raise awareness about animal abuse, but all they do is freak me out when I'm innocently browsing Facebook and suddenly there's a picture of a bloody tortured animal in my face. Ostensibly the posts are also to help people raise money to help the animals, or to get someone to adopt the animal, but how realistic is it to think someone on Facebook is going to be able to adopt this cat from Mississippi? Really? And most of us don't have money to send, which makes us feel horrible anyway, and that's annoying because we can't opt out of seeing these pictures when they're every other picture someone posts so we see 20+ a day. Also, it annoys me when people post pictures of stray animals saying "ADOPT THIS CAT OR HE WILL BE DESTROYED TOMORROW" and all, but I draw the fucking line at pictures of animals who are tortured, hurt, and bloody, especially since none of them are under a cut or even have the decency to post a TRIGGER WARNING for people who can't fucking tolerate seeing an animal in pain.


I don't know how else to warn people about this, "INSECTS" sounds pretty vague, but I didn't even have the benefit of a vague trigger warning this afternoon when I scrolled down on my Facebook newsfeed and got a HUGE picture of a puppy who had been so horribly neglected that he had ticks jammed in/crawling out of his ears and of course they want maximum shock value so they're holding the puppy's ears open, and I almost PUKED. I have that image burned on my retinas now and I can't get rid of it. I have a serious fear or insects, bugs, and arachnids. Seriously, one of my biggest nightmare triggers is thinking I feel insects crawling on me while I'm falling asleep, and almost all of my night terrors that wake me up screaming involve bugs of some kind crawling around on me or near me, so it would have been fucking nice to have some warning, but no, this image got blasted in my face and now I'm shivering all over and I keep feeling itching like something is crawling on me, and it's freaking me out, and I won't be able to sleep tonight because of it, and I want to stab the person who posted that bullshit without even stopping to think about who it might affect.

I have that person blocked from my news feed, but the damage is done. I know I'm fucked up and all, but is it too much to ask that people put pictures like that behind some kind of cut or link people have to click so they don't get it blasted in their face when they're trying to browse Facebook?

BRB, gonna go puke now.

animal abuse, communication, torture, bugs, night terrors, facebook

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