May 05, 2012 21:14

So I participated in the "Be Healthy" weight challenge at work for the first three months of the year, counting my calories each day and trying to eat less than 2500 calories a day (spoiler alert: it was not a challenge because I already eat less than 2500 calories each day naturally and have to keep track of the protein and carbs and calories I eat because I don't want to die of a migraine for 5 days) so I did manage to incorporate more vegetables into my diet, which was good for me, and I discovered which vegetables have more protein (o hai broccoli, how I do love thee, I had forgotten) so it was mostly a positive experience, and I got a super cool new lunch bag yesterday as my prize for losing 10 pounds over the course of three months, and my manasger, who is a skinny pretty woman, hi-fived me and said "congratulations girl!" which was really nice.

Then in the morning, Elde, she who thinks she knows fucking everything, came in for work.

I've talked about her before, though not in awhile, but this morning she saw that I had the lunch bag, and she began to lecture me on how I needed to keep up the hard work and I needed to go to the gym (hahahahaha, right, with all the extra money I have shoved up my cunt) and how my body gets used to the lifting I do at work, so that doesn't count as "real" exercise (right, because my muscles ache so bad I want to die after an 8 hour shift because they're so USED TO IT by now) and how I should limit myself to 1500 calories a day (o hai starvation and disordered eating, i totes miss u and want u bak) and blah blah blah. Not to be a bitch or anything, but Elde weighs 275 pounds, so she's not in a real position to tell me how I need to diet so I can...what? Look more like her? And her lecture about how "work" doesn't really count as a "workout" is hilarious, because maybe HER work doesn't count, since she''s a fucking cashier and she stands around all day, and I don't claim that's easy and that it's not hard work, but I'm lifting 75 pound wooden skids and stacking them and running around to stock 45 cases or more an hour for 8 hours, so my job is WAY more physically demanding than hers, and it motherfucking DOES TOO count as a "workout," bitch. Furthermore, I used to eat less than 1500 calories a day and guess what? I DID lose weight but I also lost a lot of muscle mass and threw up and had migraines all the time and coughed up blood almost every day from my ragged throat and nasal passages, and I almost DIED. I don't want to go back to that, even if it means I could be THINNER. I'd rather be FAT than be DEAD, you twat.


health, weight, fat, diet talk, werk

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