Feb 11, 2007 00:58
Things are ok here. :) As usual, I've been working a lot lately. And in good work-related news, in two days my writeup will be over!!! But I have the next two days off so I have very little chance of getting into any sort of trouble, haha. And on Tuesday I will be able to be "promoted" to the job I am already doing and finally get my raise, hooray!
Joe is ok. He is mega bummed though because he realized tonight that his Palm Pilot that I got him for Christmas went missing in action. He had it this morning but noticed at work that it was gone. He is pretty sure that he lost it at the community college this morning, so he made several phone calls trying to get in touch with a maintenance person who would have keys to the classroom he was in, but no such luck. So he is going to call again on Monday to see if they found it. He is the most upset because I was the one who gave it to him, but I told him I wasn't angry with him, which I think calmed him down a bit. He's still angry at himself though, because he didn't feel it fall or notice it was missing for several hours.
By the by, he was at the community college taking a class for first time homebuyers. I would have gone too, but my work isn't as flexible with schedules as his is. He brought home a great big book of info, so we can study up and be able to get a house when finances allow. The book is full of all sorts of interesting things- it's most helpful.
Joe might be promoted at work- they've been training him to move up in the store. So we'll have to see how that goes. He just had his latest review, which hopefully means a raise. :) He works more hours than any other manager there (I'm not exaggerating either), so in my opinion, he deserves a raise. :)
Cats are good. As cat-ty as usual. Doing the things that cats do. :)
Talked to some of my siblings recently. #2 has been enjoying spending her time with her baby (aka my beautiful niece.) #3 is still in the giant sandbox (aka Iraq) and doing fine, and is expecting to arrive back stateside in the next month or two. #4 got into a car accident last week, and although the car was totalled, she and the baby she is carrying are just fine. Baby (aka my beautiful and not quite arrived yet niece) is due next month but everyone things she will arrive early. #5 has been working lots lately, and just got a new car, so he's happy about that. And #6 is doing well in school and having lots of friends and all that stuff. :)
Well, that's all that's going on with me lately. tootles!