Man, so much happened in this chapter that I couldn't get it down to ten points.

Jul 16, 2010 00:11



THIS PAGE. This page is... it's... *_* Whatever else one might say about her, you can't deny Amano can fucking draw.

And between the metal gauntlet, Sistema C.A.I.-esque arm orbit, and inability to keep from revealing his INCREDIBLY HOT TORSO, I'm convinced that Enma has been taking Gokudera lessons.

2. You would not believe how long it took me to finally click away from that cover, but okay. So Enma is still occupied with residual speech-making from the previous chapter, just in case any really slow people hadn't put it together yet that THE SHIMON FAMILY IS PISSED. Thankfully, Tsuna shuts him up with some shounen speech-making of his own. "HURTING PEOPLE WON'T HELP YOU REGAIN YOUR PRIDE." I think it's really sad that he actually had to explain this to them. This seems like the kind of thing they ought to teach you in kindergarten.

Enma's all "I'LL DEAL WITH THIS ALONE," and we are treated to more of Gokudera's awesome teamwork ethic on the following page before it all starts to go to hell. I'm so conflicted over this page. On the one hand, NOT GOOD, but on the other, I really, really liked seeing the Vongola rally together behind Tsuna like that. Especially right after Enma ordered his own guardians to stand down. Really great contrast there.

I also loled at the fact that Hibari got taken out first. Because I'm a terrible person.

3. So once again, people are getting defeated by walls.

Oh well, at least it's not a repeat for Yamamoto given that he's not actually there. I like how Adelheid gets all smug once he starts to freaking melt. "HAHA IT'S JUST AN ILLUSION, WE KNEW IT ALL ALONG!" Yeah, guys, really great job figuring out that it was a fake, given that you were the ones who put him in the fucking hospital. THAT WAS A REAL IMPRESSIVE DEDUCTION ON YOUR PART THERE.

4. THIS IS A TERRIBLE PAGE. Let's just skip past it very quickly.

--right to the next page. Which is also terrible.


Hey, Tsuna, not to judge or anything, but you know what you could try doing besides standing there and shouting "STOP"? Literally anything else.

5. Not that I can blame Tsuna, given the astoundingly pathetic example the Nonos are setting for him. :| FFFFFF THIS IS GETTING KINDA FRUSTRATING.

Enma's doing a good job of demonstrating why I was so badly craving a vengeful bad guy, though. This is a classic move he's pulling. Someone paid attention in villain school.

6. Anyway, so then along comes another conflicting page. XDDDDD "WE'RE NOT THROUGH YET--*SQUISH*" TO LOL OR NOT TO LOL, THAT IS THE QUESTION.

So that's a gravity flame, then, Enma? It seems like a pretty safe bet at this point. Or something similar, anyway.

7. And here come the spoilers, at last. Hoooooo boy.

This calls for bullet points.

  • "OH NO, THE RINGS!" Ignoring the increasingly pancake-like children who are wearing them. Nice to see where your priorities lie, Coyote.
  • Well, those lasted for all of a week.
  • Suddenly Amano's decision to upgrade the box weapons into rings at the end of the last arc makes sense. If I understand this right, they no longer need the flames from the Vongola rings to be activated; the kids can just light them up on their own and they're good to go. So it may be that the situation isn't quite as desperate as it looks.
  • Especially since I only count four out of six guardian rings actually being smashed there. Lambo has disappeared to God-knows-where, apparently, and Yamamoto's ring is presumably still safe on his person, which in an ironic twist suddenly makes him the only guardian whose fighting ability isn't potentially crippled. DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING.

8. Oh, good, Tsuna finally remembered to move.


9. ...sob, this is all stuff we already knew, but it's somehow really heartbreaking to hear it all in Enma's own words, even though he's simultaneously beating the crap out of Tsuna (who, it needs to be pointed out, just saved the world from the strongest guy in existence last week but SOMEHOW CAN'T DO ANYTHING HERE. Everyone's thinking it so I might as well say it XD).

Hey, Reborn, why don't you do something? Is idly standing by just too thoroughly ingrained by this point, or is the Nonos' collective uselessness just that fucking contagious?

10. And now there's yet another time limit being imposed. I SMELL A NEW TRAINING ARC COMING ON. Possibly with some of those gravity training chambers from DBZ.

Enma's eyes... they just out-creepied themselves, and that's something I would have sworn was not possible. D:

11. OH MAN, THOSE THINGS CAME WAY TOO CLOSE TO DAMAGING DINO'S PRETTINESS. Let's all wipe our foreheads and breathe sighs of relief.

So Adelheid was the one with the now-definitely-looks-to-be-ice powers, huh? Nice.

More importantly, Enma is taking his classical villain training one step too far. I guess he skipped the reading the week they covered the Evil Overlord List. The professor told you it would come back to bite you in the ass, Enma. (AND IT WILL, JUST YOU WAIT.)

12. OH LOOK, IT'S YET ANOTHER PAGE WITH TERRIBLE THINGS. And yet, once again perhaps not as terrible as they first seem. For one thing, in a fit of stupidity, Nametwin chose to kidnap the one guardian who is capable of communicating info to the other guardians via illusions and trippy magic dreams. And for another, she's also the one guardian for whom they actually have a replacement kept in cold storage. MUKURO, COULD IT BE YOUR TIME AT LAST...?

Yeah, but in the meantime, I suppose they are in rather a pickle.

Well, then, I'm just going to go outside with an umbrella, and maybe if I walk around in circles saying, "TUT, TUT, IT LOOKS LIKE RAIN," a la Christopher Robin, Yamamoto will appear next week and save us all.

ETA: lol the thread at hitman_reborn already has 100+ comments, what. XD

reborn (the series), oh nono you didn't, terrible things are happening, hipster mcnametwin, domo arigato mr kozato, the plot thickens, yay new chapter, tsuna, chrome, boobs mcawesome

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