Jul 22, 2010 14:55

So there's a meme going around that tells you which of the nine Enneagram personality types you are (I'm a 5, myself), and I was like, "Hey, these things look familiar." Then I remembered that two years ago, I had started an essay-thing discussing the Enneagram types of Tsuna and the Vongola guardians. Only I never managed to solidly pin down Hibari, or Mukuro; I did choose types for them, but I wasn't as sure of them as I'd have liked to be. And so I never really finished that post; it always felt a little incomplete.

Happily, I had too much spare time on my hands today, so I've gone back and dusted it off. :D

Type Nine - "The Peacemaker"

Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness.
At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.

Basic Fear: Of loss and separation
Basic Desire: To have inner stability "peace of mind"
Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.

There could hardly be a better description of Tsuna than "peacemaker", really. He's the unifying force that somehow holds his insane family together, and his ability to see the best in others has managed to turn not one but two villains (AND COUNTING!!) to the side of good. Ish.
We have sometimes called the Nine the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones. However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves-a strong sense of their own identity.

Ironically, therefore, the only type the Nine is not like is the Nine itself. Being a separate self, an individual who must assert herself against others, is terrifying to Nines. They would rather melt into someone else or quietly follow their idyllic daydreams.

The bolded quote at the top really amuses me because Nines bring all the other types together in the same way that the Sky "captures and encompasses all." And the other interesting thing here is the mention that Nines hate to stand out and/or assert themselves, and that too absolutely screams "Tsuna." He's so much happier when he's just living an ordinary, boring life, and has yet to really grasp the idea that he's actually capable of being a strong leader and doing great things.
Level 2: Deeply receptive, accepting, unselfconscious, emotionally stable and serene. Trusting of self and others, at ease with self and life, innocent and simple. Patient, unpretentious, good-natured, genuinely nice people.

Level 3: Optimistic, reassuring, supportive: have a healing and calming influence-harmonizing groups, bringing people together: a good mediator, synthesizer, and communicator.

Level 4: Fear conflicts, so become self-effacing and accommodating, idealizing others and "going along" with their wishes, saying "yes" to things they do not really want to do. Fall into conventional roles and expectations. Use philosophies and stock sayings to deflect others.

Right now in canon, I would place Tsuna around level 4, with the occasional jump to somewhere between 2 and 3 when he enters Hyper Dying Will mode. Judging by what we've seen and heard about TYL!Tsuna, though, it's safe to assume that his emotional development will eventually hit level 2 and beyond.

Type Six - "The Loyalist"

The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious-running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion.
At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.

Basic Fear: Of being without support and guidance
Basic Desire: To have security and support
Key Motivations: Want to have security, to feel supported by others, to have certitude and reassurance, to test the attitudes of others toward them, to fight against anxiety and insecurity.

I just have to say that out of all the characters and Enneagram types, Gokudera's is by far the most spot-on accurate. Basically you can go and read the entire type Six breakdown, and you will pretty much be reading a character profile of Gokudera. Just... see for yourself:
We have named personality type Six The Loyalist because, of all the personality types, Sixes are the most loyal to their friends and to their beliefs. They will “go down with the ship” and hang on to relationships of all kinds far longer than most other types. Sixes are also loyal to ideas, systems, and beliefs-even to the belief that all ideas or authorities should be questioned or defied. Indeed, not all Sixes go along with the “status quo”: their beliefs may be rebellious and anti-authoritarian, even revolutionary. In any case, they will typically fight for their beliefs more fiercely than they will fight for themselves, and they will defend their community or family more tenaciously than they will defend themselves.

The reason Sixes are so loyal to others is that they do not want to be abandoned and left without support-their Basic Fear. Thus, the central issue for type Six is a failure of self-confidence.

Sixes are the primary type in the Thinking Center, meaning that they have the most trouble contacting their own inner guidance. As a result, they do not have confidence in their own minds and judgments. This does not mean that they do not think. On the contrary, they think-and worry-a lot!

Still right on target. Gokudera's always been smart, but not necessarily self-aware. And he is definitely a worrier.
Sixes attempt to build a network of trust over a background of unsteadiness and fear. They are often filled with a nameless anxiety and then try to find or create reasons why. Wanting to feel that there is something solid and clear-cut in their lives, they can become attached to explanations or positions that seem to explain their situation. Because “belief” (trust, faith, convictions, positions) is difficult for Sixes to achieve, and because it is so important to their sense of stability, once they establish a trustworthy belief, they do not easily question it, nor do they want others to do so. The same is true for individuals in a Six’s life: once Sixes feel they can trust someone, they go to great lengths to maintain connections with the person who acts as a sounding board, a mentor, or a regulator for the Six’s emotional reactions and behavior. They therefore do everything in their power to keep their affiliations going. (“If I don’t trust myself, then I have to find something in this world I can trust.”)

I love that this fits not only Gokudera's obsession with Tsuna, but also some of the earlier relationships in his life, like with Shamal and Carlo and even his mother to a point. It also does a nice job of explaining just why his devotion is so fanatical.
Until they can get in touch with their own inner guidance, Sixes are like a ping-pong ball that is constantly shuttling back and forth between whatever influence is hitting the hardest in any given moment. Because of this reactivity, no matter what we say about Sixes, the opposite is often also as true. They are both strong and weak, fearful and courageous, trusting and distrusting, defenders and provokers, sweet and sour, aggressive and passive, bullies and weaklings, on the defensive and on the offensive, thinkers and doers, group people and soloists, believers and doubters, cooperative and obstructionistic, tender and mean, generous and petty-and on and on. It is the contradictory picture that is the characteristic “fingerprint” of Sixes, the fact that they are a bundle of opposites.

You know, I've always found it a little difficult to put my finger on exactly what it is that makes Gokudera Gokudera, and this pretty much sums up why. He's a whole bundle of contradictions; part of that storm characteristic, I guess.
Level 1 (At Their Best): Become self-affirming, trusting of self and others, independent yet symbiotically interdependent and cooperative as an equal. Belief in self leads to true courage, positive thinking, leadership, and rich self-expression.

Level 3: Dedicated to individuals and movements in which they deeply believe. Community builders: responsible, reliable, trustworthy. Hard-working and persevering, sacrificing for others, they create stability and security in their world, bringing a cooperative spirit.

Level 6: To compensate for insecurities, they become sarcastic and belligerent, blaming others for their problems, taking a tough stance toward "outsiders." Highly reactive and defensive, dividing people into friends and enemies, while looking for threats to their own security. Authoritarian while fearful of authority, highly suspicious, yet, conspiratorial, and fear-instilling to silence their own fears.

It's safe to say he was at level 6 for a good long while in the manga (so much so that I didn't even bold anything in that paragraph, because I would have had to bold the entire thing), and he still often defaults back to it, especially when he's on the defensive. But more recently we've been seeing a lot of the level 3 characteristics, as he's finally started to open up and become more trusting. And that gives me hope that while level 1 may still be a blip on the distant horizon, he just might get there someday. o/

Type Three - "The Achiever"

Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness.
At their Best: self-accepting, authentic, everything they seem to be-role models who inspire others.

Basic Fear: Of being worthless
Basic Desire: To feel valuable and worthwhile
Key Motivations: Want to be affirmed, to distinguish themselves from others, to have attention, to be admired, and to impress others.

I would adjust Yamamoto's own basic fear slightly from "being worthless" to "letting others down", but aside from that nitpick, this really fits him to a T. It hits on not only Yamamoto's tendency to be completely awesome, but also on things like his competitive nature and need to know his place in life (be it playing baseball or being a swordsman and Tsuna's friend and guardian).
We have named personality type Three The Achiever because when they are healthy, Threes really can and do achieve great things in the world. They are the "stars" of human nature, and people often look up to them because of their graciousness and personal accomplishments. Healthy Threes know how good it feels to develop themselves and contribute their abilities to the world, and also enjoy motivating others to greater personal achievements than others thought they were capable of. They are usually well regarded and popular among their peers, the type of person who is frequently voted “class president" or “home coming queen” because people feel they want to be associated with this kind of person who acts as a stand-in for them. Healthy Threes embody the best in a culture, and others are able to see their hopes and dreams mirrored in them.

Threes are often successful and well liked because, of all the types, they most believe in themselves and in developing their talents and capacities. Threes act as living “role models” and paragons because of their extraordinary embodiment of socially valued qualities. Healthy Threes know that they are worth the effort it takes to be “the best that they can be.” Their success at doing so inspires others to invest in their own self-development.

The hilarious thing about all this is that pretty much all of the other characters are either on the lower end of the "healthy" spectrum, or more in the average or unhealthy areas. And then along comes Yamamoto, and he's pretty much just THE HEALTHIEST THREE YOU EVER DID SEE. WAY TO BE SELF-ACTUALIZED, YAMAMOTO.

And he really is the type that inspires others through his own self-confidence. They've even covered the popularity bit; given that his character was initially introduced as "a popular kid", we can't neglect that.
Threes want success not so much for the things that success will buy (like Sevens), or for the power and feeling of independence that it will bring (like Eights). They want success because they are afraid of disappearing into a chasm of emptiness and worthlessness: without the increased attention and feeling of accomplishment which success usually brings, Threes fear that they are nobody and have no value.

We've only seen this side of him a couple of times, when he tried to commit suicide after breaking his arm and when he talked to Squalo about feeling disappointed in himself after losing to Genkishi, but it's worth noting that this is also spot on. If he can't do something worthwhile, whether it be playing baseball or protecting his friends, he tends to fall into depression (which is one of the reasons why I've been worried about him ever since chapter 295 orz).
Level 1 (At Their Best): Self-accepting, inner-directed, and authentic, everything they seem to be. Modest and charitable, self-deprecatory humor and a fullness of heart emerge. Gentle and benevolent.

Level 2: Self-assured, energetic, and competent with high self-esteem: they believe in themselves and their own value. Adaptable, desirable, charming, and gracious.

Level 3: Ambitious to improve themselves, to be "the best they can be"-often become outstanding, a human ideal, embodying widely admired cultural qualities. Highly effective: others are motivated to be like them in some positive way.

Level 4: Highly concerned with their performance, doing their job well, constantly driving self to achieve goals as if self-worth depends on it. Terrified of failure. Compare self with others in search for status and success. Become careerists, social climbers, invested in exclusivity and being the "best."

I put him at level 3, with the occasional rise to levels 1 and 2 on his really good days. HAHA SERIOUSLY, HE'S SO GODDAMN HEALTHY. He's like the poster boy for well-adjusted...ness.

(Incidentally, now is probably a good place to point out the stress and security points for types Three, Six, and Nine. They are perfect (note that Yamamoto and Gokudera form the two bottom points of the Tsuna triangle) and amuse me to no end.)

Type Eight - "The Challenger"

Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.

Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others
Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life
and destiny)
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.

And here we have the first of two Eights in this group (and if Squalo were here, there'd be three). Eights are basically the GAR type. The "all-caps" type, if you will.
We have named personality type Eight The Challenger because, of all the types, Eights enjoy taking on challenges themselves as well as giving others opportunities that challenge them to exceed themselves in some way. Eights are charismatic and have the physical and psychological capacities to persuade others to follow them into all kinds of endeavors-from starting a company, to rebuilding a city, to running a household, to waging war, to making peace.

Eights have enormous willpower and vitality, and they feel most alive when they are exercising these capacities in the world. They use their abundant energy to effect changes in their environment-to “leave their mark" on it-but also to keep the environment, and especially other people, from hurting them and those they care about. At an early age, Eights understand that this requires strength, will, persistence, and endurance-qualities that they develop in themselves and which they look for in others.

This nicely sums up Ryohei's EXTREME philosophy; we all know the guy loves a challenge, and he certainly loves inviting others to challenge themselves as well (JOIN THE BOXING CLUB YOU GUYSSSS). And I like the bit that mentions Eights using their strength to keep their loved ones from getting hurt. It reminds me of his protectiveness toward Kyoko.
Although, to some extent, Eights fear physical harm, far more important is their fear of being disempowered or controlled in some way. Eights are extraordinarily tough and can absorb a great deal of physical punishment without complaint-a double-edged blessing since they often take their health and stamina for granted and overlook the health and well-being of others as well.

When Eights are emotionally healthy, however, they have a resourceful, “can-do” attitude as well as a steady inner drive. They take the initiative and make things happen with a great passion for life. They are honorable and authoritative-natural leaders who have a solid, commanding presence. Their groundedness gives them abundant “common sense” as well as the ability to be decisive. Eights are willing to “take the heat,” knowing that any decision cannot please everyone. But as much as possible, they want to look after the interests of the people in their charge without playing favorites. They use their talents and fortitude to construct a better world for everyone in their lives.

I know what you're all thinking--the phrase "common sense" should not be anywhere near a description of Ryohei. But then you have to remember the way he matured ten years later. TYL!Ryohei definitely had "a solid, commanding presence" and all that jazz.
Level 2: Self-assertive, self-confident, and strong: have learned to stand up for what they need and want. A resourceful, "can do" attitude and passionate inner drive.

You know, come to think of it, I don't think he's ever wavered from level 2. Maybe he's actually the healthiest one in the group. :O

Type Four - "The Individualist"

Fours are self-aware, sensitive, and reserved. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. Withholding themselves from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, they can also feel disdainful and exempt from ordinary ways of living. They typically have problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity.
At their Best: inspired and highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.

Basic Fear: That they have no identity or personal significance
Basic Desire: To find themselves and their significance (to create an
Key Motivations: Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a "rescuer."

Lambo's a tricky character to pinpoint, but I think (and I've essayed about this before too) that at his core, he's the type of person who's very concerned with how people see him. Baby!Lambo is always bragging about how strong a hitman is, whereas TYL!Lambo has this suave, almost hilariously over-cool persona, even though the truth is that both of them are actually somewhat cowardly at heart. And certainly self-indulgent. XD
Healthy Fours are honest with themselves: they own all of their feelings and can look at their motives, contradictions, and emotional conflicts without denying or whitewashing them. They may not necessarily like what they discover, but they do not try to rationalize their states, nor do they try to hide them from themselves or others. They are not afraid to see themselves “warts and all.” Healthy Fours are willing to reveal highly personal and potentially shameful things about themselves because they are determined to understand the truth of their experience-so that they can discover who they are and come to terms with their emotional history. This ability also enables Fours to endure suffering with a quiet strength. Their familiarity with their own darker nature makes it easier for them to process painful experiences that might overwhelm other types.

The part I bolded obviously does not mesh with the two versions of Lambo we see most often at all, but it does fit the description of the Lightning Guardian remarkably well--"drawing the damage to himself and away from the rest of the family, serving as a lightning rod." And there is at least one version of Lambo who did have this sort of humble-yet-assured aura about him, and that's the 20YL!version.
Nevertheless, Fours often report that they feel they are missing something in themselves, although they may have difficulty identifying exactly what that “something” is. Is it will power? Social ease? Self-confidence? Emotional tranquility?-all of which they see in others, seemingly in abundance. Given time and sufficient perspective, Fours generally recognize that they are unsure about aspects of their self-image-their personality or ego-structure itself. They feel that they lack a clear and stable identity, particularly a social persona that they feel comfortable with.

Again, Lambo's always struck me as the type of character who isn't necessarily comfortable in his own skin, which is why he goes to such pains to project his LOOK AT ME, I'M THE GREAT LAMBO-SAN image.
Fours typically have problems with a negative self-image and chronically low self-esteem. They attempt to compensate for this by cultivating a Fantasy Self-an idealized self-image which is built up primarily in their imaginations. A Four we know shared with us that he spent most of his spare time listening to classical music while fantasizing about being a great concert pianist-à la Vladimir Horowitz. Unfortunately, his commitment to practicing fell far short of his fantasized self-image, and he was often embarrassed when people asked him to play for them. His actual abilities, while not poor, became sources of shame.

Pretty much I said above, but I just wanted to mention that the mention of classical music reminded me that TYL!Lambo is also kind of a romantic at heart. Or maybe just a playboy, but oh well.
Level 3: Highly personal, individualistic, "true to self." Self-revealing, emotionally honest, humane. Ironic view of self and life: can be serious and funny, vulnerable and emotionally strong.

Level 4: Take an artistic, romantic orientation to life, creating a beautiful, aesthetic environment to cultivate and prolong personal feelings. Heighten reality through fantasy, passionate feelings, and the imagination.

Level 6: Gradually think that they are different from others, and feel that they are exempt from living as everyone else does. They become melancholy dreamers, disdainful, decadent, and sensual, living in a fantasy world. Self-pity and envy of others leads to self-indulgence, and to becoming increasingly impractical, unproductive, effete, and precious.

You can almost take each of these levels and copy-paste them under one of the different Lambos--level 6 for the five-year-old version, 4 for the 15-year-old version, and so on, except that TYL!Lambo hasn't quite outgrown his level sixness yet. One day, though, Lambo. KEEP ON TRUCKIN'.

Type Eight - "The Challenger"

Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others' lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.

Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others
Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life
and destiny)
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.

And here we've got the second of the two Eight-type guardians, Hibari. He and Ryohei actually have a lot of the same character traits, but the difference is that while Ryohei focuses on being strong to overcome obstacles and protect his friends, Hibari's focus is more on the control and self-reliance aspects. The "dominate the environment" part is a big thing with him too, obviously; no one's allowed to mess with Namimori except for him. XD
Eights do not want to be controlled or to allow others to have power over them (their Basic Fear), whether the power is psychological, sexual, social, or financial. Much of their behavior is involved with making sure that they retain and increase whatever power they have for as long as possible. An Eight may be a general or a gardener, a small businessman or a mogul, the mother of a family or the superior of a religious community. No matter: being “in charge” and leaving their imprint on their sphere is uniquely characteristic of them.

"The aloof, drifting cloud that protects the Family from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind."
Eights are the true “rugged individualists” of the Enneagram. More than any other type, they stand alone. They want to be independent, and resist being indebted to anyone. They often refuse to “give in” to social convention, and they can defy fear, shame, and concern about the consequences of their actions. Although they are usually aware of what people think of them, they do not let the opinions of others sway them. They go about their business with a steely determination that can be awe inspiring, even intimidating to others.

Just about this whole paragraph is pure Hibari. Independent, hating to be in someone else's debt (the way he and Gokudera trade debts back and forth always amused the hell out of me), not giving a crap about others' opinions, inspiring awe and fear, etc.
Level 5: Begin to dominate their environment, including others: want to feel that others are behind them, supporting their efforts. Swaggering, boastful, forceful, and expansive: the "boss" whose word is law. Proud, egocentric, want to impose their will and vision on everything, not seeing others as equals or treating them with respect.

Level 6: Become highly combative and intimidating to get their way: confrontational, belligerent, creating adversarial relationships. Everything a test of wills, and they will not back down. Use threats and reprisals to get obedience from others, to keep others off balance and insecure. However, unjust treatment makes others fear and resent them, possibly also band together against them.

Level 7: Defying any attempt to control them, become completely ruthless, dictatorial, "might makes right." The criminal and outlaw, renegade, and con-artist. Hard-hearted, immoral and potentially violent.

Level 9: If they get in danger, they may brutally destroy everything that has not conformed to their will rather than surrender to anyone else. Vengeful, barbaric, murderous. Sociopathic tendencies. Generally corresponds to the Antisocial Personality Disorder.

l-lol Hibari. Whereas Ryohei remains steady at level 2, Hibari hovers anywhere from level 6 to level 9 depending on how murderous he's feeling. So basically they're on opposite ends of the same spectrum.

ALSO LOL COULD YOU POSSIBLY GET ANY UNHEALTHIER. The answer might be yes, actually, if you're...

Type Five - "The Investigator"

Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills. Independent, innovative, and inventive, they can also become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructs. They become detached, yet high-strung and intense. They typically have problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation.
At their Best: visionary pioneers, often ahead of their time, and able to see the world in an entirely new way.

Basic Fear: Being useless, helpless, or incapable
Basic Desire: To be capable and competent
Key Motivations: Want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.

Mukuro was so goddamned hard to narrow down; I had previously had him as first another Eight and then a (really warped) type One before I finally settled on Five. Imagination and inventiveness would seem to be mist traits by necessity, and he's certainly got the eccentricity part down as well.
Knowledge, understanding, and insight are thus highly valued by Fives, because their identity is built around “having ideas” and being someone who has something unusual and insightful to say. For this reason, Fives are not interested in exploring what is already familiar and well-established; rather, their attention is drawn to the unusual, the overlooked, the secret, the occult, the bizarre, the fantastic, the “unthinkable.”

Mukuro is clearly a weird guy, there's no denying that. And he's easily the most knowledgeable of the guardians, or at least he manages to give off that impression. But I suppose that a guy who's been reincarnated six times in six different realms would naturally be a bit worldly.
Level 5: Increasingly detached as they become involved with complicated ideas or imaginary worlds. Become preoccupied with their visions and interpretations rather than reality. Are fascinated by off-beat, esoteric subjects, even those involving dark and disturbing elements. Detached from the practical world, a "disembodied mind," although high-strung and intense.

Level 6: Begin to take an antagonistic stance toward anything which would interfere with their inner world and personal vision. Become provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views. Cynical and argumentative.

So I guess he's not in the radically unhealthy realms just yet (they tend to involve a complete break with sanity, apparently, and while Mukuro is crazy he's not exactly crazy, especially by the standards of this series). But he's still a creeper. Again, there seem to be a lot of misty elements described in these two paragraphs, and I especially like the bit that describes level sixes as "provocative", because lol Mukuro. That's where I'd put him, incidentally--level 6. Maybe a 5 on his less villainy days.

Anyway, so that's Tsuna and the six. I suppose I should have done Chrome too, now that I think of it, but I'm worn out; for what it's worth, I'd put her down as a Five as well. If anyone wants to debate these or speculate on other characters, knock yourself out. |D

Pretty soon I'll stop procrastinating and get to the rest of the comments on my last post, too; sorry guys. XD And speaking of procrastination/being late, Happy Birthday to vazavati and rodickparker!

reborn (the series), yamamoto, lambo, epic geekery, namimori antichrist, tsuna, character rant, gokudera, ryohei, essay, how mukuro stole christmas

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