Jul 14, 2010 15:12

From chesauroshin! It's been like a year and a half since I did this one last, so.

* reply to this post with the word MEME and I will pick six of your icons.
* make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
* other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
* this will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.


If for some reason SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENED, like the apocalypse or something, and I was only allowed to keep one LJ icon, this would probably be the one. Three boys looking out onto the horizon. This one image works on so many levels. FRIENDSHIP! DESTINY! BEING A KHR FAN! For these reasons, it's always been one of my faves. |D

The pic comes from this fanvid on Youtube, incidentally. It is adorable and you should all go watch it now.


OH, NUTS. YOU MAKE ME LOL SO. There really isn't much to say about this one, except that it's Nuts and it's adorable and hilarious and quite apt at summing up my feelings on many a fangirling occasion.


LITTLE CHROME. |D smilypie made this after I flailed over this image in the last chapter, because she is AN AMAZING PERSON WHO IS MADE OF EPIC. ♥ What I like about Chrome in this icon is that she is tiny. This is probably because she eats about two sticks of pocky a week. THAT'S NOT HEALTHY, CHROME, but it does make her adorable, and I have secret hopes that one day there will be a Helm's Deep-style battle in the KHR manga for some reason, and someone will be standing next to her looking out over the walls of the fortress and be all like, "Would you like me to get you a box?" and I will laaaaaaugh, and Chrome will probably blush but then later on she will kick ass and everyone will be like, "WHOA, SHE'S SMALL BUT EVEN SO SHE COULD PROBABLY KILL US!" and they'll all sit back and watch in shock, and for once she won't get kidnapped and/or rescued by Mukuro because it's my fantasy battle and and I said so.

Wow, you know what wasn't short? That previous sentence. Yeesh.


And thus, Yamamoto Takeshi was disowned. "SORRY, DAD, IT'LL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, I SWEAR."


This was made by melissa_42 in response to this post, and is one of the more amazing things I've seen in my lifetime. cleartempest and I discussed what events would actually be involved in the Dick Olympics, and concluded that it would be a montage of puppy kicking, stealing candy from babies, talking during movies, and so on. Some athletes train and suffer for years to be able to compete on an international level, but for others, like Byakuran, it just comes naturally.

It should be noted that even if Byakuran never ever appears in the manga again, I pretty much don't plan to delete this icon ever.


Of the approximately ten million facial expressions Gokudera has, this one is probably my favorite. Real, legitimate smugness-that's-not-just-an-overcompensation-for-secret-vulnerabilities was until recently a rare thing to see on him, so I always consider it a treat when we do. Not the least because IT MAKES HIM INCREDIBLY HOT.

This icon also has my very favorite keywords, shamelessly lifted from my favorite Pokey the Penguin strip. Of course, that's only one of the potential captions that can go with that face. There are any number of others, ranging from the traditional, "I am indeed the dashing right hand man of the Vongola Tenth," to the more R-rated options, most of which are variations on the phrase, "Shut up and fuck me."

...I really love this icon.

Anyway, now that that meme is done with, I think this is a good opportunity for me to wish part_b a very happy birthday, and to also pass along considerably less timely but no less heartfelt birthday wishes to circles9, smilypie, and morgrix as well. ♥ One day I'll stop failing at life. XD

reborn (the series), yamamoto, chrome, byakuran is a dick, gokudera, meme

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