Not sure why I continue to update..oh yeah, it wastes time :-)

Jan 20, 2007 21:18


So, school has started and is in full swing. This weekend I'm tasked with completing:

* 100 pgs of reading in Planning Law
* writing up a legal brief on our first court case
* demographic info. & background for Mging Econ Dev.
* 45 pages of reading for the GIS class
* figuring out a project idea for the GIS course

I'm making my way through it, albeit slower than I'd like. The material is incredibly interesting to me. Unfortunately, it's also terribly technical and requires some re-reading and extra processing time.


With all of the school work being assigned and a full-time job as well, I've had to micro-manage my time in order to stay on top of everything. This has not helped my mood, which by mid-week was fairly overwhelmed. I had trouble sleeping most of the week, my mind racing through a million different subjects right before bed. To help alleviate some of this, I've again made time for working out and began taking Vitamin D. I'm thinking the mood shift is at least partially due to seasonal factors, and am doing what I can to pay attention to and adjust for whatever it is that my body needs right now. The exercise works as an immediate stress reliever for me, and I really can't express well enough how glad I am to have an outlet for my anxiousness that no longer involves inhaling toxic fumes.


* My kitty had a nasty case of fleas, as in I had flea bites all over my body because of the infestation. I had to take a day off of work a week ago in order to bomb the house and take her to the vet for a flea bath. She now has all of her shots and is verifiably healthy. And now she will be getting a neck collar to let everyone know she is mine. I stayed true to the idea that "She's a cat and you can't own a cat" for as long as I could, but that's now over. I'm attached. I still don't own her, but she sure as hell owns me. The neck collar is simply her boasting rights of that fact.

* I picked 4 nice looking jalapeno peppers off my pepper plant yesterday! I will be proudly using them in my next batch of enchiladas. Now if I could just grow some cilantro and tomatoes, I'd be in my glory.

* PBS has put out made the pilot episode for a new program called 22nd Century available online. It's actually pretty good. They use a fictional dialogue between the host of the show, a holographic cyborg from the future and Aldous Huxley to discuss the impact new technology is having and will have on our lives. The pilot is all about "The World Wide Mind".

* I am getting a camera phone. It's in the mail.
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