Classes started this week, and it's going to be both the busiest and most exciting semester yet. I'm taking Managing Economic Development, Planning Law and GIS. Two of the three have really intensive projects throughout the semester and the planning law class is going to be challenging mostly because of the professor's approach to the class. I'm excited, though. By the end of this semester, I really feel like I will have some very useful skills to put to work. And, these projects also help me develop a portfolio to be used at a later date. There's so much going on school-wise that it's hard to sum it up here, much less keep it all straight in my head. It feels like someone just hit the accelerator pedal, and I'm simultaneously squeaking with joy and scared as hell.
Other tidbits:
* I've found a natural blood pressure reliever in
Sodoku puzzles. I was stuck in my parking garage the other day in a pile up that lasted close to half an hour. This caused no amount of distress for me as I picked up my puzzle book and forgot that the rest of the world even existed. The only stress was making sure I remembered to inch forward every 3-4 minutes or so to not arouse the anger of those behind me.
* I'm completely impressed with
Beirut's album, Gulag Orkestar, and have been replaying it at home ad nauseum. The best description I've heard so far is "like Neutral Milk Hotel from behind the Iron Curtain". Why is it that I listen to albums until I'm so sick of them that I can't take even one more listen? They end up sitting on my harddrive afterwards, metaphorically dusty from neglect.
* Going to a
New Urbanism conference at the latter half of next week. Should have lots more to think about as a result.
That's all I have to share at the moment. Lots going on. Will report again soon. And with more to show for my time.