I was reading
liketheroad's fic
A Testament To Youth In Verse (GO READ IT. IT'S AMAZING.) and I of course HAD to google Lorenzo Henrie, and...I...I...uhh...HOW OLD IS THIS KID AND WHY AM I SUCH A CREEP FOR THINKING HE'S GORGEOUS??? D:
He says "brosky" and tweets about the PSAT's. THE PSATS. THIS MEANS HE IS IN HIGH SCHOOL. AND NO OLDER THAN A SOPHOMORE IN HIGH SCHOOL. And he watches Zombieland. And, okay, I watch Zombieland, but still. He is a guido and approximately 438957 times more Italian than his older brother, and he goes to Hockey practice, for Christ's sake. And he spells "our" like "are" and "proficiency" like "perficency." He is not even post pubescent yet, I don't think. But I...I...crap.
In less pedophiliac news, I am thoroughly in love with JOSEPH EFFING JONAS'S THIGHS. Holy shit. Guh.
I am pretty sure at this point that that boy is a woman. I don't even know, but he would look awesome in skirts. And we already have documented proof that he looks better in heels than I do. So.
Now. Personal post!
I finally got away from the city for a weekend! (I live in New York, for those of you who didn't know. Which, I'm assuming, is ALL of you since I rarely make personal posts.) I went to Scranton to visit my aunt and it was AWESOME and she loaded me up with food because EVERYTHING IN THIS GODDOM CITY IS SO EFFING EXPENSIVE. Srsly, it's like 10.50 for a pack of Marlboro Lights. Ridiculous, I know.
And she's got cute kids, which was nice for a few days, but ehh. Don't really want any of my own. I'm still young, so I guess my opinions might change by my mid twenties, but I highly doubt it. I have too many big plans to have time for kids. I know, that sounds bad, but whatever. I'm just not the motherly type. Whatevs.
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