Behind This Sushi Bar (3/?)

Jul 03, 2012 02:32

During the dance school trip to the district dance competition, Kai who leads as instructor checks his phone a little too often that most of the dancers and colleagues around him had been talking about it.

Since he steps in the town's dance school; he had been getting a huge splash of limelight without him knowing that. Every girls had been talking about how good looking in person Kai is. The guy were talking about how beastly he could be when he was put on the dance floor.

He is like a mini celebrity.

Probably because the video of him beating the 'Emperor Luhan' at the said emperor's own hometown went viral among dancers in China and Korea.

And nobody actually expects his next stop to be at the sub-urb's dance school. He could do even more than this.

Now that they see Kai sighs after checking his phone, they were wondering if thats his family, or his friends and most important (at least to the girls) is that his girlfriend.

Kai sneezes.

"Ah, sorry," he said to himself but he receives 'bless you' scatterings from people around him. He just bow with confusion on his face.

Even his sneezing gets some awkward admiration from people around him.

Kai checks his phone again; one text message.

"Hey, this is the bartender from the sushi bar if you remember,"


Kris held a meeting with the whole Sushi bar crew and everyone were already excited. Its about executing 'Sushi Eating Contest' promotion where they would crown the best sushi eater in town. The chefs would prepare all the special recipe and ingredients needed to prepare for the week and Baekhyun would get the fresh ingredients with Kris at the fish market. Suho and Kyungsoo needs to spread the words by mouth to the customers.

At the end of the meeting, Kris calls it a day earlier to give his employees resting time before squeezing their energy out like nuts within another week. He packs his paperworks and stationery. From the tails of his eyes, he realizes that Suho is still there, watching him.

Suho hugs himself in the corner before lighting a cigarette.

"Joomyun my sushi bar is not a smoking zone," he breathes his words. Voice tone icy as ever.

"How dare you call out my real name," He puffs. Kris looks to him and rolls his eyes. When he was about to leave the table, Suho walks near him and grips on Kris' shoulder; so strong that Kris couldn't move.

"What is this?" He looks up, more like leering.

Suho dangles his cigs on his lips. His eyes unfriendly and dark. Unlike the Suho that everybody in the sushi bar knows. Witty, calm and clumsy at times.

"Wu Fan, your dad wants me to tell you, if you flunk this time, you'll need to come back to Canada and assist your sisters," He blows yet another smoke, but not to Kris' direction.

"Don't call me that," Kris hisses. Suho smirks. "You started it first, pretty,"

"Tell my dad, I would make it, don't worry," He gathers all his stuffs and walks out immediately. His tone is dry but Suho could read that he is panicking inside.

"Some rich spoiled brat trying to make a living," Suho exhales the nicotine out, checking the backside of his pocket. A shiny .45 calibre slips out; he spins with it and lets out another one juggle them and starts to act like a cowboy in the movie.

"Paid handsomely to take care of," Suho puts back all the guns in his uniform. Carefully places his cig butts to nearby ashtray. His colleague that little Kyungsoo would kill him if he saw a trace of cigars inside the bar's floor.


"10 sets Ikura, serving!"

Chanyeol shouted from the kitchen before laying down ten sets of sushi at the counter so Suho and Kyungsoo would scoops them and prepare for the moving bar. Its noon and its the busiest time for them each day. Serving it fresh is definitely their first and foremost policy.

Kyungsoo walks slowly to take them before placing it to the metal carpet of the bar. His face is blank.

Kyungsoo is thinking of Kai.

"12 Unagi, serving!" Another chef this time sprawls the plates on the counter. Kyungsoo takes the plate, moves, puts on the bar.

Kyungsoo is thinking of Kai.

"5 California Rolls, serving!" Chanyeol again.

Suho is busy welcoming the guests and is worried of the holes between the sushi moving mat but Kyungsoo still moves slowly. Its like his feets has magnets on his heels. He takes them, slowly arranging them on the mat.

Kyungsoo is thinking of Kai.

"A hundred raw seaweeds, GET IT NOW!"

Kyungsoo moves to the kitchen counter, trying to reach for the plates.

"A hundred?!" Kyungsoo exclaims with his classic eye popping action looking up to see Chanyeol are trying hard not to guffaw while the other chef is seriously angry; giving him a WTF look. Kyungsoo bows feeling apologetic mixed with embarrassment. He just realized his focus are flying out to some world that isn't real.

He just can't stop thinking of Kai.

That last night with Kai was simple. They had ddukbokki  together, chatting up casually then goes for few rounds of walk at the park. He remembers how Kai was so silent during their strolls but he tries to make a conversation. Its something about how Kai calls him 'hyung' that makes his heart skipped a beat.  Kyungsoo sensed how Kai is a brooding mysterious young man at first but right then with him was a rather cheerful lad who seems to keep things by himself, almost like he is containing his feelings instead of pouring it out. The night ends when both of them parts going back to their own respective home.

Nothing happened.

But it was messing with Kyungsoo's mind. He holds his own head.  Inhaling deeply and closing his eyes. "I am definitely sick," and quickly excuses himself to the washroom. Leaving Suho panicking by his own on the sushi bar.

"Whats with him?" Chanyeol mimicking a giraffe out of the counter to see the little man running with small steps to the washroom. Suho couldn't explain. He told Yeol that he saw Kyungsoo being swallowed with shimmers, sparkles, rainbows and unicorns around him before he realizes the prank the sushi chefs put on him.

Chanyeol look at Suho. "Shit. You need help,"


The Sushi Eating Competition has been running around its promotion for a week and today is the ultimate showdown on a sunny Sunday to find the King of The Sushi Eating Competition.

People had been lining up to either register for the competition or buying the special sushi which are mad packed into cute bento boxes with assorted sizes. The competition is not going to start anytime before 2 in the afternoon; the highlight of the promotion.

There in the middle of all the commoners, stood Kris trying his best not to be outstanding but with that height which always hits the Sushi bar's low ceiling sliding door is not helping. He was looking around suspiciously but expressionless. Suho who are busy serving the bento boxes looks from a far and he knows that Kris is afraid of his parents were spying on him.

Sehun asks Kyungsoo to take a video of him being giddy at the sushi excitement earlier.

"For Luhan,"

Sehun said sheepishly then Kyungsoo smiles to him knowingly before elbowing the younger boy and starts recording the footage that took 3 minutes. He had a hard time keeping the laugh inside him from bursting whenever Sehun talks and calls out 'Lulu' and 'our Bambi'. Sehun acts mushy the whole time and Kyungsoo is dying inside. Dying of his cute and trying not to interfere somebody's private video.

Its almost 4pm. Despite the line of contestants decreasing since the contest has officially started; they haven't found the exact person which ought to be crowned as a king yet. Nobody could stand the giant bento that is specifically designed and made by Sushi Chef Park Chanyeol. He is sitting at the judge table alongside Kris and a former Sushi Eating Championship athlete who they specially bought in to the contest.

Baekhyun who is busy cashing in money from the sales stretch out one hand to Chanyeol from afar in between customers he had to handle. Chanyeol realized that and replies with a heart sign. Baek sways his shoulders while placing both of his hands to his chest, mouthing "I'm proud of you" with his eyes beaming of love. Chanyeol tries to keep a serious face looking at his boyfriend lovey-dovey act. He faces to Baek's way and gives him a kissy face. Baekhyun catches the kiss then back to his cash machine.

Sehun saw all that and turns blue, almost puking.


Kyungsoo pauses from dividing the stacks of bento on the fast clearing table according to sizes; trying to find the familiar voice who is calling out 'hyung'. Didn't know if its was for him but that voice is familiar.

There in the contestant line-up, Kai in his simple white tee and casual jeans; his hair is free of hair-gel and it looks fluffy, bouncy. So fluffy Kyungsoo feels like touching them. He shakes his head and waves to Kai.  Wearing number 93 on his shirt, Kai shows his phone and points to it with another hand. He asks Kyungsoo to check his phone.

He gets on his phone, one text message.

"Free tonight?"

He felt like his adam apple almost fell into the pit of his stomach. He didn't know what to reply. Kai is definitely taking an interest on him but he is still unsure on what to do and how to deal with that.

"I think I'm going to be busy until we found the King :("


A safe answer. But he breaks his own rules to not use any emoji while texting to Kai though. He looks to Kai who is currently checking his phone. A breeze pass by and Kyungsoo could see Kai fixing his hair, flipping it and licks his own lips since its drying up. Oh, Kyungsoo didn't realized he had been that observant. Kai shrugs from afar, pretends that he is sad. Kyungsoo just smile, shaking his head; signalling 'Sorry'.

Its finally Kai's turn on the championship ring, where he had to compete with other 10 people in the ring. Kyungsoo and Suho serves each of the contestants with one giant bento; Park Chanyeol's special.

"Wish me luck," Kai whispers as Kyungsoo approaches him. He leers at the boy with a small smile, "Do your best,"

Nobody could finish that humongous bento with the ridiculous amount of sushi within the time limit.

Everybody was cheering with adrenaline rush. Whistling and supporting the contestants that are left within the ring, still gobbling on the bento box. All the 'AJAA' and 'FIGHTING'  from all ages are deafening. Everybody were super excited. There are only two guys left in the ring.

One of them is Kai.

Spectators are all glancing at the huge digital board which shows the amount of sushi the contestants ate and timer countdown. People transits their focus to the two of the contenders to the digital board frequently, screaming and cheering to encourage the contestants to keep going. Kyungsoo clasps his hands together. Focusing on Kai who are eating slowly but very stable. The other contestant is an army retiree, an uncle who gobbles all the sushi up like he had never eaten for 10 years. Kyungsoo is worried to see how slow Kai is doing and how fast is the uncle going.

Clearly he wants Kai to win.

10 seconds left.

"OOOOOOUUUUUGHH!!!"  The uncle fell down out of the sudden making the crowd gasps in unison. Paramedics quickly ushers him out of the ring. The digital board announces 110 sushi in 19 minutes 50 seconds.

The crowd cheers to see the clear winner of the sushi eating competition. But Kai is still eating. He glances to the digital board and keeps eating. People are confused but cheers on him anyway. He is at his limit already, face swollen with all the sushi he had in his mouth and people could see his stomach starts to swell as well.


And Kai stopped eating. Receiving claps, whistles and even screams out of excitements mixed with congratulations from the spectators. Kai stopped at 00.02 seconds with the amount of 121 sushi within 19 mins 58 seconds. Its an official record for the town. At 5PM the town finally founds the King.

The ceremony was funny with Kris being so blunt giving out the prizes and crowning Kai with the King Of Sushi Eating sash while the crowd enjoys taking picture of the two perfect being as if they're some famous people. Chanyeol officially holds out the certificate to Kai; as a token for appreciating good sushi.

Kyungsoo smiles from behind the crowd standing in between Sehun and Baekhyun.

"Geez, that monster is not bad," Baekhyun pulls a corner on his mouth, annoyed a bit thinking that somebody just beaten his boyfriend invention.

"No, that monster is REAL BAD," Sehun's his palms formed into hard fists, as if ready to give somebody a great punch. Eyes fixed on Kai who is currently enjoying the ceremony.

"I hope all the sushi goes to his butts,"

Sehun and Baek looks to Kyungsoo immediately. The boy's eyes glimpse with stars and his jaw drops. Probably the words escaped from his mouth without knowing. The other two looks to each other then back to Kyungsoo, who is absolutely frozen. Baek wonders what is that going on in his mind. Probably something kinky. He squinted and smirks to think that Kyungsoo has a feeling anyway.

People starts to dissolves slowly, some are just walking around, enjoying the sushi they bought. Its as if the sushi bar just threw a cocktail party. Kris orders more bottled waters since the crowd seems endless and is really happy with the progress. Suho pats on his back while he is making a phone call. "Your dad said, not bad," Then walks off as if nothing happened. Kris looks down. Hair covering his hair. He put on a little smile. Something he doesn't want people to see. How happy he is for hearing that.

But Park Chanyeol.

"Somebody is happy," The fuzzy haired guy took off his apron and slings it on his shoulder, leaning on the wall besides Kris.

"Oi," Kris slides on his phone to lock it. Chanyeol rolls his eyes to him. Again, that OuO face.

He gives a thumbs up to Chanyeol. Both of them exchanging high-fives, chuckling a bit. Then parts. Making sure nobody sees that.

Kai and Kyungsoo were sitting under the tree nearby the sushi bar. Kyungsoo offers him some water, which Kai gulps in one go. He wonders if Kai is going to throw up afterwards.

"Congratulations," Kyungsoo smiles. Definitely didn't know he sends off electricity to the other kid with the smile. Kai startles a bit before thanking him.

"You sure is free tonight," Kai looks in front and rolls his eyes to the elder kid. Kyungsoo's smiles dims. He forgot about that issue and now his brain is busy looking for excuses. He don't even know why he is looking for it but he needs one right now.

"I don't know, we still had to clean up and..." his phone beeped. Kyungsoo excuses himself and checks his phone to see a text message coming from the superior.

"Leave the sushi bar as it is, the former eating athlete wants to do some documentary on it. Come by 7am to clear it up tomorrow.

- Kris -"

Kyungsoo screams psychologically with his brain sending off alarming warns to his heart. Eyes popped out, looking right to left trying to find help. But all he sees is Kai at his side, patting his own stomach, too full but looking good anyway.

"So?" Kai tilts his head as he leans back, hands supporting his weight.

Kyungsoo is dying inside. 
I need a life LOL

fanfic, chanbaek, kris, hunhan, sushi, exo, kaisoo

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