Behind This Sushi Bar [2/?]

Jul 02, 2012 16:51

A/N : I am lifeless and I can't help my overwhelming feelings to KaiSoo. And the news that OT12 gonna be in Happy Camps are just too much. Sooooooo.... Here you are!

Its been few days since Kai last visit to the Sushi bar.

Kyungsoo works like he normally would. Unsure if he had grow a liking to that monster customer but on his breaks, he would stare at the tissue that Kai gave him. The numbers are still vivid on it. But he doesn't have the courage to call him.

He even wonder should he be calling him anyway?

He wonders why Kai haven't come to their place anymore.

Maybe Sehun did something to him when he delivers the sushi?

Something that made Kai doesn't want to come again?

Ahhh, how can our sweet Sehun did that. He sighs thinking of it and walks out for some fresh air. Baekhyun follows closely and slings one arms over Kyungsoo's nape.

"Feeling gloomy aren't we?" Baekhyun offers a mint, Kyungsoo accepts it.

Business is quite slow at 3 on the afternoon. Its normal for quiet town like this. Unless there's some festival going on then that would flood the whole streets with people hungry for food. They both look into the clear blue sky, savoring the mint on their tongue.

"Kai hasn't come for couple of days already," Baekhyun tries to make the kid talks. Kyungsoo exhales and just nods. He was acting all disappointed without realizing it. How innocent. Baekhyun exclaims in his heart.

"Call him up, we need business," He punches the other kid's arms jokingly. Kyungsoo looks to him with that large eyes and he bits his own lips. Baek pops another mint and his perfect eyebrows wrinkles looking to Kyungsoo. "You're hesitant?"

"I don't know, hyung. I mean, he seems dangerous," Kyungsoo shakes his head. He exhales and looks to the dance school just across the road. Somewhere inside the building, Kai is working. His heart went beating a little faster.

"You know, that kid is worth trying," Baek chuckles. Lays one arms on Kyungsoo's shoulder while Kyungsoo is thinking hard, his hands in his pockets. One is gripping hard to that tissue.

Kyungsoo doesn't even check on how Baek knows Kai's name. Doesn't even suspects how Baek knows about Kai giving out his numbers to him.

"Call him up, I think he is waiting," Baekhyun smiles confidently to the ever-popping eyes bartender.

   Sehun were sitting besides his scooter, taking out a picture from his leather wallet engraved with 'HunHan'.

Its a picture of him and Luhan during a photoshoot to help out some beginner photographer. They look ridiculous with all the hair-do and make-up, but they were the happiest at this time. When they are together. Sehun smiles to remember that one time Luhan plays a rubiks cube and amazes him. He would scramble the cube and make him plays again and again. Because staring at Luhan being so focused on a toy is a sight that he loves.

His eyes blur with tears. Sehun quickly takes a deep breath. He promises his long-distant boyfriend that he would wait, patiently. And he would not cry.

"I would make all the dance schools in China dethrone and make me a King," Luhan's voice is determine and strong yet so soft. Thats the first time when he breaks it to him, that he would leave Korea and proves what he is made of.  He remembers the place, dance studio where they usually practice.  That time, Sehun wishes its not true.

They even quarrel. How Luhan is selfish and Sehun didn't understand.

It was solved with Luhan's sweet serenade, showering Sehun with candies and roses, all the sweet words in the world. How can one not melt over that.

"I will come back to you. Will you wait for me?" Luhan's last words before he departs, he was bracing the sobbing Sehun at the airport, waiting for the final call. Sehun nods.

The last time he could feel Luhan's warmth, porcelain skin and the scent of him.

Sehun doesn't understand but Luhan had been doing good. Most dancers against him during his confrontation in China underestimate his boyfriend as some lost bambi. And its too late to realize the dancing monster that comes out from Luhan.

"Sehun, there is this dancing beast from Korea I need to beat. If I won, I would come back to Korea!"

Thats the time when Luhan and Sehun cries on a phone call together. Both of them had been missing each other. Luhan had been trying so hard to bring himself back to Sehun. They call each other regularly but Luhan is always busy, so it turns from weekly, to fortnightly, to monthly and now, rarely.

"Whats his name, Lulu, the one who beats you," Sehun asked half angry, half devastated.


Sehun feels the breeze on his face. Opening his eyes slowly.

Has it been a year already? Looking at the picture on his wallet once again. His heart feels heavy.

Has I been a fool to even stick with him?


Kris is not happy to see that his Sushi bar had low profit for the past few days.

He had been blasting his cold aura ever since he receives Baekhyun's report on the daily account closing. Nobody dares to talk to him.

But Park Chanyeol.

"Ooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiii......" Chanyeol sneaks in the boss' office as if the door couldn't be open any wider, he creeps in like lizard then laugh by himself.

Kris stares to the giggly chef, supports his head with his left hand, elbow on the stacks of financial paper he needs to balance with the report he just got. He scoffs.

"Whats your business, Mr.Park?"

Chanyeol sits on the leather chair to the opposite of Kris, legs crossed, but body a little too leaning to the back with his arms behind his head. Smiling. Kris looks at him and he immediately saw "OuO" written all over his face.

"Slow business we got here,"

That boils Kris' blood.

"Yes, do you have any suggestion on how to change that?" He look into his stacks of papers and continue doing his jobs, ignoring Chanyeol. He know Chanyeol wouldn't bother even when he ask him to get out, instead of wasting his time and breath, he rather do the calculations on his computer.

"I say, we got them hype up,"

"I don't understand Mr. Park,"


Kris turns to Chanyeol lazily. This time his eyes are interested. Both brows arched. Chanyeol winked.

"You see, I've always had this idea with the other Chefs," Chanyeol starts to tell in details his suggestion and Kris had been all ears, fixing here and there where the suggestion might have flaws and at the end of it, he claps his hands together.

"Thank you, Chanyeol!" Kris high-fives Chanyeol. They both laugh. And Kris is back to his boss-like attitude recording everything on his computer ignoring Chanyeol.

"You can' always work, Kris," Chanyeol stood up to leave. Kris just nods; as if saying, yeah, yeah.

"Try having fun sometimes,"

Kris looks up. Chanyeol winked and went out of the office.

Its the end of the day.

All Kyungsoo did was texted to that number.

"Hey, this is the bartender from that sushi bar if you remember,"

That is all he texted. Not even with emoji added. Doesn't want to sound excited, he said to himself. But as the bar starts to close and they are all cleaning up; Kyungsoo sighs even heavier. Suho swear he saw a black cloud sits on Kyungsoo's head, following him everywhere. He didn't get any reply nor did the boy visits the bar.

Maybe he visits a lot of Sushi bar. So he didn't know if he should respond or not.

Maybe. He. Is just. Another trial and error to him.

He gasped on that idea. He is really good at scaring himself. He is even good at twisting his own mind. He wipes the bar furiously muttering something to his own. Suho doesn't come near him. He is afraid of what Kyungsoo might do to him next.

All of the staffs are ready to leave the bar. Kyungsoo slowly puts his beanie on, staring at Chanyeol who swipes Baekhyun to his brace and they start exchanging pecks to each other like a pair would. On his side, Sehun is in texting frenzy. Judging from his constant facial change, it seems that he is texting his boyfriend who is far away. Long distance call is expensive so he opt to text. Kyungsoo just stares at the window. Suho were on the phone, looking mushy and gentle unlike when he was working. Talking to his girlfriend probably.

Kris came out from his office, putting his biker jackets on and bids Kyungsoo good bye.

Now thats one guy with no string attached. He thought by himself. He shrugs and starts making his way out from the bar.

He walks rather slow. Steps heavier than he usually had. Didn't know why he don't want to leave the bar.

"Hey, bartender!"

Kyungsoo looks over his shoulder, eyes wide. There stood.

Bronze skin kid, this time in wash out jeans, tank top and denim jacket on. Hair is free without the cap, revealing some tasteful hair style and him panting. But smiling nonetheless. Kyungsoo turns and walks up to the boy. A little too fast.

"Hi," Kyungsoo said, smiling brightly to see the sushi monster again. But in rather different light.

"Heard that your work ends at 11," Kai still pants. He had been running.

"Did you just ran?" Kyungsoo checks with his eyes all over the guy. Kai had his hands on his knees, still catching his breath.

"Y-yeah. I just arrived back to this town,"

Kyungsoo blinks. What?

"I had been away from the town, for some performance,"

"Did you just got back?" Kyungsoo is trying to get what Kai is saying.

"You never call," Kai said. Which Kyungsoo gulps and purses his lips to. Kai finally had his normal breathing back and stood to face Kyungsoo properly. He smiles. Kyungsoo is still confused and give him a suspicious look.

"But today, I got your text," Kai exclaims in a sing-song voice. Kyungsoo chuckles  slowly, pursing his lips again, tries not to laugh. Eyes on the ground. Hiding his excited self really hard.

"I guess, it doesn't hurt to have some late night supper? My treat," Kai made an offer. Charms overflowing the young man and boy oh boy Kyungsoo has some hard time denying he miss that figure but he isn't familiar with the charm. He wants to tackle that out from his feelings.

"When's your birth year?" Kyungsoo ask. Kai shrugs.  "January 1994,"

"January 1993, supper is on me," Kyungsoo walks and a little shocked Kai, grins and catches up with him.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun who are still in each other embrace, witnesses everything which just happened between Kai and Kyungsoo.

"Baby, you're a genius" Chanyeol exclaims. Pinching Baek's cheeks. Baek slaps his hands away from his face. Chanyeol laughs to that.

"Everything went well as planned," Baek chirps. Chanyeol melts listening to that and smooches his boyfriend right there, in public.

chanbaek, hunhan, exo, fanfiction, kaisoo

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