How does it feels?

Jul 02, 2012 15:15

Title          : How Does It Feels?
Pairings    : KaiSoo
Ratings     : PG-1
Summary  :  Kai is a curious teenager just like any other youngsters his age would be. One fine morning, Kai was wondering the fascination about human facial structure and how human connects it. He ought to experiment it by himself.
A/N            : Lets not kid ourselves, we want to see these two, do it. And do it right. LOL


Kai had been staring at the figure breathing calmly, slowly, as he travels into the dreamland deeply. Its already 7am, sunlight fell on his face but it seems that Kyungsoo is too tired to even realizes that.

The younger man admires the beautiful face of Kyungsoo, sleeping hands tightly gripping Kai's pillows, legs sprawled everywhere. He sits up besides the sleeping boy, smiling as he sees Kyungsoo rubs his nose a bit before going back to sleeping like a log with mouth gaping a bit. Kai flutters his lashes.

How can one have such, plump lips?

He wonders in his own thought. His fingers reaching to his roomate's lips but quickly realizes that would wake him up. He places his fingers to his own lips instead. He looks to the mirror besides him.

They said mine are fat ones too.

Kai wants to protest to that one thought so he checks himself and compares to Kyungsoo's lips. Darting his eyes from the mirror, to Kyungsoo's lips back and forth. He kept doing this for 3 times and sighs.

I think they're quite the same. Fat.

So theres part of Kai which he had to admit that, its fat. Fat lips Kai. He scrunches his nose to the thought. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo made a sound.


Kai wants to laugh at that stupid sound he made. But his eyes were fixed to the lips that seems like falling out of his face.

How does it feels to cushion two fat lips together?

Thats a wild thought. Kai grins by himself, blushing alone while hands waving, brushing the thoughts away. He saw himself on the mirror and that act reminds him to Kyungsoo slapping his own cheeks for being embarrassed.

What harm would it do, anyway?

Kai leans over to Kyungsoo who is still sleeping, dead like a log, peaceful like a princess. He warns him by breathing to his nose but Kyungsoo responded with furrowed brows. Kai chuckles by himself to see that.

He closes his eyes, head tilting to avoid the nose from touching. Upper lips sits right on Kyungsoo's upper lips, lower lips exactly on the other's lower lips. Kai closes Kyungsoo's mouth gaping using his own lips, a sloppy sound escapes between.

Hmm... supple.

Kai opens his eyes, smiling to look on to Kyungsoo's face again. He didn't move an inch, having a deep sleep is really something Kyungsoo had as a talent.

Should I do it again?

His heart wasn't beating this hard before, but the second try, he did it real careful because there is excitement going on inside. He is definitely afraid that Kyungsoo would wake up and then awkwardness would fill in the room. But I need to do it again.

This time, he bites Kyungsoo's lower lips softly with the pair of swollen lips he owns. Then to his upper lips. Before he fully owns Kyungsoo's lips again into his mouth. Its an addiction. He did it again, climbs up on the bed to a much comfortable position to kiss the other boy. A little bit out of the calm that he plans to be, he really likes the feeling of crashing his lips to a pair of these, cushiony lips.

He can feel that his lower lips were bitten. Not with lips but with teeth. An uhm escapes from his mouth, it hurts but a sensation tingling runs wild into his body.


Kai opens his eyes in shock.

Kyungsoo responds.

"What, are you thinking you're doing? Harassing me in my sleep with this?" Kyungsoo with eyes still shut, pulls the younger kids into his arms. Kai were embarrassed and blushes like a baboon's butt. The elder boy holds Kai's head gently, pulling him into what he defines as real kiss. Kyungsoo greedily eats the boy's lips who are still in shock and slips in tongue this time and Kai blushes even harder.

"Let me teach you on how to use that lips of yours," Kyungsoo's eyes opens with lids half covering them, smirking all satisfied to see the trembling kid on top of him were blushing in ecstasy.

LOL dying. I'm dying alone writing this.

oneshot, fanfic, fluff, exo, kaisoo

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