The Deal

Jul 01, 2012 16:59

Title: The Deal
Rating: pg-13 (with f-bomb here and there)
Pairing: ChanBaek
Summary: How does one reach for the dreams while seeing it crushes each time one works on it? One would turn to someone, something. To own. Or to lose?

"You've been postponing just too many times,"

Baekhyun sits up in a speed of light, waking up from what he ought was a dream. Sweats beading on his forehead. He breathes hard. Its the same dream again. He closes his eyes. Hands on his temple, trying to calm down.


His boyfriend, Chanyeol at the other side of the bed rubs his eyes probably realizes Baekhyun who suddenly woke up in the middle of their sleep. He saw Baek breathing hard and quickly comes to his brace and hugs the fragile figure tightly. Baekhyun is still gasping for air, his face pale. Chanyeol kisses Baekhyun's locks, hushing him. "Its okay, I'm here, baby, I'm here, shhh..."

That deep, husky voice somehow works a lot of deal to Baekhyun. His breathing comes to a normal pace as soon as Chaneyol whispers. He closes his eyes slowly. Falling asleep fast inside Chanyeol's sweet embrace.

"I have the talent, I have the opportunity, I have everything but why can't I make it big?"

Baekhyun slams over yet another rejection letter for his stage performance in Korea's most famous troupe. He went through hell for it but in the end he gets another denial.

He checks on the mirror, seeing if any of his guy-liner ran down. Nope. Perfect. He sips another glass of coke, mildly spiked with vodka he just brought in the posh restaurant.

"You will make it someday," said Chanyeol from the opposite of the table where Baekhyun sits. The photographer who dreams to win the Pulitzer Prize and did some part-time jobs snapping celebrities photos on the street in the hope to gain a huge ass pay by the paparazzi. He checks his camera and teases to take pic of Baekhyun, on which he immediately poses.

Chanyeol chuckles. A little too loud that Baekhyun snorts. "Dork,"

They had been seeing each other since Chanyeol took a job to photograph one of his performances during some public concerts. Chanyeol had been insisting to be his friends ever since.

"Trust me, I've seen so many celebrities from their start," Chanyeol offers Baek to see the picture on the camera which he just took. Baek was amazed on how simple angle made him look so much different.

"And you, have the same start with them," Chanyeol take back his camera and pinches Baek's nose; with a smile so wide, doe eyes so shining that Baekhyun feels....that he wants to trust the taller man. Baekhyun smiled.

"I like it better when you smile," Chanyeol mutters under his breath, staring into Baekhyun's eyes. Baekhyun was surprised. He could see a flush of red flowing into Chanyeol's cheeks. "I MEAN, AREN'T WE ALL SHOULD BE HAPPY?" He flaps. Suddenly throws both of his hands up and shouts "WOOHOO!! LETS BE HAPPY!" He forgot they're in such a quite and posh restaurant. But its not like Chanyeol would care. He cares even more to think that Baekhyun heard his last words.

Baekhyun grins. Pursing his lips together, looking down, he was embarrassed too. Chanyeol make a very good friend. He doesn't feels alone with him.

In fact he thinks that Chanyeol, is a real sweetheart.

Another rejection letter.

This time he tried to be a vocalist for some session band.

He couldn't take it anymore. He is on his limit already. Either he went on or go back to his hometown, returns to be somebody he used to be.

All along of what makes him hold onto his dreams was Chanyeol. He believes in him. Thats the only string that keeps him going.

"Problem there pretty thing?"

Baekhyun looks up. A creepy voice which sounds hoarse like its been punched before coming from a ridiculous tall, black thing. Didn't know if he is hallucinating but he can't seem to conclude what is that in front of him. There is no face to be exact. He was shivering, but if that thing could talk, then, it must be real.

"Not your problem,"

He can hear the 'thing' grins. Baekhyun gets annoyed with it.

"I can help you out,"

Baekhyun is alone, shivering in the forest. He knelt in front of the stone, cuts his finger tips and writes his wish accordingly on the stone while chanting to something. Eyes closed.

"Pretty thing, is that all you asked of?"

The black thing appears again in front of him when he opens his eyes. He was surprised to the extend he couldn't make a sound at all. He is glad that he was on his knees; or else he would fall, his legs are all jelly. Afraid. Scared.

But he needs to do this.

"But to gain one, you have to lose one, pretty thing,"

Baekhyun stares to that 'thing'. He took a deep breathe and nods.

Theres no turning back.

Baekhyun starts touring with a rock band around Korea and talent scouts from different companies notice him out of the blue. He receives phone calls, offer letters, army of fans, he was even famous in the online world.

Recording companies were struggling to ties him with them on a record but Baekhyun, with his rising popularity chose an independent label where he could work on his own music and let no one but himself decides it for him.

He made it to the most popular search on the internet. 'Rising star to eyes on; Byun Baekhyun'. He already has a swarm of enemies to deal with but its all good; he already had his own company to backs him up.

He soars high.





He has it all.

Yet. There is always that moment when he starts scribbling his music. Whenever he plans on some catchy music to hype up the crowd, it would creep on him.


"You must not love unless you are selling his soul to me,"

Its howling inside his head.



A voice calling for him. He were drunk, both arms on pretty ladies, one is holding a bottle of vodka. His vision is blurry but he laughs it out when he finally recognizes who calls for him. Girls in his arms laugh along, hands all over the slander body of Baekhyun's.

"Hello, Chanyeol, long time no see!" He sways slowly to offer him a bro fist. Grinning like a drunkard he is. Chanyeol didn't take it in. Baekhyun pretends a sad face and looks up to the much taller man. The girls still clinging on him, encouraging Chanyeol to take his bro fist.

Chanyeol's eyes were all sorrow and pain.

"Don't give me that look," Baekhyun points to Chanyeol's eyes. He wants to take another gulp from his bottle but Chanyeol snaps it from him and throw it away. He steps forward and grabs him on his collar harshly. The girls was afraid and runs on their high heels, screaming for help.

Baekhyun stares into him, laughs like a mad man. Chanyeol was puzzled.

"Why," Is all that he could say. Tears streams down his eyes. Baekhyun hiccups. He breathes his alcoholic breathe to Chanyeol purposely. Then he giggles. "Come on, be happy!"

"I thought we had something," Chanyeol pulls his collars even harder. Baekhyun half-conscious, changed his facial expression. Strong arms threw him aside. He tried to contain his feelings.

Baekhyun coughs. He scratches his back. But nothing compares to his ripped heart. Seeing Chanyeol's wet eyes trying to reason things out. He stood up, not even walking straight, directing to the standing man who is facing his back to him. Probably disappointed. Probably trying to find his words. Probably is so angry.

He wraps his thin arms around Chanyeol's tall figure, temples on his back. He could feel Chanyeol's spine. The boy had grown so thin when they didn't meet.

"I'm sorry,"

"You fucking left me, hanging,"

"I don't want to hurt you,"

"But you've ruined me,"

"I am so sorry,"

"Why, Baek, why..."

"You'll get hurt,"


Chanyeol snapped. He turns around to look into Baekhyun's face. He heard the thunder, its going to rain soon. Like a flash on his camera, he could see Baekhyun's face clearly at the backdoors of some fancy night club. It was a really sorry face. Apologetic. But stubborn. Stuck up.

"I miss you," His lips were trembling to say it out. Its like an amount of ego was a big obstacle to even say it out. Chanyeol steps forward to him, hands on both Baekhyun's shoulders. He is the Baekhyun that he knows. Despite being drunk and in a huge pompous mess.

"Then why, did you left me, why?" Chanyeol whispers, hands gripping hard on his shoulder, foreheads on foreheads. Baekhyun sucks in Chanyeol's smells. He misses him. He misses him so much. He almost went crazy.

"I just want you to be safe," Baekhyun starts to bawl.


Chanyeol knows what happen.

And he is not afraid of that 'thing' who grants Baekhyun what he wanted.

For even using Baekhyun's weakness and lures him into some kind of outrageous deal, Chanyeol wants to face this 'thing' and beats it off until it went extinct from this world.

"You don't understand, Chanyeol! Its MY mistake, you have to stay out of this,"

"Do you even think that I went half-way when I first met you?"

Baekhyun pauses. His cheeks flushed, red like tomato.

"Nope, baby. I go with it all along," Chanyeol hugs the smaller guy and gives a peck on his lips. His cheeks are still hot, thinking of what Chanyeol just said.

"I would fight this for you, baby. Screw all these, I am Park Chanyeol,"

Eversince of that Baekhyun kept having all the nightmares about getting Chanyeol taken away from him.

He wants to believe in Chanyeol but this thing is out of the world. What if one day he wakes up to see he wasn't there anymore.

He don't want to feel that loneliness again, without someone to lie on, without the person who believes in him, without the one who could tell him that its all gonna be alright.

Time to time, he regrets making that deal. He thought of himself as greedy but Chanyeol would say; it was just him trying to catch on his dreams.

Baekhyun couldn't live without Chanyeol. Not anymore of that last time without him on his side.

"I will fight for Chanyeol,"

At some rebellious protest turns war-field between civillian and officers, Chanyeol was doing his job as photographer. Taking all the possible pictures of what happen during the protest.

He got shot accidentally.

Baekhyun went back to the forest where he went to wish for all the fame he had. He was crying, looking for that stone where he scribbles his promises and made a deal.

His tears almost washes off all the deals. He tears his palms and re-writes the deal.


He shouts so loud, it echoes in the forest. He throw all the frights he had inside him. Blood pouring mad on the stone. But that thing he tries to talk with does not shows up.

"TAKE IT BACK. TAKE BACK ALL I HAD NOW. I DON'T WANT IT ANYMORE, JUST DON'T TAKE CHANYEOL!!!!!!!" He shouts even louder. He sobs so hard. He is dizzy, the rush of blood out of his palms were crazy.


He fainted after shouting so hard on top of his lungs.

A sweet scene that intoxicates his worries fills in his nose. He wants to open his eyes but to a very blurry vision.

Chanyeol's face. From worried to huge smile with wide eyes. He is in the hospital robe, bringing with him water taped into his right arms.

"Honey..." Baekhyun weakly exclaims. The smiling guy plants his kiss carefully on him. Baekhyun smiles a little, feeling a little too tired.

"You've been in comma for two weeks, I was afraid," Chanyeol laces his fingers with Baek's. Kissing his forehead. He realizes that Chanyeol's face is bright, the room is filled with sunshine.

He never felt this light and happy.

"I was afraid I might've lose you, honey," Baekhyun said, with low voice cackling.

"I've told you, I would fight for you,"

An official come over to his bed where the couple are still feeding each other with sweet talks.

"I am sorry to break it to you, Mr. Byun. But your absence and the news of you doing suicide has put our company at stake. I know its not the right timing but..."

"Another rejection letter?" Baekhyun cuts in with a grin. Chanyeol looks at him, confused. The official, nods. Bows 90 degrees and walks away.

Chanyeol look into his eyes. Baekhyun caresses his boyfriend's cheek. He had never been this happy. Throwing the world out. And be back where he started.

Why would he need all that.

When he have someone who believes in him, who supports him in anything he do.

Someone like Chanyeol.

His sunshine.

chanbaek, exo, fanfiction

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