Between This Sushi bar

Jun 27, 2012 19:11

I just felt like writing. So this is EXO fic. I guess this would count as drabbles? LOL

Title: Between This Sushi Bar
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 1,444
Pairings:  Mainly KaiSoo, a hint of HunHan and ChanBaek

He comes again.

Kyungsoo clicks his tongue a little annoyed as the figure of a dark-eyed boy, clad in huge sweats and a big bag walks in and places himself right on the sushi bar  where he stood instead of the many tables available. He faintly said welcome to him and the customer pulls off his cap written 'KAI' on it then greets him back with a sly smile.

"Oh, hi, sir! Regular order?"  A loud voice came from Kyungsoo's behind which shocks both of them. Kai just nods and stares at the moving bar. It doesn't take him long to grab his first sushi plate. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes.

Kyungsoo doesn't like this one particular customer.

This is his third visit to the sushi bar for this week. The first time he went in, the exotic looking boy was mistaken for some foreigner. Young, dark, brooding and always wearing the same blue sweats. Its not that Kyungsoo doesn't welcome foreigners. Its when the said customer gobbles everything that lined up in front of him! His habit even made the sushi chef overworked. But Chanyeol never complains. The sushi chef never hates his client even when he gets all worked up to serve them.

"You never smile,"

Kyungsoo pops his eyes out to the words coming from the guest. He gives him a half-hearted smile and tried to ignore him.


Damn it, guest tries to start a conversation and if he ignores him, their superior, that bitchface Kris would definitely cut his pay by 3/4 for not entertaining clients. "Make them come for more," He would say with a lazy breathing and dangerously cold eye rolls. Kyungsoo couldn't do anything but entertain him.

"This is your third visit this week, I know your name," he points to his cap. Chanyeol and another chef at work were shouting to each other behind, probably killing each other with their specialized knives. Kai is already on his fifth plate responds back by smiling with a mouthful. Cute.

He pops his eyes out again. Shaking his head a bit and serves a sushi plate where the moving bar is empty of. What he just thought of was out of the place. He never seen that smile on him before.

"My fav, won it against the best from the Mainland China, you see?" Kai spins his cap on his hand. Kyungsoo nodded, listening half-heartedly though he is wondering what kind of contest he was on. Suddenly a thought flashes in his mind; Baekhyun the pretty cashier were being gossiping about this particular customer before. Kai comes out from a dance school nearby before he went in their sushi bar and judging from his sudden frequent visit; he must've just moved in the town. Probably alone and lonely. Kyungsoo purses his lips to the thought.

"Sounds like a really tough dancer to beat," just to fish out if its true. Kai pauses from putting a little wasabi on his unagi, looks up to Kyungsoo and his face brightens. The bartender couldn't handle the shock, his heart skipped a beat seeing that.

"Yes, he was tough! He could have won over me actually if its not for one tiny mistake he did," and from that, Kai goes on and on and on and on and on talking about dances, competitions, travelling everywhere, on tour, training, getting into fights, betrayals and


Despite looking tough with all the adventures he went through, he had always been with the wrong person. Being used, cheated on, dumped off, being ignored out of the sudden, friendzoned, all sorts of harshness. Kyungsoo who at first diligently serving plates of sushi, started to give a rather full attention to the hated guest. Didn't know what draws him in, but he wants to know.

Kai had an interesting life.

Chanyeol pops out from behind; he were cleaning his knives, looking up to the clock, its almost time to close. Suho the main bartender has already started to scoop out any sushi plates left and Baekhyun is ready to do the account closing for the day.

There in the middle of the closing sushi bar; two person were still chattering. Kyungsoo still in his apron had his elbows on the bar, palms cupping his own face, listening to the ever excited Kai. There were giggles in between. Kai's hands were flying everywhere whilst talking to him.

Kris came out from the manager office, making his way to the two who are obviously in their own world.

"I am sorry sir, I know you're a regular, but we are closing soon," Kris said with straight face, but a pair of MURDEROUS eyes shot to Kyungsoo. The smaller boy whimpers, eyes almost came out of the socket feeling the killing aura coming out from his boss.

"Kyungsoo, come see me in my office after this," Kris breathes his words and turns to walk back to his office.

"Wait," Kai half-shouting.

"Yes, sir?" Kris pauses.

Kai looks over to Kyungsoo, over the clock, to Baekhyun and then to Chanyeol who are standing behind Kyungsoo with only heads visible a little above the smaller boy. Suho and Chanyeol were exchanging glimpses.

"Leftover sushis that you have, let me buy them all. Take away please,"

Kris looks to the guest, then to Kyungsoo.

"Kyungsoo you don't have to come to my office, Baekhyun," and Baekhyun knows already what to do, fingers punching on the machine, calculating the guest's bill.

Kyungsoo was dumbfounded. Chanyeol pats the bartender with a loud thud, muttering 'That was close!' while Suho at the corner of the store shrugs before signaling to Kyungsoo a thumbs up. Kyungsoo looks to Kai feeling guilty.

"Its okay, I am still hungry," Kai said. He looks over his cellphone.

"In fact, my dorm mates are still up for some healthy supper," He flashes a smile to Kyungsoo. He can't help but smiles back to him. That bronze skin sure compliments the pearly white smiles he had.

A younger boy in delivery uniform came out with sushi bento boxes, piling them between Kyungsoo and Kai.

"Heres your take away sir, counter is in front," he said. Kyungsoo elbows the younger boy and mouthing 'that is rude' to him. The younger kid snorts and rolls his eyes.

Kai steps to the counter and made his payment, but then walks back to where Kyungsoo and the younger kid stood.

"I want them to be delivered to this address," Kai slides a piece of paper to the younger boy and he gave Kai a cold stare, clicking his tongue. Kai grins, scribbling something on a tissue and slides it to Kyungsoo's way. "And this is my number,"

Kyungsoo tries to act calm but he take the tissue while staring directly to the mysterious guest. His heart is throbbing so fast he feels like it would come out and hits Kai's face. Kai winked, places his cap on his head and walks out the sushi bar. The whole staffs are shouting "Thank you please come again!!" but Kyungsoo is already frozen to even do the routine.

He wished that sushi monster guest would really come again tomorrow.

For the very first time.


"Say, why did you act like you're some kind of arch enemy with that particular guest?" Baekhyun all gossipy come up to the delivery boy who are stacking one by one bento boxes in anger.

"Do you remember the time I said I want to fly to China right away because my boyfriend was so devastated for losing something?" He took a deep breath while facing Baekhyun. Suppressing grudge it seems. Baekhyun places one finger to his own lips, eyes to the sky trying to remember. A thought of the boy crying on phone behind the bar come into his mind. He nods frantically.

"He is the best, THE BEST from China, but that bastard who ORDERS these sushi, beats him on that fucking dance competition," He shouted, throwing his helmet. Baekhyun looks over the thumping helmet rolling on the street.

"Your boyfriend? Lu-Han?" He places a hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"DO I HAVE ANY OTHER FUCKING BOYFRIEND?!?!!!" he shouted to Baekhyun who almost laugh out loud to the boy's facial expression who is half-crying. He sucks it in and sits besides the sobbing boy.

"Sehun-ah, its just a delivery. Lets be professional, okay?" Baekhyun massages Sehun's shoulder.

"He could've make it and come over here, be with me, Lu-Han.."

At the door, Chanyeol and Suho were sharing cigarettes looking at how Baekhyun manages all the emotional employees like a boss he is.

"He should be a con master," Suho smirks while lighting up Chanyeol's cigs.

"Thats my boyfriend," Chanyeol puffs a huge ring smoke and tries to form a heart-shape around Baekhyun from a far.

Sorry if you guys are offended over Chanyeol and Suho smoking, I only want to make Chanyeol doing that love shape smoke on Baekhyun LOL

chanbaek, hunhan, lol, sushi, exo, fanfiction, kaisoo

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