The Perfect Seodaemun-gu (II)

Aug 22, 2011 16:57


Suddenly he could feel that somebody is behind him.

But its not Donghae. He is shadowing him and he could see a sharp object is in his hand.

Henry suspects that it’s a knife, he shivers a bit and couldn’t carry himself to look up nor to turns around.

Something fell on his left shoulder.

He screamed!

And a line of Chinese sentence blurted out of shock from the figure behind.

Henry blinked as he turns.

“Henry what on earth is that screaming for!!”

Zhoumi is massaging his own chest, calming himself from the shock he just gets. A knife on his right hand fell on the floor. Henry let out a heavy sigh of relieve.

“You’re scaring me there, gege!” He laughed. The tall lanky boy rolls eyes and ask him wouldn’t its him who supposed to be scared in Chinese. Henry laugh even more, frustrating the other boy who ends up picking up the knife on the floor to wash it.

“Oh, come on. Don’t you miss me? Wait. Why are you in Korea? I thought you’re in China doing your things? And how is your family? Are they here too?” Henry mercilessly attacks the sulking Zhoumi while he is cleaning the knife. Donghae who went missing before bobs his head out from a door written Food Storage. Face all going what happen? while munching on an apple

“Donghae stop stealing food!” Zhoumi shouted and Donghae disappears. Henry is still there, this time, poking Zhoumi and ask him to answer all the questions he just threw.

“I’m busy, I need to prepare club sandwiches for four, okay?” Zhoumi sighed, talking gently and cuts the veggies skillfully. Henry beamed.

“If I help you out, will you answer all my questions?” He rolls his sleeves up, snatching the hanging apron and starts cleaning his hands. Zhoumi look to him and quiver his lips, looking up. “Yeah, most probably,”and both of them grins.

So both of them started preparing the club sandwiches for four; carefully but fast.

“I’m in Korea to study tourism, I left all my jobs in China when Kuixian told me about this business.” Zhoumi’s long fingers delicately place the layers of cheese, tomatoes and hams.

“My family is still in China though they visited me sometimes, but I’m doing fine here. Work here to pay my tuition fees, plus managing this kitchen becomes handy to practice out what I’ve learnt in school,” He lets out a short giggle. Henry looks at him and he can see an aura of happiness from his face.

“This is perfect,” Zhoumi exclaims in singsong to the well-done sandwich. Henry approves.

“Are you living with Kuixian?” Henry is finishing off his sandwich by garnishing some peas on the side of the plate.

“How did you know that?” Zhoumi straightened up looking directly to Henry, all surprised.

“You look too happy, okay. Too happy its even hard for me to describe,” Henry elbowed Zhoumi and the tall boy blushes beautifully with a shy smile on his face.

“You didn’t answer me yet, don’t you miss me?” He poked Zhoumi who is placing the 4 plates on the tray. He turns to the nagging boy and give him the tightest hugs ever, Henry thought his ribs would break!

“Aaaaa! Can’t breathe!” He squirmed and Zhoumi lets him go, laughing. “Come, I’ll show what we had upstairs,”

Henry tailing behind Zhoumi climbing the stairs connected to the kitchen there, still in his aprons. They went through a swivel door and there, a posh looking café which to Henry’s estimation could ccommodate 20 people at a time, and yes, all of them are females. All of them are focusing at the direction of the balcony. Henry saw a stage in the middle, a white piano is placed there. Zhoumi caters the food to the customers while Henry walks closer to the balcony where everybody is looking at.

Two males in casual clothing are singing a ballad song in harmony; all eyes are in admiration, so does the pedestrians underneath who catches the perfect vocals taunting the air. At the end of the song, they’re clapping and the two males excuse themselves for a break.

The tall boy walks directly to Henry which surprised him because he is dead sure that this song bird doesn’t even look at where he is standing; Kyuhyun grabs him on both arms and stares with a wide smile on his face. The other boy is approaching Zhoumi, Henry confirmed that is Yesung by looking over Kyu’s

“Oh my God, its really you!” Kyu hugs Henry just like how Zhoumi did to him before. “Oooofff!! Are you guys hugging like this everyday?” Henry forces himself to say something out, he sounds like a trapped mouse to Kyuhyun.

“Zhoumi told you already?” Kyuhyun lets the boy go yet hands still gripping on his shoulders, staring with his doe-eyes, slight blush on his ears are emerging.

“He didn’t tell, I could’ve guessed it myself,” Henry slaps Kyu on his rear and Kyu laughs, pulling the younger boy to the corner of the shop to sit. Like, finally Henry is sitting down. So he aaaheed for finally sitting.

“What, they didn’t even let you sit?” Kyu asks, half laughing to see the sudden tired face of Henry.

“They are showing every single services, I even dance. But its all exciting, its all good,” Henry stretches out his hand and Kyu chuckles. Zhoumi ninja out of nowhere and places two glasses of plain water.

“Only plain water?” Kyu looks up to Zhoumi, faking his disappointment.

“Its filled with my love, stop complaining,” Zhoumi playfully hit Kyu’s hand with the tray and left before Henry even get to tease both of them. Kyu smiles and take a sip.

“I think I saw Yesung-hyung but whe…”

“Hello, are you talking about me?” Yesung appeared from Henry’s behind causing a shock to the boy he almost spurts out water. He slides himself on the chair besides Kyu and laugh, putting down on the table a small basket of cookies. “A client gave me this, thought I’d share with you guys,”

“I thought we had policy not to accept gifts from customers?” Kyu looks to Yesung and he seems to be shocked by that fact, but still munching the cookies. “What policy?”

Henry face-palmed. “Are you guys serious? Are you idols?” Henry laughed to know that they even had this kind of policy. Kyu and Yesung look to Henry, blinking blankly.

“Well, we’re known for the sweet morning siren of Seodaemun-gu for quite sometimes already,” Kyu said with 20 percent embarrassed but 80 percent proud.

“Its just logic to have that policy,” Yesung hugs himself, leaning to the chair. Looking at Kyu “But I had no idea of that one policy, to be honest,” Kyu stares back in disbelief and swallow more water. Henry laugh, clapping his hands. “Oh, I miss you guys really,” Its been a while since he laughed this hard.

A crashing sound could be heard by the kitchen stairs and suddenly Jungsoo emerges from the swivel door, wearing body-hugging white shirt with navy blue belts and khaki pants, flipping his brunette hair to the side as always. Few clients paid attention to his entry and he look to them, smiling and waving before he joins the three boys without saying anything and stuffs a cookie from the basket inside his mouth.

"Donghae is taking snacks and Zhoumi is furious in the kitchen;” He explained the crashing sound before any of them asks. They nods, mouth in o shape; understanding the situation in the kitchen.

“I wonder again, why we assign Donghae to help out at the kitchen…. Oh, this is good!” Distracted Jungsoo takes another and offers a bite to Henry. He took advantage and eats half of them but Jungsoo decides to stuff them all to Henry’s mouth when he saw him doing that. The boys laughing and snorting but became calmer as one client turns to see the corner is suddenly all loud.

“Sorry you have to see me in dinosaur costume; that’s my job now,” He laughed. Henry explains how he is being taken to each of the room and Jungsoo was in awe that he had made his journey through the spa house in such a short time. Yesung stares at jungsoo; contemplating to tell the brunette boy that the cookies he ate are actually given by customers. Kyu who seems like reading Yesung’s mind shakes his head and pats the confused hyung on his shoulder.

“So you knew everybody’s part and services already but not mine yet,” Jungsoo rock his chair back and forth; looking at Henry. “Well, I thought you’re the dinosaur at certain times of the day?” Henry shrugs. Jungsoo stopped his chair-rocking and leans to the table, one hand supporting his head while he stares at Henry.

“I’m the Manager of this spa house,” he said proudly.

“That explains the all-white hall, you know how he had this white-syndrome,” Kyu explains and the table is noisy again with laughter. Yesung is still deeply thinking that he couldn’t react.

“All of these are great, hyung. Look at all the continuous demand around here,” Henry exclaims, feeling happy that the oldest of them all is doing what a man his age shall be doing and back then he thought Jungsoo merely plays the dinosaur part only.

“Perfect manager for a perfect spa house isn’t it?” Kyu and Yesung looks to each other and shrugs while Henry just smile. Who else would have enough patience to deal with numerous customers and outspoken staffs all at once? “Yeah, hyung.” They high-five and a satisfaction is drawn all over Jungsoo’s face.

“Meh, I think it’s time to take off from this break. I’m on the piano?” Kyu stretches out and Yesung agreed. He still didn’t say a word since Jungsoo joined them. They promised Henry to join the welcome back dinner for him tonight before leaving the pair of hyung-dongsaeng on the table.

“Hey, Jongwoonnie. Why aren’t you saying anything?” Jungsoo had beaming eyes, straight shot to Yesung that the boy frozen, eyes darting everywhere trying to find words to say.

“What have you done?” He continue to ask, Henry could feel the calm man changed all of the

“Cookies,” Kyu points to the last remaining cookies.

“A customer gave to him,” He continues but pushing Yesung quickly to the center of the café where the piano is erected to saves him from being lectured by Jungsoo.

“Ahhh… I’ve told them not to accept gifts from customers! Other customers might think it’s a bribe and e’re giving special treatment,” Jungsoo sighed, massaging his temple before flipping his hair again. Henry pats the other boy’s shoulder, feeling the burden of a manager.

“Haha, this is actually nothing compared to my old job though, at least I enjoyed every moment of working here everyday,” he explained. “I should be thankful to Heechul,” Smiling to Henry. The sense of calm is back and its all peaceful again.

“Have you eaten anyway? Order anything, its my treat,” Jungsoo heard something and he thought its Henry’s stomach. Henry chuckles and disclaims the weird sound. Probably Zhoumi and Donghae are still fighting in the kitchen.


The scream coming from the kitchen, but there is no follow up noise after that. Jungsoo waits for no time to run to the kitchen and Henry naturally follows him too.

A figure bumps into both of them and the will of the figure is so strong that it dashes off them trying not to fall reaching the café in a minute. Henry rubs his pained back and helps Jungsoo to stand up. They catches up with the figure.


An exclamation from one of the clients and the whole café erupted in cheers and giggles. Jungsoo sighed, hands on hips. Henry shakes his head, smiling nonetheless to see the male figure, in leopard print Versace coat paired with floral shirts and red acid-wash pants, heels on his shoes walks in the café passing all the clients, still in his Ray Ban, facing down with his right hands up moving to the microphone stand on the balcony.

Luckily theballad duo were trying to figure out what next song are they going to sing or the fancy entrance would have interrupted the famous morning calmness.

“Milky-white skin Kim Hee Chul! I love you Kim Hee Chul!” The customers chanted loudly as the flamboyant boy reached the microphone. He laughs a bit before asking the girls to calm the chant down by using only his hands.

“Hai, thanks. Hahaha, may I speak now?” And that invites giggles.

“I forgot that today we have Q&A session of the week with the Seodaemun-gu’s Perfect Master,” Jungsoo was relieved that its actually Heechul who screamed before. Its just normal then. But Henry was appalled once again, brows wrinkled with puzzled face to Jungsoo “Perfect..MASTER?”

Jungsoo shrugs, leaning on the wall. “Well, he is well-known for being the owner of Purrfection Spa House, what so surprising Henry?”

“Well… the fact that he is well known is something new and why Seodaemun-gu’s Perfect Master?”

“Oh,” Jungsoo chuckles as Henry leans to the wall besides him, they’re staring at Heechul who is busy entertaining with his antics.

“A local newspaper wrote about the opening of this spa-house and people are buzzing about the gender of the owner because Heechul had his hair tied in a bun with Japanese hair accessory,”

Henry gaped his lips in disbelief. “Can’t they tell by looking at his chest?”

“Heechul was hiding from everyone and made the local media curious, he hides all the time and it was me who had to do the speech, welcoming the important people as the manager. Owner went all behind to create interest,”

“He lives with his face…” Henry had the most shock on this one news after all the surprises he had seen the whole day. Today is not good for heart.

“Well, he does much more than that. I do the management but the public relation works and ideas are all coming out from him.“ Jungsoo looks to Henry with a smile.

“He would meet me every day and keep him updated with the customer’s concern on the spa house. Then he’d be out and about to do promotions; maintaining good relationship with suppliers and knowing important people to back this business up,” Henry nods to know that. He never know how strong Heechul’s determination is back when he asks him what to name his spa house because it sounds like a joke to him. Really, to leave a promising job and opens a spa house doesn’t click to him. That’s why when they’re talking about the spa house; Henry thought he is playing around and he chips in jokes after jokes.

“Hee-nim, I would like to ask why are the facial room is so small? I pity Ryeowook-ssi to work there and have to share the air with another 6 persons,” one of the client asked. Heechul is listening closely and immediately had an answer

“Ryeowook-ssi prefers smaller room so he could runs to each customer faster. But in the future we might upsize the room because facial had the most client and we’d like to offer the best comfort for you. Would you be there to see the bigger room soon? You have to find out by continue supporting Ryeowook-ssi facial parlor. Next?” Heechul points to a girl at the back.

“Hee-nim, why do Purrfection have this rule of ‘Do not give gifts’ to your staffs? Sometimes we’re just trying to show how grateful we are to them,”

“Well, ladies. We are very grateful to know you appreciate our work. However, personal token like that would invite a lot of scandals! We are all-men spa house; we’ve had enough of rumors saying we had hidden services and we hope you understand we’re doing a very legal business. Sometimes, your definition of small token is a Mercedes-Benz. You can thank us by making more appointment with us, we’re very happy to meet you even daily!” The café is filled with laughter at every words he said. A round of applause before another question was being picked by Heechul.

“Hee-nim, is it true that you have this exclusive membership only for selected

“If we open memberships, I would definitely had given one to my mother before. But she holds no membership because we haven’t open one yet. Would there be anyone to sign up though if we offer membership with certain perks and rewards?” His voice is doubtful.

All of the clients frantically said they will sign up and Heechul bites his lips; “Okay, opening one soon,” Another applause to celebrate the decision.

The Q&A continues as Heechul answers them short but precise. Jungsoo is all ears throughout the whole session; hoping that his peers there wouldn’t let out confidential matters and taking note of what Heechul said from a distance. His face is so serious that Henry decides not to talk to him at all.

“I think that’s all for today with Seodaemun-gu’s Perfect Master,” Heechul claps his hand together; the clients are all upset that it’s the end already. He bowed and walks off while people applauding to his exit from microphone. Kyu and Yesung steals the limelight back with a short jokes made about Heechul.

“Heechul-hyung,” Henry calls out to Heechul who is still facing down.

Heechul looks up to see Henry besides Jungsoo at one corner near the kitchen stairs. He takes off his Ray Ban and groans while looking up to the sky, eyes rolled. Henry was all puzzled with his reaction.

“God damn it, Henry why you never tell when you’re coming!!” The long arms of Heechul wrap around Henry; he smells of strong Chanel’s Egoiste. Heechul smack Henry’s head lightly with a little laugh before messing his hair with a good-boy rubs.

“Should I be proud Seodaemun-gu Perfect Master is rubbing my head?” Henry joked; Heechul laughed like a mad man and ask him loudly where did he know that and saw Jungsoo. He pushed the other boy who is laughing peculiarly; enjoying the fact that Heechul is embarrassed to let Henry knew the alter-ego he owns.

“Ah, crap. I was only trying to do business. These people are troublesome,” Heechul motions them two to sit with him; so they did.

“I wonder why you make money with services if you think of people as troublesome,” Jungsoo stares at Heechul.

“They love me, I have to love them back,” Henry contains his laughter because of Heechul’s answer. Heechul’s phone rings once he sits down, he cursed before he answers them. Zhoumi serves them a jug of Chinese tea; probably requested by Heechul before he starts the session.

“Its Siwon. He agrees to join us as long as we let him inspect the gym-room’s preparation.” Heechul said, not sure where he is looking at since his shades are still on but knowing him, Henry imagines him staring blankly at Jungsoo who is pouring the tea to each cup.

“You’re furious before, what happen?” Jungsoo said, referring to the kitchen’s scream; offering the tea to Heechul who seems to be drifted in his own thoughts. Heechul threw his shades on the table in frustration. He inhales a short breath and hugs himself, eyes closed as if trying to find the right words to explain.

“THAT BASTARD HONGKI!!” He slams the table. Oh, yes. Perfect words.

Jungsoo raise an eyebrow. “Hongki? The boy who works at Treasure Music Studio?” Henry have heard of him before from Heechul.

“He told me to go and see this local DJ who could help us promote the café since we’re known better for spa house, but that DJ turns out to work at a market’s radio!! WHAT IS THIS JOKE!?!”

Jungsoo swallow back the laughter he had in him. Henry could see that. “Oh, what a waste of time,” He merely said, sipping the Chinese tea.

“Today is totally a waste. I didn’t want to waste opportunity so I ask him if he could promote us. Guess what? He missed the Spa House I wrote and declared us as male hosts!!!”

Both Henry and Jungsoo couldn’t help it anymore and they laugh their heart out. Plus, the way Heechul tell his story is all kinetic and they could imagine how the whole situation looks like!

“What are you laughing about!!! I almost get molested by an ahjumma while walking around in the market!!!”

Heechul is trying to make it sounds like a serious problem but its just not helping both of them laughing. So that is why Heechul is all furious and moody. Heechul, frustrated, sips on Chinese tea and refuse to talk any further. He even faces to the piano and not looking to them anymore.

“Chul-ah, don’t be like this. Henry came all the way to meet you, are you going to be angry the whole day?” Jungsoo pours some more tea; Henry is wiping his tears.

“You guys think its funny. I’m wasting my time, ahh, really. That bastard,” His voice is shaking of anger. He is seriously angry, he checks his e-mail, whole body is facing outwards.

“Yah, yah,don’t send Hongki a death threat. Maybe he didn’t even know,” Jungsoo protested.

“AAaahh! Really! I don’t even do that, don’t give me ideas,” He hissed in annoyance. Ah, he is really not in a good mood.

“Hyung, do you really like the name I gave?” Henry tried to lighten his mood up. Heechul shrugs, still checking his email. “Ah, hyung…” He leans forward, chin on table staring at Heechul, almost squinting. He shouts in his mind how he forgot to agyeo and hoped this works. Jungsoo pulls the boys’ cap backwards so he could see the very fair face of Henry.

“I like the name, its really my style,” Heechul answers but not turning around.

“Then, can you tell me how is life being Perfect Master of Seodaemun-gu?” Henry said in delight to get a response. Donghae passes by their table with a camera in hand. Jungsoo’s eyes enlarge and he tails Donghae, being suspicious. “I’ll be right back,”

Heechul saw Jungsoo leaving. Feeling bad to leave Henry awkwardly talking alone, he turns a bit but eyes still on emails.

“Nothing much, just trying to keep up Purrfection’s image,”

“Do you even know that I am actually joking when I told you to use this name and make all the hyungs do this and that?” Henry opens up, being curious as he always is. Heechul shift his eyes and look to Henry over his shoulder, right brow arched so high, his rosy bud lips gaped a bit.

Heechul turning his posture back to face Henry. Closing the gap between his chest and the table; manicured hands sweeping his well-perm black jet hair. His chin met the table, staring back at Henry’s eye level.

“What do you mean?”

Henry chuckles. So he really thinks that he was serious back then.

“I thought that with a well-paid job you’re actually joking about doing a business. So I assisted you out of playing around actually, I was surprised to get your video message about the grand opening,”

“How can’t you tell that I’m so serious at that time?” Heechul giggles in disbelief.

“I don’t know,”

“Oh, but I like all of them. The name, the services and all. I just knew it’d be perfect for Seodaemun-gu,”

Heechul leans back to his chair, hands massaging his own neck. Smiling. Probably it tickles him a bit that his shop is based on a joke from a foreigner. Henry leans back too, lacing his own fingers together, chuckling.

“I love how Purrfection sounds like a cat with 9 lives which means we’d last long. And the meaning of it, describes how all of us would be serving and how the client would get with us,” He touches the small cup but not drinking it.

“The name just… fitting. Even our customers use the word perfection too much on us. That’s how we get perfect facial, perfect massage, perfect work out, perfect chilling, perfect staffs, perfect this perfect that, I end up being the perfect master!” Both of them laughed. Two girls passed by their table, saying good bye
politely to Heechul and he replied with a giggle “Come again!”

The two girls blushed madly, excitedly leaving the café. Henry shook his head. “You’re
living the name perfectly,”

“Even you are using the word ‘perfect’!” Heechul snaps his finger. They laugh again and chatted about the good times they had together, catching up and all until the sky is turning dark.

One by one of the boys are climbing upstairs; all looking tired but happily joins Heechul and Henry. Ryeowook is the first to come up and quickly owns Henry in a minute. Sungmin was the only one who is surprised to see Henry and the fact that he was in the house for the whole time.

“You’re not running away from home right?” Is the first thing came out from Sungmin’s mouth and Henry blinks to hear that, surprised that he couldn’t say a thing. Sungmin covers his mouth, thinking that he had thought it wrong. Not knowing how he made the boy panicked inside.

“Because Zhoumi was running away too before he came here,” He pointed to Zhoumi who is hugging Kyu’s back, playing with the vocalist’ fingers. Henry gave a look to Zhoumi; he replied with a sly smile as if trying not to agree but at the same time, couldn’t help concealing the truth.

“Where are you staying tonight?” Sungmin changes subject. Suddenly a violent tackles coming from his back.

“He is going to stay with me, I’m going to take care of him, he promised me,” Ryeowook being all possessive. Sungmin; whose face sticks on the floor looks up to Wookie slowly with a sad face mouthing ‘It was an innocent question’. Henry sweat-dropped. He is grateful to have such caring hearts even if he is actually miles away from home. The warmth is different from a family but it certainly feels like at home.

“Looking forward to celebrate tonight!” Hyukjae wraps one arm on Henry’s neck, side-eyeing Heechul and hoping that the boss understands the need of celebration.

All of the boys gathered in round circle, Jungsoo asked for today’s activity and keeping up with client’s feedback. He also said that Donghae and Yesung abused the policy. Yesung for accepting gifts from clients but he was forgiven for not knowing; Kyu admits fault to not remind his hyung before. Donghae is guilty for stealing food and taking pictures with customers. The picture was uploaded in several blogs already and it draws attention on the ‘Handsome receptionist’. Donghae seems to feels good instead of guilt that Heechul needs to smack his head. “Your pay, decreased by the food’s worth,” He said. The air is serious and intense; but Henry is somewhat glad to see the hyungs he have known before as scary gays are actually very responsible and productive young men. They are all ambitious.


Everybody turns their head back and see a tall, well-built man in navy polo shirt and jeans; hair is scruffy, wearing reading glasses looking fresh at 7pm.

“Oooh, what… Siwon is here.. what now?” Shindong is all puzzled, hands on his head. Sungmin besides him is having a huge smile, probably excited to know the purpose of the long time friend’s of them attending the house meeting. Heechul who had been sitting rose up and announced the opening of a gym service. Henry was about to clap but everybody was stunned. Siwon is smiling with eyes closed.

“I’m going to buy the shop lot next door, so we could expand this house,”

“EXPECT THAT WITHIN 3 MONTHS!!” Heechul howls like a mad man, showing them three fingers. They are all excited and congratulating each other about the expansion and new co-partner.

“We got the perfect son-in-law of Seoul!” Donghae shouted loudly.

Siwon is known as the son of a well known business founder, money should not be a problem. Because he is rich and also posh a gorgeous physical; he is known as the perfect son-in-law of Seoul among locals which means every mom wishes Siwon to be their son in law. Why he is joining the small company probably because he would want to run out from his family’s shadow and start living up his name; the reason that most of the boys of Purrfection Spa House are sharing.

“Now, that we’re done meeting and announcing; lets grab a bite,” Jungsoo claps both his hands together merrily. The boys went wild inclusive of Henry. With Siwon turning up, they are probably going to somewhere nice to eat.

“I think since Henry just arrived in Korea, he would probably have been missing Korean bulgogi, so we’re going to the ahjumma bulgogi!!!” Jungsoo happily saying it out loud, fingers tapping on calculator.

Theres an awkward silence of disappointment and when Henry almost said its okay to go somewhere else, they start parading downstairs, singing “Bulgogi, bulgogi, ahjumma, bulgogi,”

The ahjumma tent is just few blocks away from the spa house. Since its already passed prime time of people coming back from work; they had ample space to fit so many people at one small tent. They ordered lots of meats and different variations of it. The ahjumma was kept busy all the time, orders by orders kept coming in from the noisy table.

“Aigooo! I have never been so busy before, where did you guys came from?” The ahjumma shouted to them, bringing the 4th bottle of soju but the boys are too noisy to even hear the ahjumma shouting madly. Suddenly she spots Shindong. Then she scans each of the boys who are busy eating and joking half-drunk.

“Ahhhh, I know you guys!” She puts down the soju and points to Shindong. Heechul who is busy teaching Henry to drink soju properly froze, all alert the ahjumma might do something to his staffs. Shindong cracks a joke with the ahjumma and suddenly she is being all nice, even serving free tidbits and sweets for them. It is true that Shindong is the most popular among them all. He is the one who went out a lot after Heechul for his works.

Henry’s cheeks are all rosy because of the soju; he took selca with Donghae and they both agree they look too sober to post them up in their account. He is really having a good time. Maybe going to Korea is the right thing to boost his mood up. But now he have met and spend a day with them, he feels nothing but wants to stay there.

He didn’t want to go back to the campus. He didn’t want to sit for the exam. Heck, he graduated two schools already and the university he is currently attending is just a way to get out of his emptiness.

He just want to feel how it is to wake up and look forward to spend his day. He wanted to not regret his life, wasting what he can actually do. And all of these are surprisingly found in a land he is very foreign of, but very close to his heart. But its impossible. Its impossible to do so.

“I have to stick to reality,” Henry whispers to himself. Donghae look at him “Hm?” Henry shook his head. Donghae smiled to him, browsing internet through his phone.

“Ah… oh my god… hyung,” Suddenly Donghae is taken aback while looking at his phone. Sungmin at his side tried to peek on what he saw and he covered his mouth in instance. Jungsoo quickly runs to Donghae side so does Yesung and Ryeowook. All of them are stunned and they fix their stares to Henry’s direction in unison. “What… whats wrong?”

“I was looking up for my name on the internet; trying to read what the client had posted about me,” He stopped there, feeling a bit embarrassed he is obviously looking for the blog which posted about good looking receptionist then he cough a little and continues.

“Then I found search related to Purrfection Spa House and when I click to one of them, I saw lots of blog post about Henry with his pictures all over!”

Henry’s chopsticks fell from his hands.

“Let me read,” Yesung said.

’New staff at the Purrfection? A refreshing smile at Purrfection. Purrfection’s trainee? An additional to Purrfection’s family! Looking forward to English chat at Purrfection. Hee-nim’s new staff and the list goes on.”

"Comments and descriptions of Henry inclusive of,” Donghae scans his phone for a bit before continuing.

“I heard that he is from Canada, he can help me speak English,”

“He gave this feeling of wanting to talk to him,”

“He seems to be close with everybody,”

“What would his ‘perfect’ pseudonym would be?”

“I wonder what service would he do, he seems too young,”

“New Seodaemun-gu’s gem!”

“He made my sandwiches and I am so lucky to be served first hand before he is official!”

The more they read it, the more red Henry’s face become. Ryeowook asked them to stop but the whole thing is too interesting to just keep it low.

All the interests buzzing around the internet are overwhelming. Heechul asks to see the pictures of Henry
since it is okay to take pics inside and they never say its not allowed to take pictures of the staffs. Jungsoo who opens up his tablet shows the pictures of Henry. It was all well-taken. Henry was standing at the hall, laughing, eating, hugging, even the picture of him and Heechul with their chins on the table staring at each other.

“This is new,” Jungsoo said. He never experienced anything like this with the staffs he had before. He recalls having all their friends visiting them but never before people creating stories up to this par yet. Probably because Henry had accent and a little different than Zhoumi and Hangeng. Before this, Zhoumi was compared to Kyuhyun for being tall and having extremely long legs. Plus, he is an exchange student which interest customers at university level for his bilingual skills.


Heechul’s eyes droopy and he is having hiccups from drinking. He shoves the tablet to Siwon.

“Leave Canada, or Taiwan, or Boston, whatever fuck it is,”

Henry who is still red in the face is confused.

“I’m hiring you,”

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