The Perfect Seodaemun-gu

Aug 22, 2011 16:55


The large, fancy signboard is hanging with broadway lights dimly lit on its frame. A black feline with a crown on its head, pictured stretching besides the wordings. Henry chins up to look at it beyond his baseball cap and lets a sigh out before he enters through the glamorous entrance.

“I’ve told them the name is weird,” he murmured as he walks in through the hallway; looking for somebody that he knew. He must have been crazy. 2 hours flight from Taiwan to Korea is not something he actually should be doing. He had a music bibliography examination in a week and was supposed to head to his campus’ library.  Suddenly he feels like taking a walk, then he wants to go around Taipei, he stops by the airport to get some Starbucks and then here he is, in Seodaemun-gu, Korea.

He didn’t bring any luggage with him. He used to live for 2 years in Korea before he enrolled in Taipei National University of The Arts and he gets to know a bunch of people. Afterwards, he occasionally drops by the Arirang land to visit his friends but it’s been quite some times since he last visited them. College life certainly had made him grew dull, disconnected him from any other things he could be doing. Henry is majoring in Strings which he really is passionate at. But he could do more than just play his Strauss. He could sing. He could dance. He composed modern music. He could offer so much more and he is  probably exhausted over doing the same thing everyday. He experienced the same thing at Canada and Boston where he attended famous music schools before, he thought running to Taiwan would fix the emptiness but it ends up the same.

He shakes his head, trying not to think too much. “I’ll go back to campus before exam, promise,”

He tells himself. Then he sees a pair of a lady and a young chubby man chatted loudly and laughing, walking at the opposite direction of Henry’s.

“It’s a pleasure doing business with you, please come again!” The guy exclaims, helping the lady putting on her faux fur.

“I will surely come for our funny Dong-dong hee!” The lady replied before she hops out to from the place, passing Henry who is feeling awkward seeing and listening to it all. He thought that he might be at the wrong place, but that can’t be.

It was him who recommended the spa house name.

“Yes, sir. How can I help you?”

Henry was stunned. Looking up to see the guy who is all cheerful is talking all excited.


“Oh, my! Henry!! Its been a while, isn’t it! How are you?” Shindong merrily hugs Henry who is still stunned.

“Uh, ah, I’m fine.” He chuckles as Shindong hugs him so tight that he almost swept him from the floor. It was some kind of Shindong’s habit to do that to him.

“You’re coming all the way from Canada? Wook had been talking a lot about you coming over but I didn’t know it is today. You should tell us earlier, we can fetch you, this kid,” Shindong talked non-stop, probably too excited. The last time he met him was 6 months ago so it’s a natural reaction.

“Nah, came here by impulse from Taiwan after visiting my cousin. I had a long break so I think I might want to see you guys for a bit,” Doesn’t want to trouble his hyung with his own problem, he lied as Shindong led Henry through the hallway and inside a place which seems like a waiting hall; painted milky white all over with fancy chandelier hung at the center of the ceiling with right below of it, a set of circular fluffy sofa placed over a fuzzy carpet all in white; fully occupied by females in early 20s. The hall seems round, with lots of doors decorated differently each one of them. Not much of decorations or furniture at the hall but fresh lavenders are everywhere to give a relaxing mood alongside calming melodic tunes playing continuously.

“Not bad,” For a shop with the name that I jokingly gave. Henry looks around, amazed.

“You like it? Jungsoo hyung sure had been cracking his brain for this hall,” Shindong told him and pass Henry a welcome drink, came out of nowhere.

At one corner opposite of them is a desk which seems like a reception; a fine young man is behind it with two women who seem to negotiate something.  The guy punches something on his Mac Book Air and leads the women to one of the room.

Seriously. What is this spa had become….

“Oi!” The guy quickly hops to Henry and smack the boy on his shoulder.

“Oi, Donghai-hyung!” Henry finally recognized the man behind the reception.

“OMG, Henry! Why don’t you tell us you’re coming!” They mock-wrestles each other as Shindong impulsively took over the reception job and entertain the waiting girls.

“I’m being impulsive. Hey, looking good, man,” Henry brush the elder guy’s shoulder, complimenting his sharp appearance; 3 piece with white shirt, grey vest and pants. A red napkin is peeking from the breast pocket. Donghae happily accepts it, turning around to show the rest of what Henry should see.

“Well, today is my reception day. Hyuk is taking over the dance class over there,” He shrugs; helping Henry putting away his empty welcome drink glass.

“Dance class? You guys had dance class here? I thought you’re doing..uhm.. a spa house?” Henry chuckles in disbelief. Donghae couldn’t help but laugh, pulling the boy to one of the door which surprisingly covered with beads-curtain.

“Wookie would be so pleased to meet you, he had been talking about you recently,” Donghae pushes the door open and let the confused boy in. The room is bright, but not strikingly bright. Its a calming, cheerful kind of bright and the air is soothing; different from the hall. There are six women with different color mask on their face, covered with various type of fruits on their eyes. A petite boy wearing an off-white apron with matching surgery mask, sleeves rolled up to his elbow is fixing one of the women’s facial mask talking sweetly in low voice, trying not to disturb other women who is enjoying their skin rejuvenating sessionS.

Donghae put both of his hands up, trying to grab the guy’s attention without talking or anything that might disturb the mood of the room.  Henry is doing the same thing and the petite guy finally turns to see Henry and almost shout. He tip-toed all the way from the far end and glomping Henry silently; pushing both of the boys outside the room so they could talk.

“Henrryyyyy!! I miss you! You finally came!” He gushes over and Henry couldn’t help but to notice Wookie’s skin becomes eerily smoother than the last 6 months, he swear it is almost impossible to see Wookie’s pores.  Donghae seems to read his mind and he laughed so hard, the waiting girls distracted to the 3 guys chatting with each other. Oh, yes. They love the sight they are seeing.

“Sorry couldn’t tell you I’m coming today. Its such an impulsive decision.” Henry said, hugging Wookie before the petite boy could pinch his cheeks like he used to do before. Seeing Wookie’s upset face, he held out his face so Wookie could pinch them all he wants. Wookie laughed and pushed him, saying he is silly.

“The spa is doing well, I see,”

“Well, you couldn’t get any better facial spa in Seodaemun-gu then from Ryeowook’s of PURRRRR-fect” Ryeowook said, emphasizing on the spa’s name. Henry almost facepalm but he strains himself from doing so. He can’t believe out of all the names he suggested to the owner of the spa; he would choose the one he honestly joked.

“Making you perfect; only by perfectionist” Donghae shows the tagline written on the reception desk and Wookie nods furiously his bangs fall over his eyes. Henry made a gap between his lips then nods in approval. Wow, they take my joke seriously.

“Donghae yah, I am needed at the comic room;” Shindong waves frantically from the desk with  few girls surrounding him all giggling.

“Aw, sorry, hyung. Hey, Wook, you’ll show Henry around ok? I’ll be joining in no time,” Donghae pats Wookie’s shoulder and wink to Henry while hopping to the desk as if saying the girls are waiting for me. Henry raises both his brows and chuckles, signing two pistol-like fingers to the running man; almost slipping that’s my man.

“Shindong hyung is managing the mini gag stage at comic room, sometimes there’s lucky hour where Jungsoo hyung would join with Hyuk and they are giving away prizes,” Ryeowook explains as he carefully shuts the door of his assigned room. Henry just realized Wookie is wearing the same attire as Donghae’s minus the vest and his shirt is light pink in color. “You know how laughter is the best medicine,” Wookie slings one arm over Henry’s neck. “Some people in this city reaallllyyyy needs to laugh or they’ll gone crazy,” and he chuckles as they’re walking to the next room.

“Really, I couldn’t imagine how this spa would become when it was first bought,” Henry is still in astonishment; practically thinking that it was actually all a joke he made while having a fun night out with his Korean hyungs.  From the spa idea, to the tagline and most scarily, the services of what the hyungs can offer based on what the young boy seen from them.  They’ve done it all! Henry’s mind shouted.

“You should have seen the opening, all the big companies around here are welcoming us with humongous flowers. I think, these tired people really need a quick breakaway,” Ryeowook opens the Japanese-style sliding door and greets with some Japanese.


A delicate but buff guy is sitting on a female client’s rear, carefully placing his right heels on her spine as he pulls both her hands to the back. Both Ryeowook and Henry shoulders’ jerked up and they hissed to see the sight “Ouch,” both of them exclaimed in unanimity.

“Aigoo.. that is really refreshing!” The woman sighed as he helped her to sit and the guy continues to massage her shoulder this time much more gentle.

“Noona, all of your muscles are so stiff. You should come here often,”

“Aigoo, Sungminnie. Noona is not that rich to have all this luxury often,”

“Aish, noona~ were not that expensive. Plus, if you collect stamps, you’ll get a free
service and could bring a friend along,”

Henry is listening properly to the Korean conversation and he knows well who can talk
smooth and sweet like that to the elder female.

“Sungmin-hyung had lots of clients coming back for his massage, I don’t know how but he managed them to get other services too,” Wookie whispered to Henry; probably doesn’t want to interrupt the client. Of course, this is Sungmin we are talking about. Looking at how Sungmin is all focused and busy, they left
the room as another bone-cracking session could be heard again.

The next door is made of frosted glass where you can see figures inside but not clearly. Ryeowook happily opens the door and loud music booming out making Henry jumps a bit.

“That’s right ladies, one and two and one two three four!”

There are about ten ladies in their working out clothing; dancing to some pop songs instructed by an air-defying blonde guy in military green tank top and military camouflage baggy pants, dog-tag carved with his name; who is none other than..

“Eunhyuk oppa!”

Ryeowook screams fangirls’ like and hid behind Henry when Hyuk is turning his head to their way.

“Henry?” All heads are on Henry and he was frozen, not knowing what to do but bow to everyone. All the ladies bows back and Hyukjae signs them to practice the part he taught them before. He dashed to Henry and tackles him to the wall; laughing madly.

“Didn’t know you’re coming today! What do you think of this place, nice eh?” The blond hair wipes his beading sweats on his face with the towel that Wookie hands to him. Henry looks around and for a place which just started less than a year, the dancing hall is fantastic. The floor is smooth and rough with all the right amount for dancing activity, sound system loud enough surrounding the room, one side of the wall is all mirror and the most important part is the ventilation of the room, it is all perfect.

Do you want to join a session here? Come on,” Hyuk slap the younger boy’s back and Henry sheepishly replied with I don’t know face. Wookie is all supportive and cheering for Henry to dance. “Well… a stretch after long hours of flight sounds good,” and Hyuk waiting for no time to hustles Henry to the front before
clapping his hands and announcing him joining.

“We used to dance together so he knows most of the routine I taught all of you, how about a round of applause ladies?”

A chinese song is playing, Wookie is acting as the DJ at the corner. Hyuk and Henry started to dance to the strong beat together showing their flexibility and air-defying movement, making the room awed with amusement.

“But seonsaengnim, can he dance to girls dance?” One of the participants raises her hand and ask while the others giggles.  Hyuk on his hips baffled and shakes his head with facial expression of why are you like this. Ryeowook impulsively plays a girl’s group pop song and Henry naturally moves to the beat, shaking his hips like he owns a definite S-line making the whole room laugh in admiration. Hyuk places both his hands on Henry’s shoulder after he have done as requested and said “You just asked what
he did the best actually,” a round of applause for Henry before he bows to take off from the session.

“Now, practice so you could beat this guy out,” Hyuk said as he leave the laughing ladies again to chat with Henry.

“Your people are amazing, man,” Henry slaps Hyuk’s bare right arm and he shrugs;  bragging like it is actually nothing. “Little talks of positivity motivated lots of people,” he replied. “You should leave your university and join us here,” he suggested, poking the boy with his elbow and Henry laughed.

“You guys are having the fun without me!”

Donghae is peeking inside, face all disappointed. Suddenly Ryeowook dashed to the door after looking at his Tag Heuer; crashing Donghae to fall on his butt. As he tried to exit the studio; he walks back a bit to grip Henry’s wrist gently; “The ladies need to clean their mask off, after another 2 appointments I’ll take you to dinner, okay?” Henry nods and murmured ‘sure’ to the motherly hyung; smiling as he pats the older man’s grip on his wrist. So Ryeowook left and did his share of laughing to Donghae who is Embarrassedly standing on his feet again.

“The clients are all assigned?” Hyuk asks, grabbing a water bottle coming out of nowhere again to Henry’s eyes as if magic. Donghae shows a thumb up. “Waiting for next appointment from the office ladies and we’re good to go,”

“I see that most customers are females,” Henry finally breaks his observation.

“Yeah, that is our target customers. Glowing starts from the inside, who does it better than bunch of guys who are nothing but..”

“Perfect,” Hyuk cuts in Donghae’s line. Donghae smacked the blonde’s head lightly but Hyuk only nods to confirm what Donghae just said.

“Are you guys actually said that to the customers? That’s arrogant,” Henry couldn’t help but laugh to the fact they complimented themselves as perfect. Not that he disagree but it’s awkward to hear somebody complimenting himself.

“We didn’t say this; it’s the customers, customers. YA! What do you think of us going around saying that,” Donghae raises his voice, poking the laughing boy with his palm and Henry mockingly acting scared.

“Uhm, I’m leaving the girls practicing alone too long, see you guys at dinner!” Hyuk fills his mouth with mineral water, puffing his cheeks and quickly pats the two boys before heading back to his stands as dance-instructor. Donghae moves his fingers lazily admitting goodbye and asks Henry if he’d like to see the next room. Henry shrugs and Donghae takes it as a yes, then lead him to the next door which is none other than the comic room.

“So you guys are like…open everyday?” Henry wears his baseball cap back, stretching his shoulders a bit, loosened up after the dance session. Donghae smiled and nodded.

“The dancestudio opens at nights on Wednesday for martial arts class and sometimes we take special request to work at night too. Usually from office ladies who are off after overtime, we didn’t ask but they kept insisting on paying us double,” He rubs the nape of his own neck, hissing in guilt to the part they’re being paid double. “It’s a good business, but really….”

Henry could understand being Donghae who is always gentle to female beings around him, it might hurt his pride a bit as a man to be taking double payment of tired ladies’ hard-earned money.

“I think they would be mad if you refuse to take their payment though, its as if you’re not taking it as their tokens of gratefulness,” Patting his hyung on the shoulders, feeling empathy and try to make him feel better about it. Donghae pats back and smiled. “That’s what I’ve been told too by the clients,”

Oooohh, so the client must have made Donghae as their favorite to even said that. Henry couldn’t help thinking like that.

So the comic room is all fancy and witty-like as expected. Above the door is a light box with the word “ON GAG” and a stick figure pressing stomach as if laughing. Mimicking the conventional exit sign.

"This one needs a key,” Donghae lets out a card and swipe it besides the door, a small machine which is hidden behind numerous balloons decorated on the door frame. Why a key for comic room?

When they walk inside, it’s a dark room with only disco lights at the medium-sized audience place and a stage where Shindong is displaying his jokes, making the room laughing hysterically. Henry could see behind the stage that a lot of props are prepared for physical jokes.

“This is the most popular service in Seodaemun-gu city. Shindong hyung is the busiest from all of us,  sometimes he is invited by local events to do gag shows,”

“That’s why this room needs a card,” Henry made his own conclusion. Donghae clicked his tongue, cheekily smiling to Henry with his brows dancing upside down to him.

“Teukie Teukie Special Hour!!” A voice came from behind of the two boys.

A man in a dinosaur costume with straw basket in hand enters the comic room happily; hopping and  spreading confetti as he jumps to the stage playing scissor paper stone out of the sudden. The audience are cheering and clapping loudly including Donghae and Henry.

“Isn’t that Jungsoo hyung?” Henry couldn’t see him clearly but the unique laughter sure is such a trademark to the oldest man in the circle of hyungs he had in Korea.

“Yes, that’s the man!” Hae had to answer half-screaming since the room is too loud to even hear normal conversation.  Henry laughs in awe; seriously the guy is in charge of special hour and he had no idea why he had to wear that costume. He laughed it out till his eyes tearing and Donghae laugh along too.

“We have a friend who came over to visit from oversea, so I think it is appropriate for us to let him pick the lucky person to win fantastic prizes!” Shindong exclaims as spotlight moved to Henry who is still trying to comprehend what is going on right now.

“OH! HENRY!!” The dinosaur Jungsoo just realized that the guy who he just passed by is Henry and waves excitedly before welcoming him up the stage to pick the lucky draw. Henry had no choice but to be supportive and joins the stage. The audience shouting as an encouragement for Henry; Donghae leads them to cheer louder.

Every minutes of the time spent on stage picking up numbers, Henry seen people endlessly laughing to the jokes Shindong and Jungsoo blurts out. He didn’t have to be funny but both the hyungs are so expert that he is seen blended to the comedic air and is deemed funny too by the loud clients. And he swear, its like the longest 5 minutes in his life.

So when he went back to Donghae; of course Jungsoo had to make fun of him being a foreigner;

“I wonder if Canada had dinosaurs, you should sometimes treat hyung to go there,” and even that makes people laugh. Henry signs saranghae to the hyungs and finally his limelight ends there. Jungsoo mouthed ‘I’ll bring you to dinner after this’ and Henry nods; saying that he got it.

“Teukie’s Special Hour only comes once in a day when he felt he wanted to do gag; you’re actually lucky to see this,” Donghae brushes off the confetti and glitters that Jungsoo throws to the boy. A stain of gold isn’t coming off from his pale cheeks so they decided to go to the nearest water source; the kitchen.

“Why is there a kitchen, are you guys serving finger food,” Henry follows Donghae, still trying to erase the stain on his cheeks but it gets worst, spreading to all over his face.

“Yeah, well, you’ll find out when we go outside.” He offers his red napkin to the boy. “We need to get those stuff off first,” Laughing to see the glitter spread to his neck now. The golden stains are so visible because of his pale skin color.

They arrive to a small kitchen and Henry washes his face on a basin there, surprisingly there is a face wash besides the tap so he uses it without thinking twice.  Donghae roams around the kitchen while Henry is busy washing and disappears from Henry’s sight. Since the kitchen is small, it seems fine he wouldn’t get lost in anyway.

He looks to his right and sees an exit door is widely open to the backside of the spa house. The shop lot is located in the middle of the Seodaemun-gu city, surrounded by lots of office buildings and academic institutes. Yonsei University, Ewha Private Woman University and another 6 universities are located near the shop, probably the students there are the frequent here to chill out with friends. There are even museums and other famous cultural attractions here. Seodaemun-gu is truly a cultural city but a city is a city. As bigger as it gets, the more bad it becomes.

Isn’t it a bit careless to let the back door open? Henry thought, wiping his face with Donghae’s napkin.

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