Behind This Sushi Bar (4/?)

Jul 07, 2012 14:12

"Its a date,"

Suddenly Kyungsoo hates everything in this world. Everyone and anything. He hates the sushi bar, he hates the town, he hates himself, he hates his stupid dumb hair who wouldn't follow what he wants to do with it and.


He had been walking around in a circle for almost an hour, wasting his time thinking as the time for Kai to pick him up is approaching nearer. When he look at his watch, he panicked by his own. He didn't remember the last time being in this kind of situation. When was it? He couldn't remember but thats not important. He totally forgot on how to manage things like this.

This is not exactly how he sees them going on.

He pictures Kai to be forever an annoying guest that he would despise of him being in the sushi bar. And he would be the hate subject for Kyungsoo to groans and complain whenever he enters the bar. Kai is supposed to be a hate subject. A bete noire to him forever. The End.

The whole chatting session each time Kai visits the bar, the casual "hi" and "hello" over text messages changes everything. Ruining his mindset. And Kai, the real Kai personality doesn't help at all. He tried to rear back that hatred he used to have on him but it is almost impossible. With Kai who is concealing his true intention but with one glance, Kyungsoo knows exactly what the younger ones is trying to do. Like the last time with all the sushi take away thing. He saved him a huge deal. But with the reasoning that he is still hungry. He still needs to pay back that kindness a stranger at that time had shown him.

Kyungsoo should've been a little confident and said no when Kai asks him if he is free. But he really doesn't have the heart to do that. Not when he had known at least quarter of what have happened to Kai before he decides to settle down in this town. He knows exactly how Kai is feeling right now. He is lonely and he needs a company. But what scares him the most is the that Kai is advancing on him, maybe hitting on him a little too fast!

They just met like 3 weeks ago and text each otehr daily. For maybe like half of the population in this world, it is fine to call it a date after getting to know each other for such period but Kyungsoo is different. He is a deep person and he needs more time to actually set a date with someone. To like go out, with only two of him and another person. He thinks its too fast. He still needs time to hate on him.

When he was busy thinking, its exactly 30 minutes left before Kai is coming over to his house to pick him up.

He lets out a weird panicking sound and digs into his wardrobe like a puppy trying to look for the bone it kept.  He keep in his mind not to wear anything appealing or anything too simple. He might frustrates Kai with bland appearance when he has agreed on a date and thats bad, really really bad to someone who is still trying to look around for someone to befriend with, someone to get close to. Aaaaaaaaahh just let me shower first. He shakes his head, seems like the fashion muse hasn't come to him just yet.One thought runs into his mind.

You act like you're trying to get laid. His jaw dropped at how stupid his brain could be. "OMG, Do Kyungsoo stop thinking anything weird!!!!!"


Kai is already at the front of the building where Kyungsoo lives. He arrived 10 minutes earlier and he knows how stupid to even do that. He looks pathetic and a little too forcing but he is an awkward social. This is how he deal with himself so all he could do right now is act as if its normal thing to do, brood like nothing is wrong. Leaning against his bike, he checks himself on the rear mirror. Kai is in all black donning a pair of low rise skinny jeans with Gucci buckle on it, black shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbow. A little opening on his chest, revealing a white tank top inside. His hair is standing perfectly like how he wants it to be. In one glance, people would thought an idol just arrive in town.

He thought that he need to dress down a bit, thus the simply black attire so he would not attract anyone but enough to catch attention of the guy he's bringing a date on. He was so worried if he had been a little too fast on dating idea but he had done enough waiting. He knows he had been obvious and he is always worried if his blunt fondness would make the hyung he adores to keep a distance from him. He had a problem to be translucent and translates his feelings into words or gestures; so Kai have already planned a quite date with the bartender, sure they chat a lot time to time. But tonight is special.

Kai is nervous thinking about it. Meanwhile, 5 minutes passed while he were lost in his own zoo of thoughts.


Kris is on top of Suho's back, his face black in anger, both are panting hard. Suho rests his face on the floor when Kris hissed "Open up," with his deep, icy voice, trying to catch a breathe. Suho made a mocking sound, from the back of his head, Kris could see that Suho is smirking; "No," simply he answered.

So Kris told everyone to leave the sushi bar unattended and empty even though there is a lot of work to do after such a successful event, but not to Suho. He should've known when he comes in with the thought to clean things up but was faced with a grim-faced tall guy, with Super-Saiyan hair. He is up to no good indeed.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, Suho, I want it. Open up," Kris locks Suho's arms together. The other man tried not to moan when Kris clawing finger nails, digging into his skin, muffled uncertain sounds escapes from his mouth and Kris knew that he had made Suho feel exactly what would he get for not doing as he wanted.

"You're actually good at this, real good," Suho said in sing-song voice, Kris rolls his eyes. Hips exactly on Suho's hips. 
"Not funny," Kris said. "Open up," he insist a little louder with impatient on his tone. Suho smirks for the second time and closes his eyes, pretending to snore.

Kris is at his limit, he unbuckles Suho's belt out of no where and that shocks Suho. "What on earth are....." he can feel his hands are free but one strong hand pins his shoulder down and before he is about to do anything, long fingers travels on his neck. Sweats runs from Suho's forehead, not knowing what Kris is trying to do.

His belt is now at his neck, choking the owner itself. Suho couldn't breath and he can't hurt the other man who did this to him either, its in the contract. Fine leather shoes steps on both of his hands when he tries to free himself from the choking.

"Open up," Kris hisses again, much more colder than he usually is. Kris loosens the belt few times to give Suho a chance to answer and when he didn't, he continues choking him. Suho left with no choice. He wants to continue living. With all his might, he said "Alright, alright," choking on his words.

"Great," Kris frees the man's neck from the belt but ties it on his wrist instead. He stands and forces the other man to stand up quickly.

"I want you to open it up," Suho leers to Kris, with a mocking face again which angers Kris within. He wants to hurt and punch that stupid face but anything bad than this would leave marks on him. Suho is still under his employment, if he files a charge, he would be in trouble. There goes his chance to be on his own feet.

Suho shows to him an ice box under the kitchen counter using his feet. "There you go, all my babies," Suho kick it out and revealing whats inside when it falls. Numerous types of guns, its indeed a mini arsenal. Kris was terrified to even see grenade and classic dynamite are stored in his sushi bar all this time.

"Dad told you to take care of me, but all THESE, are unnecessary, JOOMYUN," He shouted, pushing the guy aside and quickly collects all the guns back into the ice box, heads ducking up and down, clearly afraid if anyone is around catching him trying to keep an illegal arsenal. Suho lies on the kitchen floor laughing to see Kris' reaction.

"I'm not a fucking assassin if I don't keep all that," Suho lights a cigar calmly. Hands checking his necks and arms, did it leave any marks. Which to his surprise, it doesn't. Wow, this rich bastard is good. Kris groans and starts cursing in Chinese.

"Dad told me you're a bodyguard," Kris throws a fit to Suho when he starts smoking in the kitchen before he sits himself on top of the ice box as known as mini storage for guns and arms.

"You don't hire a bodyguard from Gwang-ju, Wu-fan. That place is full with legendary mobs and gangs," Suho clears his throat before inhaling another nicotine. Kris tries to calm himself from being mad. So now, he is keeping a dangerous person who might be clearly associated with criminals. And he thinks that his dad did that in purpose. So the higher authority of Korea would find out, so he would be in a mess, so he would come back yapping into his dear daddy's lap. He sucks in the air which is full of nicotine that Suho breathes. "I won't let him win,"

"Your dad doesn't want to win anything, Wu-fan," Suho offers him a cig. Kris looks up to him mindlessly and took one. Suho lights a cig for him using the lights on his own cig. "Now you're a peacemaker? Fuck off," Kris throws a calm voice but with spite full in it. Suho chuckles.

"He is just like any other dad in this world," Suho place a pat on the ridiculously tall boy. Both of them smokes their time away before Kris said "No smoking in my sushi bar again next time," And that reminds Suho to clean up the kitchen's floor  or else a little guy would break a mop into two.

"Ugh, yeah. Its easier being an assassin,"

Kai had been biting his lips for the 100th times when he sees a glimpse of a certain Kyungsoo coming out from the building in front of him. He felt his heart pounding, clearly nervous when he had been trying to calm himself down by saying its just a date and he wouldn't hope for anything to come. He needs to calm down, calm dow...

Kyungsoo is wearing a washed down navy checked shirt, with a cream bow tie locked up his neck, he is awkwardly wearing a pair of Gucci shirt cuffs. His shirt is loose but tucks on the front to show off his belt buckle. A pair of khaki tight pants which visibly shows the shape of Kyungsoo's perfect thigh that he had never seen and a pair of white loafers with no socks on. Hair swept to the side, he had cut few inches off to get it looks right. His milky white skin contrast to what he is wearing, he looks a total different from the sushi bartender he was few hours ago.

Their looks match with each other especially the Gucci things, they are like a pair of gay couple going out on a date. Kai's heart is jumping. Excited. Giddy. Breathless. He knows Kyungsoo had been an adorable apple since he first met him but that. That is so hot. He gets excited that he smiles too wide and quickly waves out to Kyungsoo.

"Oh shit, I dressed up too much," Kyungsoo mutters to himself  while throwing a smiling face to Jongin. "Hey," Kyungsoo steps closer to Kai who is still leaning on his bike. Kai chuckles excitedly eyeing the older boy head to toe and Kyungsoo is cursing himself a little more. "Hi," Kai stops laughing and smiles to him while offering a full face head gear. "You look hot," He whispers as he passes it to him slightly on his ears. Kyungsoo panicked inside. Did he just started a sexual tension? But he smiled back saying thank you, and unconsciously checking Kai's ass as he climbs on the bike.

Its a 15 minutes journey to where they are going. While on the back riding, Kyungsoo had been trying his best not to get any body contact with Kai but seems like its hard to do so when he speed up his bike that almost blinds his vision. When he knows it, he had his hands all around Kai's waist, his chest close to the younger boy's back as if glued. He went panicking inside like he always do.

They arrived at a small hotel near the harbor. Its far enough from the town where they stayed at and its quite except for the ships noises. Both of them fix their hair on the bike's mirror before getting themselves into it. Its a very modern hotel with no romantic hints inside which somehow calms Kyungsoo's nerves down. Its just a dinner date. Just, an eat out and go home sleep kind of thing.

"Mr. Kim Jongin. This way please," The concierge gave Kyungsoo a puzzled look. Kai nods and bluntly takes Kyungsoo's hands in his getting into the restaurant hand in hand which made the other guests look at them. Probably weirded out to see a couple of young men holding hands or just amazed to see two young men holding hands. Kyungsoo wants to die right at that time.

Kai whispers to the concierge something before he leave them both alone at the table. Their table is isolated far from the other tables, located right besides the huge window where he could see the enormous full moon, the reflection on the dark sea and ships slowly shuffles on the water. Its breathtaking.

"Wow," Kyungsoo said. Kai smiles and bits his lower lips, satisfied to see such reaction.

"Sorry, this is the only place I could find near our town,"

"Wow, Kai, but this is amazing!" Kyungsoo is excited, a little jumpy on his seat. Kai hearts weaken to that sight. He likes seeing that Kyungso started to relax. He knows that Kyungsoo had been trying to avoid doing anything that would passes as suggestive to him. He wants him to just be cool on their date.

"Call me Jongin," Kai shakes his head and puts his index finger on his swollen lips. Smiling. Kyungsoo grins and agrees.

Their date starts with simple chat, small talks, as the courses of meals are served to them one by one. Kyungsoo who at first secure his guards up, are losing it down little by little; feeling comfortable with Kai whom he calls Jongin the whole time. The name that Kai only let few people calls him. Kai, or for the night, Jongin, enjoys looking at how Kyungsoo is happy the whole time. He opens up a lot, usually its Kai who tell about himself. He barely knows about Kyungsoo but tonight he gets a little about Kyungsoo. How he wish that he could be a chef at some authentic restaurant, how he met Kris and how he actually sings when he feels weak, down or helpless. Its too little but enough for Kai to understands Kyungsoo a little more.

"Its beautiful," Kai rests his head one hand, eyes lock on Kyungsoo who is scooping the dessert into his plump lips. Kyungsoo's eyes widen trying to ask 'what is it?' but he is busy indulging the dessert. Jongin knows Kyungsoo's language so he licks his lips, imagining that he is licking the dessert on Kyungsoo's lips, answering Kyungsoo's silent question.

"Your dreams," The younger boy leans forward, both hands clasp and puts under his chin. He is staring into Kyungsoo with eyes so lazy, his  bronze skin are glowing to the moonlight that shines through the huge glass windows. Kyungsoo gulps to the view of such Jongin. He wants to look away but he don't want Jongin to feel uneasy so he sips in some of the red wine. For a date with local bartender, this date is too pricy. Kyungsoo thought. He feels alarmed all of the sudden.

"Come on, hyung. I've got to bring you somewhere," Jongin stands up and offers a hand for Kyungsoo to take. Not knowing what to do, he just puts his hand in his and they run out from the restaurant, going upstairs using staffs only passage. Up there go, running, and running, Kyungsoo is almost out of breath then Jongin looks to him, smiling "We're almost there," Kyungsoo didn't know why but his legs want to run with him. It feels lighter after seeing him smile.

They open a door. To see the moon, so huge, so pearly and sparkles, its as if they could touch it in just few steps. Its a little windy, Kyungsoo shivers a bit both of being bespectacled to the moon and also the chills get into him. Jongin saw that, he brings Kyungsoo forward whose jaw is almost dropping to the floor, with one arm around Kyungsoo's waist. Kyungsoo was busy examining the whole scene that he had never seen before, he didn't realize the hand that secures him from the killing chill. He doesn't even realize that he is in Jongin's embrace slowly and he starts putting his own arms around the boy's waist.

"Oh, Jongin, look," Kyungsoo's voice shaking. The moon looks like it is few inches away when they are exactly at the rooftop's metal barrier. They laugh at how silly they are, trying to reach out for the moon.

"I guess we're still few millions kilometres away from the moon," Kyungsoo chuckles, eyes sparkle to the glints of the moon. Jongin had been looking to Kyungsoo, the whole time instead of the gigantic moon. That milky skin Kyungsoo had been hiding behind the sushi bartender uniform and ridiculous hat is now shown. He examines the few inches of the hair that Kyungsoo had mildly chop off. For him. He did it for him. Jongin means something to Kyungsoo that he goes to that extent to, maybe, impress him.

"I'm jealous with that moon," Jongin grins. Kyungsoo look to him with puzzled expression, feeling a little too comfortable in his embrace. "Look at me, I'm closer," He lock his gaze into Kyungsoo's eyes. He is trapped. Kyungsoo is caught into his eyes, he can't look away. Didn't know when but Jongin is holding his hands, another hand is strongly securing their embrace. His pale cheeks are tinted red. Jongin's face closer to his. He could smell the cologne that Jongin had on his neck, he smells so good, so good he closes his eyes to bask into that smell. Drunk into Jongin's charm.

It doesn't take too long of a time after he closes his eyes to feel his lips buried into another lips. Its a soft kiss but he feels a lot of passion out of it. Theres a pause but he shamelessly asks for another, then they engaged into a much longer kiss. His hands travels to Jongin's nape to pull him closer, drowning into the ecstasy that had surrounded him from the start. He gives in to that feeling, that aura which is eventually Jongin's charm. His heart is pounding fast but he can feel Jongin's heart is racing too.

Jongin breaks the kiss slowly, taking one hand of Kyungsoo's, holding it tight before kissing it hard and putting it on his cheeks. Kyungsoo is still sober in Jongin's charm, dizzy, fascinated. His lips wants more of Jongin's lips, but Jongin is busy feeling Kyungsoo's palms on his cheeks. Eyes looking deep into Kyungsoo's.

"Hyung, Do Kyungsoo, I want you,"

There, under the moonlight, Jongin let it out. Kyungsoo didn't know to smile or to frown or to continue kissing the boy. He didn't know what to react. This is not a marriage proposal, he can't say 'I do' that'd be hell awkward.

Yes he is planning to say yes. But he didn't know how, in such situation. That confession is the hardest to reply in his entire life at the moment.

"Come and get me," Is what he blurts out. This time, Jongin is in shock, eyes open so wide and mouth gaping, too surprised on that kind of reply. Kyungsoo takes advantage by pulling Jongin's face closer to his and locking another kiss.

"Kim Jongin, Kai," A random calling blurted in between of their kiss, Jongin had a small laugh. This is more than what he expected. He is so happy. Probably the happiest man in the world at that moment. What is life.

Do Kyungsoo is now his.


Back in the town at the street that Sehun lives, the lanky boy is busy sighing on his computer. Disappointed to see theres no reply from his boyfriend about the video of sushi contest he shared only with him. He wishes to at least chat online with Luhan but seems like he isn't going to the computer tonight. He wants to text him but looking at the time, Luhan probably is already too tired. He decides to jumps on his bed an doze off instead of lurking in the virtual, searching on how Luhan is doing. He practically swims on his bed, buries his face in the pillow. Looking at his phone, did a few times of putting down and up then he starts thumb racing on the screen of his phone.

"Good night, wo de baobei ^O^"

He grins like a teenage girl giddily, now he can sleep with a smile on his face.

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