Oh dear gods... the energy is low, and work is dead as a dead thing under a heap of ice.
Soon with the vacationing.
Howerr, I suspect that some few of you are still out there, holding out for the final whistle. For you, I bring the holiday gift of relief from boredom.
As I am often wont to do, here... have some news from The Future!
Yeah. It would be even funnier if I didn't believe that such a thing might one day be the case. Alas.
Serious boy needs some distracting. Perhaps a little monkey can solve the problem.
Oh yeah, that's all kinds of better! Monkeys make everything better!
In this next bit, see if you can guess which product I thought "hrmmm... I could use some of that"
I think it's pretty obvious.
The world of picture macros has finally come full circle, dropping out the bottom of the purposefully bad spelling land and coming back in on the top.
I approve.
This next bit reminds of of something from The Animation Show... in fact it may well be from it and I'm just not remembering. Nonetheless, I was amused.
However, bunnies I polled regard this animation had a very different reaction.
Yeah, stunned speechless. Poor bunny! Don't stay stunned for too long -
the_xtina will eat you!
Speaking about eating small furry animals...
That's cat's look is totally a great "...the hell?" look.
In other news, one of my Xes came around to visit. She thought perhaps that she might not have gotten all my heart in her last attack.
I fooled her again with a cow heart. She is remarkably gullible. It's a good thing she doesn't read LJ. She mostly spends her time on the internet doing other things, but apparently her connection was down.
Fortunately, someone is attending to the problem for her.
Some of you all have expressed interest in what is on my screen while I am GMing. I have a very advanced interface. Here is a screen shot of it.
If you concentrate on it long enough, you can see the thread in which the Monday night gamers bring about the end the world.
In other news, Anime is really fucked up. Case in point.
Um... yes.
How about we stick to talking about Xes of mine? Here's a devil that I dated a few years back. She's more of a water devil. Most of you all prolly didn't even know there were water devils. Here she is.
Very pretty. Slick as allgetout. And dig those green horns. However, it just didn't work. The whole fire-water thing. Plus, our families just didn't get along.
It's too bad too, cuz we otherwise shared so many things in common. For instance, we loved all the same performance devils. Here's a picture from one show we attended.
They were comedy entities and they were fucking hilarious. Not that I have to tell you that. Just look at the pic - makes me laugh out loud every time.
On an unrelated matter, I can has?
That would be soooo awesome. I would sing to it all the time, I swear!
Having my own blue bird night light would make me so happy, I'd do the funky bear dance.
Alternately, I would accept a Hell-o Kitty.
Then again, I do love things related to kitties. Like this lovely kitty wig.
Then there is this kitty, who is so happy with his little fish.
This next pic, it reminded me of sigils a great deal when I first saw it, even though it's all hearts.
I found it quite striking. It also makes me want to do some sigils again soon.
Another found thing actually made me kind of sad.
Sometimes, I feel just like that little hippo, trying so hard to fit into some image that I just can never be. Yeah. Now, I'm all emo-devil. I better go comb my hair over one eye.
Alternately, I could think about the light beings that live with me in the place outside of time. They are beautiful. When I look into them, it's like all cares are gone, and my heart feels full.
Yeah, photos just don't do them justice. Not even with the flash on.
They are very thoughtful entities too. They recently sent me this card.
That was so thoughtful of them!
About time to wrap up this pre-holiday post. Before I go, let me share this comic that is so like so many second dates that I have had.
I know... who hasn't this happened to? It's the universality of it that makes it so funny.
And let's end on this moment of froggy-Zen.
The real frog - he looks like he has found true love. I tried to tell him that she has a heart of stone, but he just wouldn't listen to me. That's the problem with being an entity composed of burning darkness... no one ever trusts you. I don't know what that is all about.