I just recently bought some shelves so that I can make more space to put my growing collection of school stuff and (guilty) pleasure collection (*snicker*) so I've been cleaning up my room now
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ultra_butterfly, I bought you more Adachi pr0n. Like, all sorts of Adachi pr0n. More details when I'm free later. amarukei, thought I would buy you some Abyss stuff and there's this very nice Guy/Luke (and Asch) doujin which I'm glad I picked up. But I also accidentally bought some novels (got tricked by them pretty covers!! OTL) so I hope you're okay with them
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And m-m-met up with K-K-Kurot and Feb and bwuhbwuhbwuh I dunno why but I always feel like an idiot when I meet this two ;A; あ、あれだよ。存在がめっちゃ眩しいよ。It was also nice to finally meet the always mentioned Fern. :D
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Waahh, Kurot stressing over Fuyukomi makes me stressed over Fuyukomi too. XD;;; I planned a couple of other projects beside the Macross book and thought I could handle them but then I just remembered there's also Nemakon, and my sempai also got a booth for an Original Manga space on the 3rd day of Fuyukomi and he also invited me to make a guest
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OH SHIT, I FORGOT TO TRANSLATE gem2niki'S ROLO COMIC, HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA *does last minute fixing now so, uh, sorry if you get shoddy translation, Nancy OTL*
*reminds self to commit suicide if she ever survives today's Comic City Spark*
After 2 years and a half living in Japan, I finally ate my first oden. I can't remember the name of the ingredients I chose but mm-mmm, they were so delicious. >w< I bought 370 yen worth of ingredients and I got full after eating only half of what I bought so the price isn't bad either! And the guy behind the cash register had emo hair so double
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I got a booth at Comic City Spark 3 that's gonna be held on Sept 28th! It's at East 5, に27b. I have details on my booth and what I'm bringing there on my website's zakki so for those who are participating in my Rolo book as guests, feel free to promote my booth at your sites. XD
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