Nagaoka, December 28 2008 - January 3 2009

Jan 04, 2009 11:08

I think I'm growing up but, I'll allow it ☆

Yesterday this year's work has come to an end
This is Nagaoka who started to get on to the year-end party season since yesterday

Looking at this picture you might understand one way or another but

For a bit

on New Year's

I dare

to try to grow

a hige



Something called that ne, [1]

The usual hair won't be grown so,

if I grew it on the scene of the current drama what'll come out of it??

There's a conversation like that

Well~ you just wanted to try it right

Something like that (laughs)

I don't want to neglect shaving by any means (smiles)

People who dislikes hige, I apologize f^_^; [2]

Just that,

I'm a guy! (laughs)

Until my work starts next year
this Atelier will become a journal of my hige's growth so be careful (laughs)

For someone like me I've yearned the men's hige style considerably so, I'm looking forward to how it'll be for me ☆

This year-end talk about hige is idiotic isn't it (laughs)

When today ends it's another 3 days for this year!
For everyone especially what if you had to show the one kanji [that represents this year]?
For me it's 「 first 」 ne ☆

It has really been a year of when I first tried various things ♪♪

Meeting the PureBoys

First movie scene

First radio

First magazine

First CD

First event

First stage

First watermelon face

First cake face

First drama scene

First dance

First blog

First letters and presents


Everything I was able to experience is because everyone who supported me

I'm really grateful to a lot of people

There's only a bit of this year remaining but

Let's spend it enjoyably and sharing the best smiles ne ☆☆

Well today is around here.

(In the New Year if we can grow a braid it'll be interesting wouldn't it... hige...)

[1] A hige is either a moustache or beard, and I won't type out either translation because it's weird thinking in those terms for Nagaoka. XD The "ge~hi~" is of course "hige" backwards.
[2] After Hirata went through a hige period, I've been okay with it. Hirata talking about his hige is just something else. XDDD


If everyone smiles you can have good fortune ☆

Everyone's kanji for this year

Meeting, now, motion, fate, enter, lots, decision, again, love, happiness, comfort, spacious, twinkle, challenge, gathering, strange, road, happiness, never.........

I think everyone has chosen these kanjis with various thoughts in mind

Inside everyone when you look back at this one year, the [places] you weren't able to go at your leisure, the things you've stumbled over, the painnful things you've cried over.........
I think there are those things perhaps

I have them

However ne,

Please don't think that's why this year was no good or something like that

Because ne,

To an extent, you were certainly growing

The fascination of humans is increasing

That's why if,
if there are people who still has regrets this year
I think that will feed into yourself next year

To everyone, if I can make you think that this year was lovely

This New Year's Eve can be with my best smile too ☆☆☆

Yesterday I sneakily returned to my hometown
From then I drank ate slept ate rolled around ate......


A lovely end of the year (laughs)

Ge~hi~ is also doing well ☆

Finally tomorrow is this year's last!

Another 2 days, let's enjoy it~ ☆☆☆

At my friend's house

You smiled a bit didn't you (smiles) [1]

[1] So cute! XDDD



Finally the year 2008

is heading to the end


let's go out and meet the year 2009

Really really

everyone has supported me in 2008

I want to make this space called Atelier a lovely place together with you

I can't convey my thoughts with words but

「 ...Thank you... 」

I place all my feelings in this one word so it will reach everyone.

Did it reach you I wonder?

It reached you ne?

It did reach you?!

Wow~ I'm glad that it reached you (smiles)

Well then everyone,

Have a good New Year~!!

It's the last of the year 2008

A little bit will be okay ne?
Free shot ☆

It's precious, definitely (laughs)

Glasses over me with a hige (laughs)




Yay Yay

Yay Yay Yay!!

Happy New Year! (^^) !

This year too I think there'll be a lot of pushing at my back, doing things selfishly but


Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (laughs) ☆

At once in the new year,
right now I've started to drink shouchuu ♪ [1]

Next to me Oton (Dad) is also drinking shouchuu

I'm feeling that I've become an adult ☆

And this year is Toshi Otoko! [2]

Team Toshi Otoko,

Let's do our best ☆☆☆

Everyone have you gone to your first shrine visit of the New Year??

[1] Shouchuu is an alcoholic beverage that's 25% alcohol by volume, so it's weaker than whisky, but stronger than wine and sake.
[2] According to the dictionary I have... It says it refers to a man born in a year with the same Chinese zodiac sign as the current.

nagaoka takuya

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