Baba, December 27, 2008 - January 04, 2009

Jan 05, 2009 07:08

Oh look, a surprise update! :D Ever since I turned my back for a moment in December and Baba left me standing before I noticed, I haven't been able to catch up with him! D: But new year, new resolutions - and a new start. Terribly sorry about the missing entries, I try to be more diligent from now on. If he lets me. xD (There's a bonus doggie entry from the 27th in this batch, 'cause duh. ;D) Enjoy the peculiar Baba-blog style in the new year as well! xD [--- inarikami]


Good evening, everyone.

Baba Ruu here.

Just now, Tooru came home from rehearsal and suddenly started taking pictures of me~ (-_-)

Even though I'm so sleepy...


Good evening, everyone.

Just got back from rehearsal! (^O^)

Ruu-chan was, just as always, apparently asleep!! (laugh)

We had continous rehearsal in full costumes for the first time today.
Since the costumes are quite heavy,
and this was my first costume rehearsal, I was just bustling about the stage. ^ロ^;

But soon I managed to find the rythm,
so it was okay. (^^)v

There's rehearsal tomorrow as well, so first of all I'm going to rest now.

Good night~ (^_^)/~



Good evening, everyone.

the year's last, full-cast rehearsal of Desperately Seeking Susan has finished!(^O^)

Nevertheless, there's still rehearsal tomorrow, for me as well!
Doing my best on the last day of the year!

Being in an environment where I could learn everyday has been truly stimulating for me. (^^)v

Still 2 more to go in the new year.

How was this year for you all?

I'm free on New Year's Day,
so I plan to spend it at home, together with my family!

Also, my diary on the Susan official blog has been updated again,
I paste the URL for you!

Please take a look!


★ Have a good year! ★

Good evening, everyone.

This year's last rehearsal has finsihed!

Right now, I am reading your comments on yesterday's entry.

Thank you very much
for the many comments!

This year I had the chance to try myself at various projects,
am learning in a new environment even right now,
and I have received lots of support from you all -
for everything in this year, I am very grateful!!

Before we even noticed, all that is left from 2008 are 5 more hours! (^^)

This year went by so fast!

Exactly because of this I want to treasure every single day!!

Will do my best in the coming year as well!

The new year is going to start with rehearsal again,
so bracing myself, taking good care of my health
I will face the upcoming opening day with full power and energy!

Please take care of yourself as well, and I hope you too, are also going to be full of energy next year!

The official Susan blog will be often refreshed in the coming year as well,
so don't forget to take a look!

And now~ to change the topic a bit ~
I'm going to watch K-1~!! (laugh)

What will you be watching?!

Well then,
Happy New Year! (^_-)


★☆ 2009 ☆★







☆It's been a while☆

Good afternoon, everyone!

Thank you very much for the many comments!!

Since I received so many New Year greetings,
one more time I'd like to...

Wish you a Happy New Year!

In 2009, I plan to make even more effort in order to improve myself.

Never forgetting my feelings of gratitude, I will do my best with optimism.

Please keep an eye out for me in this year as well!!

Yesterday, after a long time, I watched a historical tv programme again!

Even though I quite like the genre, it's been a while since I saw one on TV.

It was a documentary called Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations.

They talked about world heritage sites,
and mysterious worlds that haven't been discovered yet -
it was very interesting!!

Ancient civilizations,
the more we wonder about them,
the more strange and unknown they feel.


★ Shrine visit ★

Good evening, everyone.

Today, the four members of our family,
went to worship at the Meiji Shrine. (^^)v

I prayed fervently for my wish! (^-^)

Did you all had your first shine visit of the new year already?



Good evening, everyone.

Right now, we're taking a short break from rehearsal,
so I'm updating now!

Today is the day of a


very very

joyous event!

J-League player Konno Yasuyuki-san,

whom I also know through my brother,

has taken his marriage vows today! (^O^)/


Kon-chan, congratulations!

I hope you will have a happy family life! (^_-)

If you all,
congratulated him as well, that would make me glad! (^^)v

When people around me find happiness, somehow that makes me feel very happy as well! (^-^)

Truly, congratulations!

baba tooru

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