Nagaoka, July 12 - 31, 2009

Feb 06, 2010 06:22

Now to end on a happier note, I have finished translating Nagoaoka's July 2009 entries. There are quite a few things to see here, so please take a look when you have time. At the very least, you should see the pictures he posed for the clothing website, Sputnicks. I had forgotten he had done that until I saw the link he posted.

Nagaoka, I will definitely catch up to you!



Nya~~~ ☆

I'm home~ ☆☆
I'm striving through practice every day ♪

Thank you for the many questions ☆
I'll start from the beginning with the ones that were submitted first so I can answer them properly ne ♪

Even though I say so, it's a bit difficult to answer them all at once so
I think I'll [answer] them a little bit at a time so be understanding f^_^;

For the "I forgot to write a question!" people, comment your question in the last post ne ☆

Right now ne, I've returned home
"I have to write down the questions" is what I thought but I was hit with drowsiness (´Д`)

Nya~ sleepy...

Oops (゜▽゜)

So bad so bad
I have to write!!

O~kay, do your best me ☆

To the people who can go to Baraban Night
let's meet tomorrow ♪


To Maman-san

The music I often listen to is... I listen to anything no matter what basis ♪
Without regards to genre, I'm a person who is always on shuffle mode with the iPod (smiles)
But the song I recommend this morning is
Kiyoshi Ryujin-san's Morning Sun ♪

To Ai-san

I want to continue them both but
perhaps a play that lumps various [things together] ☆☆

To Ranmaru-san

As a person fond of sweets, I like Dragon Quest ☆


Yay ☆

Today after practice I went to Baraban Night with the ItaKiss members ☆

It's the first time I stood on the stay with the ItaKiss members so
the contents were based on free talk but
I was surprised by how well the teamwork was p(^^)q

I can always feel the close friendship in the practical hall but, I was able to feel it again in Baraban Night so I was happy (#^.^#)
From now on there'll be more practice, and I'm looking forward to the performance ☆☆☆

Hm well I went to take a bath and starting now I'm going to face the script ♪

Also ne,

On the 「 Hirata Office 」 Home Page I'm connected with

with three actors/actresses which includes me
『 Urusha 』
I'm doing a corner called that with them

There are also pictures in atelier's Photo, the pictures I took are [with the theme] 『 Kotoba (Words) 』,
Also Manager-san secretly took pictures of me who was working (smiles) I took part in it as well

I was thinking that you could see a different Nagaoka-san at 『 Atelier 』
but right now [the pictures] are at this corner so
if you like please take a peek (^^ゞ

Well then

Ciao ☆

To Kusshii-san

I probably do eat noodles often ☆
Soba or ramen or cold Chinese [noodles] ♪
My ability to concentration won't continue! (smiles)
Please tell me instead f^_^;

To Ayuna-san

I have various things I'm grateful for, but bathing powder I guess ☆
But, really the best is feeling happy!

To Sarina-san

Iemon pure tea!

That is green tea! (smiles

To aa22-san

I don't think I've been pricked this year!
Have you applied baking powder? (smiles)

To Raira-san

I'm going to continue (^^ゞ!


Chasu ☆

I'm sorry that it's been 2 days since I last updated (-.-;)

Today for the first time we're practicing straight through ☆
I still haven't understood the entire atmosphere yet but
starting now the ItaKiss members, will bust through it with all our strength!

Right! Yuuichi!


Bust through with all our strength (smiles)

Today in Osaka is the
『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』
complete preview display event ♪


I'm slowly not allowed to be there (smiles)

Tomorrow regretfully there isn't time to walk but
to that extent, I will receive power from the event and I plan to return p(^^)q

Iya, I will receive it

I look forward to it ☆☆☆

Not to mention the Making DVD is now on sale too ☆
If you like, please take a look ♪
I'll be waiting for your thoughts too o(^-^)o

Well then

Ciao ☆

To SAmoRi-san

At home I probably borrow and watch DVDs a lot ☆

To Haruka-san

Falling into the futon (smiles)

To Akane-san

I haven't read [much] recently ne f^_^;

Itazura na kiss! (smiles)


『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』 in Osaka

I was off ☆☆

『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』
complete preview display event in Osaka

To the people who came,
To the people who were not able to come,

Thank you very much! (^^)!
I have steadily received power (smiles)

Iyaa it's my first time doing stage greeting for a movie so
I was embarrassed and nervous
I didn't know [what to do] most of the time but
I was saved by the warm support from the people who came ♪♪

Thank you very much p(^^)q

It's been a while since the BokuSora team gathered together and as always it's a fun team so
I think the stage greeting was able to be fun too (smiles)

Nagaoka-san who had too much free time during free time

I made a proposal to Hosogai-shi before me

Will you do fusion with me?

Hosogai-shi comfortably consents


POWA~N ♪♪♪

Aren't they Nagaoka-like items, glasses and hat!!

And that was our good time (smiles)

Today, to the people who watched the movie beforehand,

I'll be waiting for your thoughts!

There is an event in Tokyo the day after tomorrow ☆
BokuSora members, let's get excited ♪♪

Well then

Ciao ☆


From Shizuku-chan to everyone ☆

『 Waa~ so close! 』

『 It seems that there is something good today p(^^)q』

From 『 Mimi wo Sumaseba (Whisper of the Heart) 』.

Have a wonderful Sunday ☆

Part of the series at the official HP 『 Urusha 』.


551 ☆

Thank you very much for the many thoughts on the Osaka preview event!

I've returned from the ItaKiss practice ☆

I'm sleepy f^_^;

Tomorrow in Tokyo is
『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』
complete preview display event ♪♪

I've received a lot of power at Osaka but
I'll receive a lot at Tokyo too (#^.^#)

In Osaka
there's a famous store? called 551HORAI
[that sells] butaman (steamed pork bun)

The shumai there is seriously yabai (smiles)
Of all the shumai I've met in my live this is definitely first place ☆☆

Even though I say so I'm not a person who really loves shumai to that extent
But it was really good!

Also 551's ice candy is incredibly delicious ♪♪

When you have a chance to go to Osaka definitely [try it] ☆

the magazine now on sale
「 Japanese Movie Heroes 」
I took part in it, so please check it out ♪

Alright I look forward to tomorrow ☆☆☆

Well then

Ciao ♪

To Ringo-san


Yes, soba!

If possible Shinshuu's soba (smiles)!

To Susumu-san

U~m for real glasses, I had them since first year of high school


For glasses just for show I have about 10? (smiles)

For healing I do a futon dive ☆

To Natsumi-san

I don't have anything I can say that "It's this!" f^_^;

The one that I just listened to is Takeuchi Mariya-san's 「 Every Day is Special 」 (smiles)


『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』 in Tokyo

Today in Tokyo was
『 Bokura wa Ano Sora no Shita de 』
complete preview display event ☆☆☆

To the people who came, and to the people who couldn't come

Thank you very much!!!

I steadily received power ♪♪♪

The event was exciting
following Osaka, I think the complete preview display event in Tokyo was a huge success!

Finally from now on, the work will be independent in movie theaters and it'll be an emotional feeling
But it's a work that I really want a lot of people to see

A lot of people came to the preview event too

This movie gave me the chance [to meet] with people I knew
and the event [gave me the chance] to meet people for the first time

And the cast, staff-san, Hirabayashi-kantoku (director)

This work that has given me so many meetings

I'm grateful

With the power I received today I'll do my best with practice tomorrow (#^.^#)

Well then

Ciao ☆



I'm sorry
I wasn't able to update my blog (:_;)
It had been hectic (-.-;)
But I'm doing fine ne!!

If you noticed the PureBoys event at LaQua is real soon ☆☆

It's been a year, so somehow a strange feeling of tension quickly came over me ne (smiles)
But make no mistake that it'll be a fun event so look forward to it ☆☆

Why you ask?
Because it's a PureBoys event (smiles)

Once again it seems like there are things to report to everyone? (smiles)
Looking forward to it, looking forward to it ♪♪♪

Today I went to the dentist before practice
My wisdom teeth were hurting (smiles)

It has become quite a troublesome thing and
that konoyaro~ (bastard)!! of a dentist didn't do anything for me (´~`;)

Well them

Ciao ☆


A paku-paku (chomp-chomp) train ☆

An incident while I was heading to the practice hall......

I think the people who usually use the train will know this but
when you're in a hurry you'd want to quickly get on the train ne?

This morning, when I was on the platform the train came

「 Oh ♪ I want to get on! 」

is what I thought so I was going to but

before my eyes

「 Pushuu~... 」

Well I wasn't able to get on it

This incident is a bit embarrassing isn't it? (smiles)

the closed doors opened

「 Oh?! Yay ♪♪」

is what I thought so I was about to [get on] but
it opened about 30cm and then closed almost immediately

Not to mention that the closing speed was quick

「 You closed it! 」

so I was separated by the doors

「 Hm? I can't get free...... 」


the [earphone] cord to my iPod was being eaten by the door

( ̄▽ ̄;)

Departure of the train


My earphones were cruelly ripped away from my iPod

They were hanging on the door

Going to the next station

But the person waiting at the next station will be most surprised

Because only the earphones were hanging on the train's door

Surreal (smiles)

Everyone, rushing to get on the train is dangerous

Ciao ☆



ItaKiss practice has ended!!

There is another 5 days until the first day!

There is a good feeling from the engine of the cast and the staff-san ☆☆☆
Looking forward to the performance ♪♪♪

For the people who have time definitely
please come ne ☆
Students, please create memories of your summer vacation (smiles)

Today is the PureBoys event!!


Team ItaKiss of course but
I'll go stimulate excitement with all the members

Let's get excited together p(^^)q

Students, create memories of your summer......

Okay okay (smiles)

For the people who can't come I'll send power to you so
please [send it] to me too (#^.^#)

Well then

Ciao ☆


☆ PureBoys ☆

After the event I had to quickly go to practice with Yuuichi
Doing nothing but practice
Time hasn't slowed at all

The event at LaQua has safely ended ☆☆☆

It was hot but thank you very much for the people who came!!

And thank you to the people who sent their power!!

I also did my best to the people who came, to the people who couldn't come, for both of you p(^^)q

If it reached you, even a little, I'll be happy (#^.^#)

the new members joining together

Birthday of the new PureBoys ♪♪

I have co-acted with Miura Ryousuke-kun once so I knew him
Maa~ his smile is angelic o(^-^)o
I'm really happy to be working with him as PureBoys ☆

I've already met Andrew-kun a few times
He's half-Australian and half-Japanese ♪
Very ikemen ☆
Also he's incredibly sociable ☆

These 7 people moving as the PureBoys from now on is what I want to be proud of

I'll do my best to not embarrass the graduated members so

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu to your support ☆☆☆

Tomorrow we're finally moving away from the practice hall!

Last practice, in order to do my best
I'll go with my fighting spirit

and sleep (smiles)

Well then

Ciao ☆


Toy building ☆

Today I had an interview in the afternoon ☆

After that, it's been a while since I had some free time so
I went to the ophthalmology, I took my time to go get my hair cut
It was a full day ♪

Finally tomorrow is the performance ☆
It's my first time at Hakuhinkan, I'm look forward to it ♪

Hakuhinkan looks like a huge toy store-san p(^^)q

Everyone do you like toys?
No matter how many toy store-sans there are, the tension always rises ☆☆☆

I want to walk around Hakuhinkan during the ItaKiss performance (smiles)

The answers to the questions that I got before,
So sorry that I haven't been able to do them (:_;)

If I can settle down a bit more, I'll definitely do it so please wait ne (;´・`)

Also, the Sputnicks site I participated in last time
Just now at the featured page, Nagaoka Takuya, is appearing a lot ☆
It's a different atmosphere than usual (I wonder why ne smiles)

If you'd like definitely take a look please ♪
The mobile site is here .

Well then

Ciao ☆


It's ItaKiss ☆

Finally we've entered the theater ☆☆

A picture from the dressing room ♪

I was about to take a picture with Kawasumi Bishin
but a little bit away is Nishiumi Kenjirou-san (smiles)

Bishin is like a really cute younger brother
his role is also normally with my own role so we've become close friends o(^-^)o
He's just a real high school student so I don't want to get too close (smiles)

... Just kidding just kidding ♪
I won't lose to a real high school student (smiles)

The Kotake-sensei that Nishiumi-san is performing as is seriously yabai!(^^)!
I, really like him ☆☆☆

Main check~ ♪♪

Finally tomorrow, is the first curtain opening

It's really a wonderful stage

I'll be waiting at the theater

『 Itazura na kiss ~ Sotsugyou hen~ 』

Yoroshiku desu

While you're at it, yoroshiku to the person I'm performing as, Sawatari Yuuichi, too (smiles)

This summer is ItaKiss ☆

Ciao ♪


ItaKiss has begun ♪♪
Yay ☆☆☆

We've safely raised the curtain on the first day ♪♪♪

『 Itazura na kiss ~ Sotsugyou hen~ 』

We'll be plowing through from now on p(^^)q

Today Itokyun came to the costume rehearsal
The Bambino Team Minami Kei-chan, Fukuyama Seiji, Miura Ryon-Ryon came to see the first performance
Sakimoto Hiromi also rushed in

It's really been a happy first day!

From now on ItaKiss
Yoroshiku ☆☆☆☆

Well then

Ciao ♪


For some reason my head is flowing ♪

♪ Boku mo kae~ro
Ouchi e kaero

Den den den gurigaette
Bai bai bai ♪
[T/N: Nagaoka is singing a song about going home.]

the 3rd day of ItaKiss has ended!!

This is how it was in the dressing room before today's performance ☆☆

Every performance, has been enjoyable p(^^)q

I've gotten used to the flashy blazer
With the exception of the blazer I don't get all of this (smiles)

Summer is still continuing in the Hakuhinkan theater ♪♪

Tomorrow there are 2 performances,
Let's enjoy ourselves with all our hearts (#^.^#)

In Sawatari's way ne ☆

Ciao ♪

nagaoka takuya

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