With regards to recreations

Sep 14, 2009 02:06

I'd love to get people's thoughts on something I've been dwelling on too much lately... the costuming issue of artistic interpretation vs accuracy. That is to say, when is it a plus, when is it pushing into "original inspired by..." territory, and when does it just make a bad costume. Usually I'm a pretty firm believer in small alterations which improve aesthetics, like changes to accommodate a real body, modesty, or lack of that perfect fabric or prop (especially props... I'm so bad at props >_<). But I'm also anal retentive and picky about details. My Triana costume, for example... I wear a spiked collar because I already owned it, like it, and like how it looks with the outfit. However, officially Triana wears a plain choker/collar, and a small part of me is bothered by that.
What do you like to do? What do you like to see?

I have been getting more and more picky about my fabric choices as I've begun to plan costumes farther and farther in advance. I save the fabrics that I bought just because I like them for clothing projects. It's not often I just find something I want to use for a costume, and I'm not sure about incorporating it into a set design as opposed to something just for myself.

I'd been thinking about doing the other form of Midna since long before my imp version even existed, but have pretty much moved on. Now the Evil Genius is talking me back into it, and I've been doing a little preliminary planning. Usually a costume with only a few minutes of screen-time gives fair room for interpretation, but considering that images of the character model are readily available, in this case lack of reference is not an excuse for inaccuracies. The sad thing is that I'm not stuck on body paint vs spandex or whether her skin is blue or grey (though those are problems too), but on the lining for her cloak. It's this sea foam-turquoise colour which I'm not a fan of to begin with, and can only find in awful bridal satin.

I did, however, find a nice shantung which I fell in love with, but isn't the "right" colour. I think the texture and the black in the weave give it great dimension, it still has that shine factor, but is "too dark". Almost a peacock blue-green colour, though the picture doesn't do it justice. Friends I've asked who don't know the character think it'll be great, but those that do have said I'll be doin it wrong.

I know it's my creation and I can use whatever I like, but I don't want to end up with that costume that would have been fantastic if only I'd held out for something with a "better" colour. I hold myself to pretty high standards when it comes to things I make, and it doesn't help that my professional (so to speak) pride has been challenged for this project. I don't have any other materials for this project yet, so all of the little accents could be done to match this colour, for what that argument is worth.

I guess part of my problem with this is just having trouble justifying it. I mean, I used the wrong colour for accents on my old Midna, with the reasoning that the paint I chose is black light-reactive, whereas the teal would not be. (this of course was when I was trying to plan a black lit photo shoot, not realizing a major complication). People who feel the need to point out that I used the wrong colour don't bother me because it's a choice I made for a reason, as opposed to just because I thought it would look nice.

Thoughts and comments greatly appreciated.

And, umm, August post will be coming once I get a few hours to sit down and write it up. >_>


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