The Plague Continues

Jan 07, 2009 10:06

Ack - I feel like such a whiner, or I would if I could whine. The Plague seems to have settled itself into my vocal chords and I have almost no voice.

Question to anyone smarter than me about these things: Given that I have a doctor appointment today during which I need to be able to communicate, do any of you know home remedy sorts of things that I can do to try to get my voice back for a little while? All of the medical sites I've Googled helpfully suggest "not talking" and "drinking plenty of fluids". Well, I'm doing the latter, but I need to be able to talk sometime within the next three hours. Please post helpful advice.

Other than a plea for help, I have nothing of interest to post here. Nothing happens when you're sick. *has a pity party*


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