Jun 28, 2006 08:17
Why do unsettling nightmares have to appear when you certainly don't need it?!?!?!
You know what I woke up to this morning...
We were traveling, at some point we stopped for awhile, Jim needed to move my truck for me... he told DJ to get into his car and wait for us... DJ climbed into the driver's seat and folded his legs (indian style) and waited like he was told. Jim was moving my car and he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and he gunned my truck, it crashed into his car with full force crushing DJ between the stearing wheel and his chair. The car was so mangled and crushed that all you could see was part of his face (because he neck was turned towards me) and his one arm.... the only reason why the image was soooo vivid when I woke up is because DJ died before help arrived and I was the only one with a camera and they made me use it to record evidence.... OMG.....
it was horrid.... I woke up crying and it did not stop for 40 minutes, all I could do was crawl into bed with him and hold him....
nerves.... i am still scared....