Weekend Update!

Dec 18, 2005 23:55

Sorry this is sooo late but I've been super busy lately.

Saturday morning I got to hang with sleepy heads Nighteyes_70 and inanna_astrea we had some breakfast and cleaned up the house form the party the night before... THANKS GUYS! I totally appreaciated all of the help! I baked pretty much all morning and even managed to convince Ayden and Donald to help me with some of that!

Then I got the family ready and we took Chris, Ayden and Irene back to the front gate of the base so they could go home and then we headed to our Holiday Party with the SOATC guys (the guys Jim works with everyday; the ones he actually likes)!! We had mondo fun at the Section party, they had rented tons of those blow up fun equipment for the kids and had them set up inside the hanger for the kids to jump and play on. The adult sat around eating wonderful potluckness and chatted. We took pictures on a little bird (it's the Nightstalker way after all) and we got to meet Santa (ie... one of the current Green Platoon students all dressed up).

It was fun but I had to head back to the other side of the base by 5 for my Sisters of the Thread gathering; and of course it took me forever to get there since I feel sleep in the parking lot of the shoppette talking to my middle sister on the phone...LOL! Once I got there we did our Yule cookie exchange, we shared some gifts with each other and then we talked about the Mother aspect of the goddess for a bit. It was a very nice gathering, so friendly and low key... i love it! Of course we missed our missing-ladies-in-action, 3 of our regulars and two new ladies all missed this week's gathering, but they were in our hearts and minds as we chowed down on cookies and other wonderful potluck foods! We do have one new lady with us now, Lacy, she is super great even if she's on the quiet side. LOL! *hugs girl* I am so glad that you chose to come, you'll love the group!

Anyways, I went home before Wendy got back from driving the girls back to Hoptown b/c hubby called me in distress about his missing glasses! Of course while I was doing something totally random it hit me where they might be... we tore up the house and both cars looking for them and could not find them... maybe there were not in any of those places!!! So I asked him if they were in his front pocket of his shirt when he chased after our escaped dog during my party on friday night. The little light bulb above Jim's head clicked on and he grabbed a flashlight and ran across the street; there in the neighbor's grass were his glasses! LOL!

Sunday is, of course, our RPG day. So littlemamabunny and her family came over and we played Star Wars RPG for several hours! It was so much fun and we actually managed to get outselves out of a rather impossible predicament. YEAH US! Jim admitted to me later that he had not planned a way out of it for us, he wanted to see what we'd come up with. He honestly figured that he'd have to send in a character to rescue us, and that when we did escape we would have about 500 pirates coming after us.... but we managed to do it on our own and in a sneaky way! My character made a few personal enemies but hey it was fun! LOL! It is a shame that it will be three weekends before we can RPG again... I was having fun! LOL!

So we're getting ready to go to Michigan this week... gotta pack, get the house clean, etc... THANK THE GODS, littlemamabunny said she would watch the girls for us.... my mom refuses to let me bring them with us so they are gonna be TN bound. I know Missie is gonna be pissed, she loves the snow but alas, mom hates my dogs! LOL! So maybe by the time we get home Grimm (Wendy's doxie) will have knocked up Daisy (she's in heat right now) and we can have puppies in the spring! YEAH! Welp, I am off to bed... gots playdates all week for the kidlets since school is out!

Happiness Highlights: hand-and-foot card game, cuddling with the son watching cartoons, talking with grown ups, sharing a significant life moment with friends, sex and lots of it, funny as all hell RPG moments, having hubby tell me that I am sexy, baking with the kids, spending time with those that I love, seeing santa with a black eye laughing with the man who gave it to him (long story), seeing hubby cry when I graduated (it meant a lot to me)

ayden, seekers of the thread, pictures, friends, wendy, horny, irene, busy bee, nsdq, rpg, chris, green platoon, donald, sex, party, weekend update

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