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Nov 16, 2011 12:38

[Hello, Hogwarts and fellow Magicdrafted, please enjoy some complimentary scratchy, static-y noises as someone tries to figure out how the commuter works ( Read more... )

stannis baratheon, conan edogawa, byakuya kuchiki, gaignun kukai jr., kallen kouzuki

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Comments 55

[Video] modernholmes November 16 2011, 21:51:34 UTC
[Have a small boy with a rather irritated expression.]

It is kidnapping. Not that that seems to matter much to the person responsible for this.


[Video] beforethesakura November 17 2011, 01:33:27 UTC
[A sigh, but. Wait. You said something interesting, other person.]

Are you familiar with this 'Albus Dumbledore', then?


Re: [Video] modernholmes November 17 2011, 02:01:03 UTC
Only what I could discover in the library. I only found myself here a few days ago, and from what I hear he has not been seen here recently.


[Video] beforethesakura November 17 2011, 03:00:29 UTC
Hmph. How disgraceful, to bring others against their will and fail to be present to explain himself.

Can you tell me where this library is? I should like to see it for myself.


[video] gurenpiloting November 17 2011, 00:05:57 UTC
[Have a skeptical expression from this redhead, yup.]

Good luck trying to get that man to listen.


[video] beforethesakura November 17 2011, 01:36:10 UTC
[Gahhh, still not Albus Dumbledore (seriously, what kind of name is that, even), from the sound of it.]

It would only be to his detriment, if he didn't.

[Yep, he's still convinced that his grandfather will find and save him from this...'magic' school as soon as he notices he's missing.]

Have you met him, then?



[video] gurenpiloting November 17 2011, 20:28:53 UTC
Tell me about it. He owes us all an explanation or two.

[She shakes her head, sighing.]

I heard people saw him over at the Halloween feast, but I didn't get the chance to meet him myself.


[video] beforethesakura November 17 2011, 23:13:58 UTC
[Oh, he likes you so far. You agree with him.]

I am glad to see someone thinks so. The amount of complacence I've seen so far is startling in itself.


[video] designerchild November 17 2011, 01:20:18 UTC
Jii-sama? Listen buddy, I don't think these people give a damn what you've got happening back home. I'd settle in for the long haul if I were you.

[His face darkens.]

And I'd like to know what part of this war is "petty." People are dying here. We're in a difficult situation, but some respect for that is necessary.


[video] nooooooo lj why ;A; beforethesakura November 17 2011, 02:16:34 UTC
[...What is that question, even. Byakuya's just...gonna assume that you're from one of the outer districts of Rukongai. (but why would they need to kidnap someone like that?)]

Jii-sama is the proper form of address for one's grandfather.

And no, that is completely unacceptable. I cannot simply remain in this dimension indefinitely.

[A sigh, and he looks so unimpressed with that argument.]

People are dying all the time. Humans die, pass on to the Soul Society, and eventually die again, there, and their souls are reincarnated into the human world. It is simply part of the balance. Nothing to get worked up over.

And when humans do not properly pass on, it is then a shinigami's duty to assist, to prevent the creation of new hollows, and to purify the ones that they could not get to in time, so that those souls may pass on as well.

[All of this is recited calmly, as if he were answering a question posed by his grandfather, or one of the academy instructors.]It is not our place to interfere in the lives of humans. True, we are ( ... )


[video] /PETS designerchild November 17 2011, 02:45:32 UTC

Oh, uh. Gotcha.

[Jr.’s expression is curious but incredulous. Jii-sama? Where the heck is this kid from, anyway? That phrase wasn’t in any of the old Western flicks Jr. used to watch. He listens intently to the other boy before abruptly shaking his head, sighing.]

Yeah man, maybe in your world. Stop and take a second to realize that this place doesn’t obey the laws and physics of your world. There’s no Soul Society here and no reincarnation - [ well, not technically, but Jr. doesn’t know that dead students are revived yet ]. Back home, you get one shot at a life and that’s it. No do-overs.

[ Never mind the fact that chaos, KOS-MOS, and Shion were all reincarnated from their past lives…WE CAN’T ALL BE SUPER COOL BIBLICAL FIGURES. ]

Shinigami, huh? Now there’s a term I’m familiar with.

[ Not well, mind you, but Jr.’s read about them in the ancient Earth texts he read growing up (growing up being figurative, that is). He twirls his wand around idly.Jeez. You’re a proud one, ( ... )


[video] 1/2 evil goat :| beforethesakura November 17 2011, 03:35:48 UTC
Do not be foolish. Of course there is a Soul Society--not this dimension, obviously, but they are still connected.

...Unless the connection has been somehow altered or severed, in which case your 'Albus Dumbledore' is not only a greater fool than I had anticipated, but also endangering the stability of both dimensions, a crime that he will certainly be executed for, above and beyond kidnapping the heir of a noble.

[...yeah, he pretty much thinks he's in some remote part of the human world, right now. Specifically the human world attached to the Soul Society of his world.]

Are you, now? I take it that means you are a spiritually aware human.

Those that would break the law and harm or kill others are arrested and their fate decided by the Central 46, our highest judiciary body. I was given to understand humans operated under a similar system.


quill; justicelobster November 17 2011, 05:05:00 UTC
[ As a professor, he couldn't help but feel as though he had something of an obligation to alert the new... "students" to their circumstances (or at the very least to those that shared his house). Not to mention, this particular arrival had a queer manner of both speech and dress.

He couldn't help but wonder what sort of place this 'soul society' was. ]

You will soon find that Albus Dumbldeore cares little for the obligations of others, including those of us he had deemed "professor".

[ Even if the man claimed to be looking for a way to reverse the spell... he should have never cast it in the first place. ]


1/2 [ video ] beforethesakura November 17 2011, 08:55:20 UTC
[Byakuya's eyes widen in surprise as the words appear on the screen.]

...it writes!


2/2 quill; beforethesakura November 17 2011, 09:24:35 UTC
[It takes a moment or two to figure it out, but he soon figures out how to write using the commuter.]

It would seem he has little regard for us in general. And yet he expects us to be his warriors when he does not show us even courtesy enough of forewarning or preparation.

[Someone is not-so-quietly outraged in finding out from the last conversation that his spirit body has been tampered with.]

Random kidnappings will not win him any favors.

[Or maybe it will. People seem so accepting of this :|]


quill; justicelobster November 17 2011, 20:43:36 UTC
Your feelings are echoed by others.

However, it is becoming increasingly clear to me that it seems even he had no control over this spell that brought us here. It leaves us little choice but to serve here as he sees fit.

We are punished for his folly.

[ How many others would he bring that were required elsewhere? ]


video; darkbarrage November 17 2011, 06:14:31 UTC
[ eyebrows draw together, and he looks bewildered. ]

... did you even read the letter?


video; beforethesakura November 17 2011, 09:21:05 UTC
[He scoffs.]

Of course I have read the letter. How else would I know the name of my abductor, or the "reason" we've supposedly been brought here for?


video; darkbarrage November 17 2011, 09:25:01 UTC
You think what's going on in your world is more important than what's going on here. That's beyond dumb.

Stop throwing a tantrum like a little kid and giving death threats to the person who's trying to reverse the spell, idiot.


video; beforethesakura November 17 2011, 09:49:42 UTC
[Twiiiiitch. Did you just insult him. Twice. B|||||!]

My apologies. The possibility hadn't immediately occurred to me that one's life could be so inconsequential as to find validation in the summons of a stranger from an alternate dimension.

I am not making a threat so much as stating facts. It is a dire crime to tamper with the connection between the human world and the Soul Society, not to mention a dangerous, foolish course. The Central 46 will not be pleased when his actions are discovered.


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