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Nov 16, 2011 12:38

[Hello, Hogwarts and fellow Magicdrafted, please enjoy some complimentary scratchy, static-y noises as someone tries to figure out how the commuter works ( Read more... )

stannis baratheon, conan edogawa, byakuya kuchiki, gaignun kukai jr., kallen kouzuki

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[video] nooooooo lj why ;A; beforethesakura November 17 2011, 02:16:34 UTC
[...What is that question, even. Byakuya's just...gonna assume that you're from one of the outer districts of Rukongai. (but why would they need to kidnap someone like that?)]

Jii-sama is the proper form of address for one's grandfather.

And no, that is completely unacceptable. I cannot simply remain in this dimension indefinitely.

[A sigh, and he looks so unimpressed with that argument.]

People are dying all the time. Humans die, pass on to the Soul Society, and eventually die again, there, and their souls are reincarnated into the human world. It is simply part of the balance. Nothing to get worked up over.

And when humans do not properly pass on, it is then a shinigami's duty to assist, to prevent the creation of new hollows, and to purify the ones that they could not get to in time, so that those souls may pass on as well.

[All of this is recited calmly, as if he were answering a question posed by his grandfather, or one of the academy instructors.]

It is not our place to interfere in the lives of humans. True, we are honorbound to protect them from hollows and the destruction they cause, but should they choose to foolishly shorten their already small lifespans through war, it is neither our primary concern, nor our duty to mediate.

Doing would be impossible, in fact. The means necessary to communicate with humans would in themselves require us to assume a form that cannot defend them at all.

This 'magic' is a poor substitute for the abilities of a shinigami.

[...very few of which he even had yet, but that's not the point.]


[video] /PETS designerchild November 17 2011, 02:45:32 UTC

Oh, uh. Gotcha.

[Jr.’s expression is curious but incredulous. Jii-sama? Where the heck is this kid from, anyway? That phrase wasn’t in any of the old Western flicks Jr. used to watch. He listens intently to the other boy before abruptly shaking his head, sighing.]

Yeah man, maybe in your world. Stop and take a second to realize that this place doesn’t obey the laws and physics of your world. There’s no Soul Society here and no reincarnation - [ well, not technically, but Jr. doesn’t know that dead students are revived yet ]. Back home, you get one shot at a life and that’s it. No do-overs.

[ Never mind the fact that chaos, KOS-MOS, and Shion were all reincarnated from their past lives…WE CAN’T ALL BE SUPER COOL BIBLICAL FIGURES. ]

Shinigami, huh? Now there’s a term I’m familiar with.

[ Not well, mind you, but Jr.’s read about them in the ancient Earth texts he read growing up (growing up being figurative, that is). He twirls his wand around idly.]

Jeez. You’re a proud one, aren’t you? So what about the ones “foolishly” fighting to defend those they love from those who would harm them? What about the ones who have no choice but to take up arms or to give up and die? You can’t just lump them all together onto one side like that.

[ Jr. can’t help but get his hackles up; he’s a Gryffindor through and through. ]

Hey! No sweat there. In this form, you’re flesh and blood and you can defend them! Isn’t that convenient? So much for that excuse.

[ Then, with a challenging smirk, he adds: ]

Magic is only as weak as its owner.



[video] 1/2 evil goat :| beforethesakura November 17 2011, 03:35:48 UTC
Do not be foolish. Of course there is a Soul Society--not this dimension, obviously, but they are still connected.

...Unless the connection has been somehow altered or severed, in which case your 'Albus Dumbledore' is not only a greater fool than I had anticipated, but also endangering the stability of both dimensions, a crime that he will certainly be executed for, above and beyond kidnapping the heir of a noble.

[...yeah, he pretty much thinks he's in some remote part of the human world, right now. Specifically the human world attached to the Soul Society of his world.]

Are you, now? I take it that means you are a spiritually aware human.

Those that would break the law and harm or kill others are arrested and their fate decided by the Central 46, our highest judiciary body. I was given to understand humans operated under a similar system.


[video] 2/2 KABOOM beforethesakura November 17 2011, 03:49:35 UTC

[...yeah, anything he might have had to say dies in his throat right there, and he just...stares at Jr. in abject horror.]


E...everyone...can see me? Even normal humans? But how...[Aside from the tiny flutter in his voice, one might have even thought he was still calm. But then the dam breaks--]

Did...Did they put me in a gigai?!

[Byakuya hasn't been on practice missions in the human world, yet. He doesn't know how to remove a gigai. And that thought fills him with indescribable terror. He can only return to the Soul Society in spirit form...

He wraps his arms around himself, and for a brief few moments, he forgets his place and is before Jr. a mere boy. One who is lost in a new world, alone, and now, genuinely, afraid.

Jii-sama will come for him, he reminds himself, over and over, like a survival mantra. He will come, and he will know how to fix this, and they will go home, together. He will be fine. Everything will be fine.

Everything will be fine.]

Jii-sama...find me soon...

[The commuter is forgotten for now. And it's taking nearly everything he has not to start to cry. Kuchikis do not shed tears over such trivial things as this.]


[video] 1/3 designerchild November 17 2011, 18:09:09 UTC
[ Jr.'s smirk becomes more and more forced as Byakuya speaks. His jaw is clenched tight, as if he's holding back from interrupting, because there are arguments he wants to make, points he wants to voice, but this kid still isn't getting it and Jr. doesn't know if he cares enough to get it through his skull.

Spiritually aware human sends him into a fit of boyish cackling though.]


[video] designerchild November 17 2011, 18:12:50 UTC
[ When the kid cracks, though, Jr.'s smirk slips right off his face and his irritation is immediately forgotten. So much for the bravado, he thinks to himself, not unkindly. He feels somewhat guilty now; of course not everyone is going to share Jr.'s excitement to be here. This kid is only...well, a kid, and this is a strange new world where he's entirely friendless. Damn, Jr. really screwed up this time, didn't he?

He sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.]


[video] designerchild November 17 2011, 18:20:14 UTC
Can't say I know anything about a gigai, but I'm willing to bet humans will be able to see you, yeah.

[ Now he offers the other boy a small, hesitant smile. ]

Hey...it'll be okay. From the sound of it, this is a damn sure far cry from the home you've known, but you're not alone. We were all dumped here without our consent and you can bet we'll all find a way out.

[ He coughs, a little embarrassed with himself, and leans back from the commuter. ]


[video] beforethesakura November 18 2011, 22:52:14 UTC
[At the other's voice, he remembers the commuter beside him, and with one hand, pulls it closer.]

A gigai is a vessel for spirit beings that is detectable to ordinary humans. You could say that it is...a facsimile of a human body.

[His voice is a lot more subdued, now, and he's not even quite sure why he's explaining...he's supposed to be annoyed at Jr., and he was, until he'd made that one remark that had shaken him so deeply.]

Only spirit beings can reside in Soul Society. In this form...I could not return even if the senkaimon they brought me through was reopened. Removing a gigai is something I would have learned at the Academy eventually, but now....


[video] designerchild November 19 2011, 17:58:53 UTC
[ A gigai vaguely reminds him of the Hilbert Effect on the Gnosis. Interesting. ]

Now you'll have to learn it on your own. [ It isn't said to be cruel. He continues, taking a wild stab in the dark: ] I think your Jii-sama would have faith in your ability to do it, right?

[ In the back of his mind, Jr.'s mind is buzzing. Soul Society? Spirit beings? Unfortunately, now is not the appropriate time to question the boy further on the subject. ]


[video] apologies for delay, was on a minihiatus beforethesakura November 24 2011, 05:16:42 UTC
...If it is truly a gigai. I do not have any way of knowing if it is that, or if this 'magic' has tampered with my basic form.

[...But you made a good move, there. The comment about his grandfather having faith in him is a good distraction from being anxious about this.]

Yes, I suppose you are right about that. Thank you.

[Have a tiny little smile for your efforts, Jr. And a peace offering:]

And if I am to remain here until a solution is to be found, and the usual threats are absent, it is still my duty to defend humans against the threats that do lie here.


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