Open Post (to other females): Nature

Jul 28, 2009 11:45

Who: Sloane Wickham
Where: Girl's bathroom between classes
What: Feminine issues

"Oh for fuck's sake!" The stall was closed, but the angry drawl that came from within was audible through the whole of the girl's bathroom. Not that Sloane cared if others were in there to hear her complain.

An audience to do so wasn't necessary, but this was typical. The second week, and as nature would have it she was on her sodding period! Well, no, usually it was the first week of school, and Sloane thought she had escaped the dreaded tradition, but alas she hadn't. It had only been pushed back by a week.


Her already dim outlook on herself didn't need to be marred any further by hormones. Unfortunately, it was too late to counter. She felt bloated, ugly, and all around grumpy. All she wanted to do was to go back to bed for the next few days, but she decided to settle for the next best thing.

She would make everyone else miserable with her. It was a perfect plan. Now, she only needed someone to inflict this pain upon. Male or female, it didn't matter, but someone had to feel as miserable as she did.

Finishing in the stall, Sloane flushed the toiled, adjusted her uniform and exited. She made a beeline right for the sink, and sighed deeply as she washed her hands.

Today wasn't what she was hoping it would turn out to be.

post: open, character: sloane wickham, character: wendy tang, year: 1976

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