Open Post: Switching Spells 5th Years

Jul 28, 2009 22:05

who: Professor McGonagall + 5th Year Transfiguration Students
what: Switching Spell Lecture
where: First Floor Transfiguration Room

For all of her years teaching, McGonagall wasn't entirely sure which year she enjoyed teaching the most. Perhaps fifth and seventh, because it requires a lot of going over things the students already knew for their respective examinations. It allowed her to see how well they progressed with their skills in transfiguration.

"Today, class, we'll be discussing switching spells." McGonagall's voice rose over that of her students, and was pleased when the noise seemed to settle. "A switching spell may be used in many different ways depending on ones control, or perhaps the lack there of."

"A switching spell is essentially used to alter part or all of an object into something else." Moving about the front of the room, McGonagall cast almost a wary glance at the students. It was usually this precise topic that managed to get students into so much trouble.

"What one must consider at all times is that we are altering properties. Why must we always keep this specific fact in mind?" The Socratic Method was a great method.

character: bartemius crouch, professor: minerva mcgonagall, post: open, class: transfiguration, character: rabastan lestrange, character: narcissa black, character: isidora greengrass, character: amelia bones, character: dirk cresswell, year: 1976

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