(no subject)

Mar 06, 2009 19:35

Yo! Sup! I am back in town.

I’ve been skiing for a few days. Well, mostly snowboarding! It’s great! My third time on the snowboard, and I’m getting good! *pleased*

My sister’s boyfriend is really nice. His name is Chris by the way. (Hey Chris, you were our only friend… -Yeah, I was singing this the whole trip!). I like him a lot. His favorite phrase is “I don’t mind”. Seriously, he says it all the time. “Do you want pizza or spaghetti?” “I don’t mind”. It’s cute in a slightly annoying way.

The trip also included a lot of Swenglish. And I mean a lot. My mom is excellent in Swenglish. (It’s mostly pronouncing the Swedish word with an English accent. Like that would make it easier to understand. It’s probably the opposite, since Chris speaks German and can figure out some of our Swedish words.)

A lot of funny things can occur when you speak Swenglish. This one time my mom was telling Chris that “Johanna is a kinky girl”. (Johanna is my sister)
Chris was looking at her all calm-like and me and Johanna were cracking up. She just kept on repeating “She’s very kinky, a kinky girl.”

It feels like I've missed a lot. :)

my boring life

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