I'm going away...

Mar 01, 2009 00:44

Me: *accidentally bangs head against a lamp*
agnes_92 : Oouch!
Me: I didn't really hurt.
agnes_92 : It hurt inside of me.
Me:  I'm so sorry!

Was that funny, or am I just really tired?

I should be sleeping. I have to wake up early tomorrow, I'm going skiing (or possibly snowboarding)! Yay! I won't be back until thursday! My sister is coming with and she has brought her boyfriend. Boyfriends always weird me out. But that's mostly because I'm antisocial and incapable of holding a normal conversation with someone.

The boyfriend: Hi! It's my first time in Sweden.
Me: Oh, welcome.
Boyfriend: I haven't seen much yet...
Me: mm.. uh-huh...

And then my mom butts in and manages to make some actual conversation. I feel lame, cause my moms english isn't even very good. Mine is alright, as long as I have the courage to use it. But it's not the language that's the problem. I'd have nothing to say anyway!

Yeah, the boyfriend is British. He speaks with a cute accent. I love british accents. Sometimes it's odd how I keep falling in love with american bands, because I really love british music. I love bands such as The View and The Kooks.

Oh, well. I'm looking forward to a few days without school. Even though it's only been a weak since the break. We're going with another family as well. With a guy one year older then me. I don't particularly like him. But I'm sure I'll have a great time!

See you all thursday! Hopefully nothing too fun will happen while I'm gone!

Oh, and um, I actually really like Brendon's new short hair. I think it's cute.

my boring life, music

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