He is a real straight guy. He’s very straight. He’s just…cute.

Nov 16, 2009 22:00


- Fall Out Boy's thefortysixthirtytwo.com/ went live and my name is on it! Ah, two names left of "Melissa Modelson" right on Joe's chest. I fucking love FOB for how much they appreciate their fans and the way the show it. It makes us all feel special!

- The first part of Adam Lambert's interview with Out.com! Man, how awesome is it? I'm a huge fan of Out, I love their interviews with Panic! at the Disco and Gabe Saporta and they always ask the right questions and get great answers. I'm in love with Adam's brain!

How do you describe your sexuality?
I think one of the things about the gay community that’s really interesting is that while people own their homosexuality, there is a strange aversion to letting the masculine and the feminine exist within you in a balanced way. And for me, personally, I feel I have a very strong masculine side, and I also have a very strong feminine side. And a lot of people are scared to live in that gray area. There’s boys out in Boystown that are either really fem or really butch. It’s at the extremes. I love when I meet people that are just kind of comfortable being both. And they don’t have to identify being really butch or really fem. Why? Why would you have to?

I love and agree about his thoughts on gender-roles! It's all fluid and you just have to go with the flow.

(on being bi-curious) And it’s threatening.
Well, it’s threatening personally because you start identifying as a certain thing for so long, the idea of kind of going outside of that is scary because you’re like, “But that’s who I am!” Being curious and embracing that curiosity is all a part of what I’m about. You don’t have to be any one thing. You can kinda just be. Just live your life -- and play.

And he reminded me of this quote that was one of the first things I saved when I ventured into American Idol fandom and fell for Adam:

I was just telling my girlfriend the other day that one of the things I love the most about Adam is that his flaming, yes-I'm-gay-what-of-it?, eyeliner-wearing, high-pitch-wailing self is by FAR the butchest thing this show has seen in years. The queerer he gets, the more formidable he becomes, making all the other guys look like weak, little boys in comparison. What an awesome mindfuck for America.

I honestly don't know who said that, but it rings true to me.

- To top this entry (that is all about fandom!) off, have a gif that never fails to crack me up:

The way Archie catches that blob of shaving cream! And Cook laughing his face off!

american idol, adam lambert, david cook, david archuleta, fall out boy

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