giving you something to shout about...

Nov 22, 2009 17:49

Why is this awesome week already ending? :( I had no schoolwork at all, some lovely cd's came with the mail (Kris Allen! Adam Lambert! Say Anything!), I saw Magnus Carlson and the Moon Ray Quintet live and I went to New Moon. WHY IS THE WEEK NOT LONGER? Ugh, I do not want to do all the essays I have coming up.

- Magnus Carlson and the Moon Ray Quintet were amazing! They’re a Swedish jazz band and while I adore their album, seeing them live was sort of mind-blowing. I’ve never been to a jazz concert before and the way they would just break out into solos and make every song 10 minutes long was wicked!

Have a song: Comin' Home Baby

- Adaaaam Lambert! I love his music. I think Broken Open is my favorite track on the album, but I love Fever as well. And A Loaded Smile, I love his voice on the slower songs. The only song I’m not crazy about is If I had U. Idk, I love the verses and the lyrics but the chorus sounds like everything else Max Martin has ever written.

- New Moon. I enjoyed it a lot! Team Jacob ftw.

-And because today is Pimp sodamnskippy day:

Because Kevin/Mike is my crossover OTP! You should go read skoosiepants Some Kind Of Magic (JB are fairies!) right now!

So this is Mike Carden and Kevin Jonas:

This is what Mike's hair looks like nowadays:

And this is probably my fave pic of him:

He's kind of awesome, yo.


He's very handsome.

And he likes small dogs :')

jonas brothers, adam lambert, movies, recs, the academy is..., music, picspam

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