A glued together vase is still a vase

Nov 15, 2009 18:07

Yo, Christmas cards! I am not sending out cards this year! But I have signed up for a few of you guys’ and I just wanted to clarify that I’m not sending any back so if you want to skip me that’s fine and perfectly understandable! This is the first year I’ve had people on my f-list sending out cards and it has me kind of ridiculously excited! Hopefully I’ll be able to send cards next year, because I do love spreading the Christmas spirit. :D

Still, if I signed up for yours, you can totally just ignore it. Or, if I didn’t sign up for yours and you want to send me one, here’s my address:

Lisa Moberg
Artistgatan 22
64435 Torshälla

Here’s a random question that I’m curious about:

Poll Because most nights I do. I have a playlist with songs that I listen to before I fall asleep. I change songs regularly; sometimes it’s what I’m into at the moment, sometimes it’s just random songs that fit. They have to be somewhat slow (but not boring). They have to hold my attention because that’s exactly what I need, something to focus my thoughts on before I can fall asleep.

5 songs that are on my playlist right now:

The Tragically Hip - The New Maybe
Paramore - Misguided Ghosts
Andrew Bird - Measuring Cups
Kris Allen - I Need to Know
Fall Out Boy - Lullabye

The last song has been on that playlist since I got it (almost a year ago?). It never fails to calm me down in the best way. I LOVE that song.

So, what do you listen to before sleep? Or nothing?

And, I just watched Jonas Brothers walmart soundcheck dvd! I really enjoyed Burnin’ Up, with Nick J without his guitar! Basically it made me realize how much I love them Jonas boys. ♥

…I can’t find Demi’s dvd anywhere? Anyone have it or know where I can find it?

demi lovato, jonas brothers, music, christmas

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