how would it be, if you came and had tea with me

Nov 08, 2009 18:33

Hey! I've spent the weekend re-decorating my room and now I am TIRED. But it looks very pretty! My dad hung the new wallpaper yesterday (I can still smell the glue), and today we've been moving all my stuff back in and assembling ikea furniture!

I didn't take any before pics, so these are old ones with people in them!


I had so much stuff on my walls! And that's my friend Agnes.


I LOVE that wallpaper!

Before, the other end of the room:

That's my sister and her boyfriend. Lol, I seriously couldn't find any good before-pictures.


Nothing too exiting. Feel free to mock me for all my Potter-stuff.

All that's missing is a new tv. But all in good time. :)

my boring life

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