lets just piss away the day

Oct 22, 2009 20:38

Whenever I go to the bathroom I usually close and lock the door BEFORE I turn on the light. Anyone else do this? And then I hit the light switch but sometimes the light don’t go on right away so you have to wait for a few seconds, wondering if it’s going to work at all! It is so awkward when it doesn’t and you have to go out and go to another bathroom and you where in there for like 10 second! And, there are times when I close the door and everything goes dark and I cannot find the light switch! And I have to feel with my hands all over the walls or open the door again to get some light! OR it turns out that the light switch was on the outside! Awkward times, especially if there’s a queue. I should probably get rid of this habit.

• Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

magic_in_memory gave me these questions:

1. What is your secret, unattainable fantasy?
Oh gosh! I can’t think of a secret fantasy that I’ll be comfortable revealing here… Being a song writer? I’m a crap singer and I don’t have the musical knowledge to write stuff down, but sometimes I wish I could. (But at the same time I don’t want that knowledge because music for me is so magical and special and I don’t want to change how I feel about it.)

2. If you have pets, do you want anymore? If not, do you want any?
I don’t have any, but I desperately want a cat. We had one, but it passed away. I want one so bad, it is always at the top of my wish-list, but my mom refuses to get one. :( If not a cat, I’d love one of those pigmy hedgehogs!


3. Do you feel content with your life?
I don’t want to be one of those people who complain, but then do nothing to change. I am aware that I would probably be happier it I worked out and did my homework, but I am perfectly fine as it is! So yes, I am content with being a lazy face. :D

4. If given the opportunity, would you become famous?
That depends on what I’d be famous for! But yes. It’d be sweet meeting cool people and it is a great opportunity to voice your opinions and make some sort of difference. It’d be frickin’ awesome to have people write fan fiction about you ;)

5. What would be your ULTIMATE halloween costume?
OH MAN. I DON’T EVEN KNOW. I think Jack Skellington would be wicked. My friend is going as Edward Scissorhands this Halloween, that’s pretty awesome. (I’m being a vampire, because I’m dull. BUT I have these amazing blue false eyelashes and hopefully my makeup will look good, so.) I LOVE HALLOWEEN.

Music rec: The Limousines - Very Busy People
This was posted on Banana's Music Club a few weeks ago and I really really love it. It gets stuck in my head all the time!

i am a dork, meme, music

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