
Mar 07, 2004 00:23

What is the sky without the sun...What is the sky without the moon...What is the sky without the stars...

It is a sea of endless black that stares up at me from the water. There are no ripples to mar the smooth surface of the black mirror. There is only the reflection of what is there and the endless expanse.

It is the only thing that causes my terror...this endless blackness. It holds no light in its depths.

Yet, here I am reflected in its clear surface...a lone pale creature watching myself warily as if my own reflection were not of me. Could it be that I alone am a light in this darkness. Could so much depend on my existence that I must stand here and face this endless dark. Can one light make all the difference...can one light drive back the dark?

But even as I think this I cannot believe it. I look at her, that pale face in the water and wonder at how she has changed from the girl that was once held in the shiny surface of my silver glass. They are still the same person. Yes, she is still there but somehow more...than what she once was. A warior...yes I was always that even if it was once only fun. However that light that now shines so is new.

The spark now reflects in the water and I know that because of it there will always be those who would tell me that I must stand here and face this dark expanse...staring into it as it stares back at me...and I know that it is real and not just a reflection...

Star Child
A light in the darkness.
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