
Mar 31, 2004 21:42

I see her standing there. The proud tilt to her head. Forever poised as if about to move. Any moment now.

Look...at the way she stands straight and yet seems to lean back into her motion. Her grace is visible even though she will never have a chance to show it.

Look...at the way she shines. Her skirt lays delicately around her and her hair ribbon shines at well these two points of color radiating around her.

Look...how she inspires beauty even though she is young and not the standard.

I look on her with awe because she is motion frozen eternally and that is not easily done. She is relaxed and brings to mind a living being. When I see her my heart seems to flutter and my knees to tremble for some unknown reason I find this moment like no other I have ever experienced. She makes me want more from myself and marvel at all that can be achieved.

My belief in art is renewed as I look upon her for just a moment longer and wonder if I'll ever have this feeling again. Complete awe...

All this from a sculpture.

Illusion's Heart
Art is a living thing
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