Come back...

Mar 01, 2004 19:55

Ever have one of those days when your muse refuses to talk to you? I have them far too often for my own comfort. Sigh. What can I do?

A wish.

I wish to be creative.



A plea.

My muse I miss you, come back.

Not a word.


Just how am I supposed to be creative like this? Please come back. I'll give you sweets. Or perhaps shiny things.

Oh, how could anyone resist shiny things...I can't.

Begging. Flattery.

Oh, please come back! There is only so much I can do on my own and you are so wise and wonderful and...kind! If there was ever I time I needed you it would be now. I can't sleep you know. I'm stuck here...with strangers...I need a friend...who can help me write a sleeping that I won't go insane...although...then I might be creative without a muse!

Oh, you're back. I'm so glad we can finally get to work.

Hidden Powers
There are certain advantages to being different.
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