You're deaf... get used to it arsehole.

May 10, 2004 10:41

At my place of work some of my regular customers are deaf. Apparently, if you are deaf you have the right to be a complete fuckwit. "Oh, you can't understand what I am saying? Learn to lip read arsehole." They get angry with me because I do not know what they want. I get them to write it down if they get too angry but the problem with that is they write how they speak.
I once was forced to watch this movie about some blind and deaf bitch that overcame all her troubles and learned how to communicate. Oh no she was not just deaf, she was blind also but she had the hardcore wickedness to overpower her weaknesses and learned how to speak. She then gave speeches to massive crowds and shit. This movie was based on a true story.
Holy shit people, you are only deaf, deal with it and try and work with everyone else. YOU ARE A MINORITY, as if everyone would go out and learn some inane language so they could speak to some minority group. DEAL WITH IT and learn to work with us.
I have a rather funny story about these deaf people that come to my work. One day I was heading back to my car and I saw a couple of them driving through the car park. The one driving was signing to the passenger. I was thinking "holy shit, they are stupid as well as deaf." So I got out my massive nuts and slapped them across the face and left a note saying "Keep your hands on the wheel, bizinitch."
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