Apr 25, 2004 14:15
The people that wear Dada, Eminem or Snoop Dogg clothing (these are just a few examples) should just hang a sign around their neck with the writing, "I am a poor Wigga." This clothing shits me so very very much. For starters it is cheaps and falls apart really easily and the people who wear the full track suit style parachute shit look like shiny colourful turds.
I especially like the peoples that think they look really tough because they have 50 Cent plastered on the arse of their jeans, what they actually look like though is ABSOLUTE FUCKING IDIOTS. These fuckheads sit in their $200 shit pile of a car with their $200 sound system they purchased from the Reject Shop and turn it up so fucking loud it distorts and makes Ja Rule sound even worse, which I have to say actually takes a fair amount of skill because he sucks beyond words.
"We listen to real hiphop and we are fucking awesome." No, you listen to shit hiphop that you found out about whilst listening to Coma FM. 50 Cent does not even sound intelligible, talk about a mumbling retard. There is a down syndrome sufferer that comes into my work and he makes more sense then 50 Cent. Even though this guy takes about 20 seconds to say one word because his tongue has a mind of it's own, he still makes much much more sense. I should make a record label, sign him up and record a platinum album with him. The target sales group will be 50 Cent fans and once it has gone platinum I will release a shitty line of shitty clothes for shitty people. The brand name will be "Mongaloid", this will make me very happy to see all these cunts with that plastered on their arses. I hate these people so very very much.