(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 23:12

Why? Why do I never flip the dial when Matt Cooper comes on the radio? Why do I always sit there and get infuriated when he reads out texts from morons cribbing about "them Nigerian spongers"?

I have come to the conclusion that any sentence with a similar sentiment to "Fuckin' immigrants coming in here and taking our jobs, taking our dole, gettin' everything handed to them" actually means "I want more welfare". I'm sick and tired of it. Accusing immigrants of only coming to Ireland for the bounty our State provides fails on two counts. Who the hell is working at the cash registers in Dunnes? Who's standing behind the counter at Abrakestabra, serving drunks their fucky kebabs? Who's manning the petrol pumps and delhi counters at the service stations? Immigrants, non-nationals, migrant workers, refugees, asylum seekers - whatever you want to call them. What's your problem - they're fucking working, aren't they?! That's all I care about. They're not sitting on their arses, drawing the dole and not even bothering to look for work, like some Irish people out there. They take the low-paid, shitty jobs that others in the labour pool are either over-qualified for, or just can't be bothered to do. Good! They give back to the economy, and instil in any kids they have a sense that you have to work for your money.

Secondly - of course immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers/whatever are provided with housing, food, etc. They don't come here with anything. Local authorities are required to provide accommodation for Irish people too, in the form of council estates/flats, and now affordable housing, since property prices are through the roof. If you observe some disparity in the way Irish and non-Irish people are treated (for example, if Romanian families are being provided with free nappies and buggys while Irish families in similar financial situations get squat), don't blame the non-Irish people. Blame the government.

Now, all that said, there probably are some people who come here to gouge. But we've plenty of Irish people who do that too, because who'd work when you can sit around and let the government hand you everything? And I've never heard anyone ringing up the radio and suggest that we send our native-born gougers out of the country. No, that's reserved for the "Nigerian spongers". Even mothers with critically ill children who are due to be deported back home, where there aren't adequate medical facilities to treat them.


Meanwhile over at GAFF, Fortune Cookie wins a PRIZE!


gaff, rants

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