Short week

Mar 28, 2006 23:00

Nice short week this week. I've got Thurs and Fri off - my parents are going to Wales and since I have some leave left, I volunteered as child- and cat-wrangler for the few days. My grandparents would've stepped up if I hadn't, but I want to do it. I get on really well with Ozone, despite the fifteen year age gap (probably because I'm still a big child myself), and - no disrespect to the seanthuismitheoirí - I know she'd be happier at home in her own house, with the cartoon channels, the Playstation, and the kitty-cats.


Fell down badly on the swimming in February, due to other stuff going on. Am only getting back into it now. (Bad 'Wulf.) I'm sticking to it this time, though. It'll be worth it in the end.


Our kittens, Tiger and Angel, are kittens no more. They're nearly as long and as tall as Ash and Abby, though not as broad through the head and shoulders. I wonder if they're a different build, or if the Whiskas will eventually turn them into monster cats.

It's quite interesting to look at the relationships between the two sets of cats. Ash and Angel seem to get on the best. Tiger defers to Ash, who treats him more warily than he treats Angel; I think he's aware that Tiger's another male. Abby remains aloof, although she no longer hisses at the kittens for the sake of hissing at them. She'll now happily sleep on a chair while the kittens play on the floor, and pay them no mind. Unless they do something stupid, like creep up behind her and sniff her ears (as Angel did Saturday night, and got kitty-slapped for her trouble).

Angel's definitely the more sociable of the kittens. She'll shove her nose right up against Ash's, and persists in following Abby around in spite of bitter experience. Tiger's much more wary of the big cats, keeping his distance, even walking around the chairs they sleep on.

It'll be interesting to see how it affects the group dynamic when the kittens have to start spending most of their time outside (at the moment they're corralled in the kitchen when we're all out, and at night). We still haven't fed all four cats together, because Abby's a greedy bitch and will probably hunt the kittens off their food. Still, we've come this far without any kittens being torn apart, so I reckon the integration's been fairly successful.



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